The Rawtarian Praise
Highlights from Laura-Jane's Inbox:

"The Rawtarian is one of my favorite food bloggers. I simply try eat as much raw food as possible. Fruits, nuts, and veggies. I do my best to make sure most of the things I eat are live foods, and then eat what I want from there. Luckily, live food does include chocolate!"
-Tanya Chisholm, Actress and star of Nickelodeon's "Big Time Rush"
Los Angeles, CA

"Working through as many of The Rawtarian's recipes as I can!"
-Pollyanna Woodward, World Record Holder and TV Host,
London UK

"Just because you've gone raw doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to bread, pastas or ranch dressing -- you just have to change your perspective on what those foods are. Try Laura-Jane The Rawtarian's Ranch dressing, pasta primavera or crackers."
-The Huffington Post

"Downloaded the raw recipe package - and quickly made the raw alfredo sauce over zucchini noodles. It was so tasty. I can't believe how much better I feel since taking up the raw lifestyle. Unbelievable!!"
-Arlene Mack, Artist, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada

"Laura-Jane The Rawtarian hosts the The Raw Food Podcast and is an active speaker in the USA and Canada. She creates recipes that would be a perfect contribution to a community feast."
-Vegan Life Magazine

"I've been preparing the recipes with ease (thanks to The Rawtarian's simplistic ingredients!) Now that I'm a member and have access to the meal plans, recipes, and videos (which I watch more than TV now days), I have already benefited tremendously."
-Yvette McCoy, Upland California

"I made The Rawtarian's raw caramel candies and thought I had died and gone to heaven! Both my husband and my boss LOVED them and have been asking for more. Thank you so much for the easy and delicious recipes."
-Ruth Sigela, Texas

"The Rawtarian website and membership has helped me as I transition to a raw food lifestyle. Laura-Jane's recipes support me and invite family members to eat with me."
-Linda Boone, Los Angeles, California

"Just wanted to pat The Rawtarian on the back and give her a big hug, from one raw foods chef to another. She does great work and inspires people, and we need more like her out there. I love her books."
-Andreea Fegan, Raw Food Chef and Owner, Little Bites of Joy, New Jersey

"I struggled for a long time with the viability of going raw, and Laura-Jane The Rawtarian's recipes have made it completely doable and simple, even. Not to mention delicious. I appreciate her being down-to-earth, personable, and really just putting everything she knows out there for all of us to benefit from in a wonderful, captivating format."
-Anjou, Designer, Portland, Maine

"Laura-Jane Koers, better known as The Rawtarian, makes one of the best spiralized zucchini ‘pastas’ around."
-The Chalkboard Magazine

"When I first started exploring raw foods somehow by great luck I found The Rawtarian. With her fresh and easy approach it is delightful to learn from her. I am eager to keep experimenting with all kinds of dishes. I am wowed by just how easy Laura-Jane makes the process. Watching the member videos really takes the guesswork out of the food preparation procedures plus explaining clearly what ingredients to use."
-Linda Healy, Certified Raw Food Teacher, Salt Lake City, Utah

"The Rawtarian's recipes are simple to prepare and as I tried them out I discovered they were DELICIOUS!! I have no desire to eat junk anymore, and I love to prepare your simple and super delicious recipes."
-Karina DeAquino, Owner, Alter Ego Makeup, Brazil

"Laura-Jane is a leading creator of simple, satisfying raw vegan recipes."
-Food Network Canada

"I just wanted to say thank you, as this month we've started a complete raw diet and I could not have done it without your recipes! You are a lifesaver! Thanks again!"
-Stella Skinner, Musician, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

"It has been a pleasure following you online and via the podcasts, and now with the your app we just downloaded to my wife's iPad! You're doing a great job and a terrific work. Great recipes and ideas. Keep it up! I can't speak for all your listeners, but my wife and I are true loyal fans who believe in what you're doing. We'll continue to support and tell others as much as we can."
-Tim and Jean Spillane, West Chester, PA

"I wanted to let you know that your materials are some of the BEST I have ever seen. The instructions are clear, assume no previous knowledge, and the recipes are really good! I also love the shopping lists. Much thanks!"
-Barb Shirland, Oregon

"I wanted to say a big thank you for the 4 week raw food challenge. I am on the home stretch and loving it."
-Amy Burgess, USA

"I couldn't believe all the choices available and how incredibly easy the recipes were. I've lost 30 pounds and I attribute a lot of that to the ease and variety of following the Rawtarian plan. Thank you Laura-Jane for providing tasty, healthy choices that make the raw lifestyle easier to follow."
-Michelle Laron Bryant, Training Supervisor, Rancho Cucamonga, California

"I was so frustrated with other raw recipes involving what seemed like 5,000 items! The Rawtarian recipes are elegant and easy. Somehow, I always seem to find myself going back to them in my recipe lists and choosing them over other raw recipes. The video tutorials that come with membership really made me feel excited about preparing the food, and I find Laura-Jane so engaging it's like having a funny, sassy friend in the kitchen with me."
-Darla Wigginton, Actress & Singer, San Francisco, California

"While several websites offer raw vegan recipes, there are few dedicated to raw food alone. And even fewer provide a forum for people to share their experiences with meal plans and must-have tools. The Rawtarian draws a base of raw foodies who are hungry to connect with a virtual community of like-minded people. As friendships that can't be formed offline blossom, people grow more loyal to the site."
-Maclean's Magazine

"Raw vegan chocolate cake by The Rawtarian... Um... YUM!"
-Bif Naked, International recording artist featured on The Tonight Show
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Low-Fat Raw CleanseAugust 22, 2019 -
7-Day Raw Summer ChallengeMarch 17, 2018 -
The Rawtarian
7-Day Raw Summer ChallengeAugust 18, 2015 -
7-Day Raw Summer ChallengeJuly 29, 2015
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