Recipe Directions

1. In a food processor, combine all the hummus ingredients except the sun-dried tomatoes and spinach.

2. Divide hummus into three portions, leaving one of the portions in the food processor.

3. Put sun-dried tomatoes in the food processor with the hummus. Blend until creamy and slightly chunky. Remove sun-dried tomato hummus. Set aside.

4. Rinse processor and add spinach with the second portion of hummus. Combine thoroughly.

5. Sprouting is super easy. Place garbanzo beans in a glass jar or bowl and cover it with water. Let it soak in the refrigerator overnight. 

6. Drain beans then fill with water and drain again. Set the jar at a 45º angle with good air flow.

7. Continue to rinse and drain for a day or two until little white tails sprout from the bean.

Thedailyraw's Thoughts

By thedailyraw

The perfect vegetable + dip combo!

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Okay... i just made nearly this exact thing... but without spinach and it was sooooo good... I used to make home made non-raw hummus and I was always disapointed with it... so before I made this one I was already prepared for defeat... but its closer the taste of store bought hummus than I have ever before... yum yum yum... I was so excited about it I just left life a 5 min message on my sisters phone telling her how tasty it was

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This looks like great toddler food! I think I'll try it on my son. Does the sprouting make the chickpeas taste different?

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Maybe 2 cups unsprouted chickpeas? or how about 2 cups to be sprouted chickpeas :)


14 votes
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Ok...sprouting. Does sprouting have to occur in a jar...what about a glass bowl. I am soaking chick peas in a glass bowl...cover with cheese cloth. Ok I scrolled up and answered my own question. You are an angel.

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Okay... i just made nearly this exact thing... but without spinach and it was sooooo good... I used to make home made non-raw hummus and I was always disapointed with it... so before I made this one I was already prepared for defeat... but its closer the taste of store bought hummus than I have ever before... yum yum yum... I was so excited about it I just left life a 5 min message on my sisters phone telling her how tasty it was

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17 votes
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Okay... i just made nearly this exact thing... but without spinach and it was sooooo good... I used to make home made non-raw hummus and I was always disapointed with it... so before I made this one I was already prepared for defeat... but its closer the taste of store bought hummus than I have ever before... yum yum yum... I was so excited about it I just left life a 5 min message on my sisters phone telling her how tasty it was

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This is a great idea! I am going to try it out. I am also curious of if the sprouting will make the humus taste different. I will post my findings once I have tried it out.

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This looks like great toddler food! I think I'll try it on my son. Does the sprouting make the chickpeas taste different?

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Raw cheese and flax crackers! I must have been smoking parsley when I typed this recipe. Yes parsley or even cilantro would be great. Thanks again for looking after me, RCBAlive!

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By the way, I just noticed that the measurement for the tahini is 1/2 raw. I assume that should be 1/2 cup?

Another idea would be to use parsley instead of spinach for an herbed hummus, although I am not sure how much you would use.

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My pleasure thedailyraw. I think 2 cups dried chickpeas, sprouted would be very clear to all. I wonder how many other recipes have the same questionable reference when using soaked or sprouted ingredients.

12 votes
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Okay, first of all thank you RCBAlive for bringing this up, you had a very good point about the sprouting and I wanted to get it right, so thank you again. I think it is clear now.

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Maybe 2 cups unsprouted chickpeas? or how about 2 cups to be sprouted chickpeas :)

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Hi- I really like the colors of this one. It also gives your guests a choice - some may like the tomato and some may like the spinach more. I used to eat regular hummus and got to the point of not liking it. But I have found that freshly sprouted garbanzo beans are totally better and refreshing. If you've ever opened a can of garbanzo beans they can have a strong smell- but you don't get this with the sprouted ones. I also heard they increase endorphins in your brain so they're like a natural buzz or aphrodesiac. I like mine with cayenne and jalepenos as well! They might be good with apricots or peaches, or nectarines too. I love your presentation- sometimes I forget to do something like this and it's good to remember. It shows that you have a lot of fun with it and you make the lifestyle seem effortless. Great job!=)

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You're very welcome. Two cups before sprouting. I start with two cups of the chickpeas, then sprout them. Do you think it should read two cups sprouted chickpeas or two cups chickpeas, sprouted? I think I worded it correctly but any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Sounds and looks very good. Just for clarication purposes, when you say 2 cups of chickpeas, sprouted, do you mean 2 cups after or before you sprout? The chickpeas increase in size after soaking and sprouting and two cups before sprouting could end up being 3 or more cups after sprouting. Thanks!

18 votes
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Ooops, I guess that could be important, huh? I have corrected the recipe. Thanks.

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How much sprouted chickpeas? Did I miss it? :)

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That's a great question! You use the whole bean. And the tail doesn't have to be long. As soon as I see the white tail popping out, I use them.

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This was the easiest explanation on sprouting I have seen. I have one question, sorry if it’s kind of a dumb one but I really want to get into sprouting. When you see the white tails is that the only part that you eat or do you eat the whole thing.

Thank you

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