A yummy little patty that I make regularly. It was one of my first dehydrator items. I usually put it together in the morning and then they are ready for dinner! They darken up in the dehydrator and even resemble a real meat patty, but they taste better than any meat patty! Recipe inspired by Alissa Cohen.

Recipe Directions

1. In a food processor, blend carrots until diced. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.

2. Remember to add some herbs to taste! The original recipe calls for 1/2 teaspoon each of dried fennel, coriander, and curry; however, feel free to play with this and experiment.

3. Remove from processor and form into burgers.

4. Place burger on a mesh dehydrator screen and dehydrate at 105 Fahrenheit for 7-8 hours.

Divineprana's Thoughts

By divineprana

A yummy little patty that I make regularly.

It was one of my first dehydrator items. I usually put it together in the morning and then they are ready for dinner!

They darken up in the dehydrator and even resemble a real meat patty, but they taste better than any meat patty!

Recipe inspired by Alissa Cohen.

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Made it yesterday. Love it, Love it, Love it. I dared my husband to a month of raw (all January), he has been "crying" all month long, until yesterday. These were so great he actually asked for seconds. Should I buy Alissa's book?

52 votes
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Awesome. I gobbled them right up. It was great to walk in after work and have them ready to eat. I actually forgot them I made them. It was sooo quick to do, especially after I just made carrot juice. walking in to that yummy smell rocked! Thanks sooo much!! HC

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I made these but changed two things-one I didn´t have mushrooms and two- dehydrated for WAY too long because I put them in with my onion bread. So, I didn´t love them, but that´s my fault. My hubby actually liked them though, and he´s not raw. I do plan on making them again the RIGHT way because the ingredients are soo easy and nice.


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This is good! I made this last night and eating it now for lunch. I added one garlic clove, coriander and curry.

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Oh boy - I've got these in the dehydrator right now and just noticed that the recipe says "."5 teaspoons (as in 1/2 tsp) and NOT 5 teaspoons! Fortunately, it did occur to me that 5 teaspoons of coriander sounded like an awful lot, so I only added 2 tsp, but as it turns out -- that's still 4 times what the original recipe called for -- lol.

Well, it will be interesting to see how they turn out -- I'm leaving for a trip in the morning and I'll try to remember to come back and let you know. It's a good thing I like coriander! And it's a good thing I didn't add the curry or fennel. :-P

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I made these, and they were so good! I didn't follow the recipe extactly, but that's what makes Raw so fun, right? Loved them! Thanks for sharing!

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how many burgers did this make for you? i made 10 and they were way too thin (i ended up with crumbles). i added some water and stuck them together into 5 double burgers. any experiences?

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how many burgers did this make for you? i made 10 and they were way too thin (i ended up with crumbles). i added some water and stuck them together into 5 double burgers. any experiences?

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I know this recipe was posted forever ago -but I am just finding it and I LOVE it. I happened to be lucky enough to have a giant bag a pecans harvested from my gramdmother's trees in South Carolina - just waiting to be used justly! I made these with 3/4c SHITAKE and 1/4c baby bella. Didn't have cilantro so I grabbed some parsely, 3 types of basil and thyme from the garden. Threw them in the dehydrator overnight and couldn't resist having one for breakfast. WOW. I highly recommend the shitake for anyone wanting to switch it up - they have such a lovely deep, smokey (meaty) flavor.

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PS - This is the recipe that finally convinced me to buy Alissa Cohen's book, and I'm so glad I did! Even after two years raw, I found lots of useful info. And, of course, mouthwatering recipes. Thanks for sharing, divineprana!

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These are great! I used 1/2 tsp. fennel, 1/2 tsp. celery seed and sprinkled in some pepper flakes! YUMMY! I did let them dehydrate for almost 24 hours though because I wanted them dryer.

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I made these but changed two things-one I didn´t have mushrooms and two- dehydrated for WAY too long because I put them in with my onion bread. So, I didn´t love them, but that´s my fault. My hubby actually liked them though, and he´s not raw. I do plan on making them again the RIGHT way because the ingredients are soo easy and nice.

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59 votes
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Made it yesterday. Love it, Love it, Love it. I dared my husband to a month of raw (all January), he has been "crying" all month long, until yesterday. These were so great he actually asked for seconds. Should I buy Alissa's book?

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I'm fairly new to this raw thing and this is one of the first recipes I've tried...I LOVE IT! I've had a few of my non-raw friends asking me for the recipe! I make them every week. Thank you for posting.

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Great recipe! I had my doubts, I admit, but I have just eaten 3 patties out of the dehydrator -- yum!!! I'm going to treat these like falafel and wrap them in collard greens with tahini sauce. Thanks for a great (and fantastically portable) recipe! Oh yeah, and my apartment smelled glorious from the curry powder....

52 votes
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Awesome. I gobbled them right up. It was great to walk in after work and have them ready to eat. I actually forgot them I made them. It was sooo quick to do, especially after I just made carrot juice. walking in to that yummy smell rocked! Thanks sooo much!! HC

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Hi Rawmichelle, i find that putting them in an oven that has a pilot light seems to work in place of a dehydrator. I've done that to dry out my soaked nuts, so far so good. :o)

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This is so, so great--thanks for sharing the recipe!

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This sounds wonderful. I still need to buy a dehydrator, but will save this recipe. Thanks for sharing it.

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Thanks for this recipe... I'm still waiting to make dried patties out of it, because the batter is so good, I ated it all up! :-)

An accident with this made a wonderful new dip recipe, check it out:


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I use the carrot pulp and add a little extra water when processing in the food processor. It's good without the mushroom, too.

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By the way, I forgot to add, instead of a whole cup of onion, I halved it and added 1/2 cup chopped celery.

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Oh boy, I *love* this! I used carrot pulp and little of carrot juice. And I added a handful of spinach and it's SO delish! YUM!

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i am not into dehydrated food, though this sounds great... i would love to try it. ~thank you for wonderful creation!

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I use the almond pulp from making almond milk to make basically the same patty. I use different spices too. This is a very versatile recipe.

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Hello, i was wondering if this recipe can be made without a dehydrator? I have been looking for raw burger recipes and this one sounds really nice!! Thanks!

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Mothergoose9 that is what I did and it worked. The pulp will be drier. I put a little carrot juice a side to add to it and drank the rest of it. The reason being is when my juicer gets a hold of the carrots it doesn't have much taste left so I drank my juice and made my carrot-pecan burger.

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Could you use the carrot pulp from juicing instead of grating raw carrots....we have an abundance of pulp since my husband is prolifically juicing carrots in his battle against cancer......I hate to waste all that pulp.

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