1 serving
1 cup sunflower seeds (soaked and dehydrated)
1 cup Brazil nuts (soaked and dehydrated)
1 cup almonds (soaked and dehydrated)
1 large tomato
1 cup red pepper (diced)
¼ cup flax (ground)
Pinch of cumin (or to taste)
2 teaspoons salt (or to taste)
Recipe Directions
1. Blend all ingredients and spread on Teflex or parchment paper as thin as you like. Place in dehydrator.
2. After a few hours, score with a pizza cutter and return tray to dehydrator.
3. Once dry on top, turn the Cheez-Its.
4. Leave until crispy (all day!). Cheez-Its are ready to eat when completely dry and crispy.
Omshanti's Thoughts

Now I honestly have never had a Cheez-It in the last 20 years or so, but my hubby is a snack connoisseur. He loved these.
He said it was like a nacho spicy Cheez-It!
Ah! It warms my heart to see him eating healthy snacks.
By the way, the “batter” made a nice nori wrap filling for my lunch today with cucumbers and avocado and lettuce.
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Top voted
Apr 24, 2010
I haven't tried this recipe but I thought adding some turmeric might give you that authentic cheezit color
Apr 26, 2010
real new to all of this, this would be my first recipe. About soaking, how long do I soak the nuts before I dehydrate them? and about how long would it take to dehydrate them once soaked?
Apr 16, 2010
These are brilliant! We LOVE them! Thank you!
Feb 09, 2012
I loved this. It's not like raw cheeze I knew and feels more balancing and sattvic so I like it more. has hints of nacho.
I like to make this in half portion which is just right for my processor.
Dec 25, 2010
Omshanti thank you SO MUCH for this recipe! I cannot, though, digest sunflower seeds or flax. Could you give me a substitute nut? Thank you!
Dec 06, 2010
We had these at a rawfood potluck just last night and they were unbelievable. I am going to soak the night right now.
Nov 27, 2010
These are awesome. I added nutritional yeast, lemon juice, jalepeno, and onion and even though they aren't finished dehydrating, I can't stop "checking" on them. By "checking" I mean eating. My store didn't have raw Brazil nuts so I used macademias and they taste great. So rich and savory!
Sep 13, 2010
I made these minus the flax seed, and they still hold together well, i have taken to not using them at all with this type of thin cracker. I too just don't care for the taste, unless I am making flax crackers.
This is a keeper
Jun 23, 2010
I followed the recipe to the T and added the following things... about 2 tsp taco seasoning, 1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp garlic powder, 2 tsp of salt, about 1/4 C Nutritional Yeast... I dehydrated these for a long time, I scored them with a teeny square cookie cutter so they have the same shape as the real Cheeze Its... these taste soo good, they really do taste like a Cheeze It, and they're orange too!
May 23, 2010
I have to make these! I just need brazil nuts. Is it okay if I soak the flax seeds and then grind them into a dough?
May 23, 2010
I am trying to make raw food my son will like, and he loves the regular cheezits. We'll have to try these!
May 15, 2010
wow i havent beenhere in a coons age and i love the feed back and im sorrythat the questions went unanswered...
dimcg, soak all nuts 6 to 8 hours and dehydrate 24 hours or more until they are really crunchy....if i drop an almond on the floor after dehydrating it it usually shatters! teehee
jacob782, they are pretty orange from the red pepper..but experiment away if you wish!
LauraJ you are correct in all your explanations. have no idea why I forgot to put cup in there for the flax, I usually eyeball flax as i hate the flavor so i use only enough to make it the consistency i like.
Apr 26, 2010
real new to all of this, this would be my first recipe. About soaking, how long do I soak the nuts before I dehydrate them? and about how long would it take to dehydrate them once soaked?
Apr 24, 2010
I haven't tried this recipe but I thought adding some turmeric might give you that authentic cheezit color
Apr 16, 2010
These are brilliant! We LOVE them! Thank you!
Apr 15, 2010
I made these yesterday and they are almost gone! I've already sent the recipe to all my friends. Even my boyfriend, who never eats Raw Food, loves them. THANK YOU!
Apr 09, 2010
Ok.. so I found this recipe and thought, wow cheezits I used to love those. I followed the directions to the "T" and.... THEY TASTE LIKE CHEESE!! I am blown away and have no words to describe how totally amazing of a concept this is. I sent some to my family and they couldn't believe it either! In fact my mom said she likes them more than normal cheezits. Thanks for this recipe.
Oct 25, 2009
Looking at the recipe proportions here, it makes sense to add 1/4 cup ground flaxseed.
Oct 17, 2009
how much ground flax? 1/4 ? teaspoon or tablespoon or cup?
Oct 06, 2009
I reckon she means you take one cup each of the nuts and seeds (1 c brazil, 1 c sunflower, 1 c almonds), soak them, then dehydrate them till dry again, then you blend in food processor. This makes more digestible by soaking and not soggy by dehydrating them after they soak up plump with water.
Oct 01, 2009
Would you please clarify the quantities for sunflower seeds, almonds, brazils - one cup soaked and one cup dehydrated of each??
Many thanks.
Sep 26, 2009
Hi I made these with a little change but I have to tell you I think they are the best thing I have made yet! I added a quarter cup of sesame seeds I had soaked for three days thinking they might sprout- but they didn't. I also didn't have a tomato so I added a third to a half of a cup of left over spaghetti sauce that had sun dried tomatoes, onions, garlic, and red pepper. I added almond meal which was nice because I didn't have to worry about grinding it. I don't have anything that will get it that fine. I chopped the brazil nuts and sprouted sunflower seeds in a cuisinart. Do you get everything really fine or leave some coursely chopped? Anyway, It worked for me- it had a really rustic texture and cheesy taste. I wonder if the three nuts together trick the tongue into thinking "cheese!" somehow. Like an overload in the tastebud-brain connection. These are seriously like some kind of alchemical mastery of molecules... Also, I can be starving and eat one and I'm almost satiated. Then they make me want to eat any green thing I see- watch out sugar peas, lettuce- even kale! I haven't even tried them with dip yet. If you have one you recommend- let me know!
Sep 20, 2009
Wow this looks great. I'll make some asap!
Sep 20, 2009
Oh boy Cheezits! My mom always had a box of these around - we were not allowed to run out! I never had the "nacho" ones though! Looks yum!
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