Recipe Directions

1. Put 2 cups of the chopped walnuts, the vanilla extract, and all of the date paste into the food processor and process until it reaches a dough-like consistency, adding olive oil if necessary.

2. Move the mixture into a large bowl and mix in the remaining cup of chopped walnuts.

3. Shape the dough into 1 inch balls and roll them in the almond flour.

Balletomane's Thoughts

By balletomane

A raw adaptation of a winter holiday classic.

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54 votes
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the walnuts are not soaked, and date paste is just dates ground up with water

53 votes
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This sounds quite good. I have a question though - is it a total of 12 Tbsp of date paste or did that ingredient just get posted twice?

43 votes
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Warning to you guys- since the nuts substitute flour, it is EXTREMELY rich. Don't make the mistake I did and eat more than four in a day : )


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maxer's Review

Russian Tea Cakes
3 out of 5

Russian tea cakes appeared in Russia in the 18th century as a confection used in a tea-sharing ceremony. By the 20th century, they were a part of wedding and Christmas traditions in the U.S., known by their popular "Russian tea" name.In this blog always got something new. Absolute Source and its subsidiaries has strategically designed and implemented each project to build our client’s customer base and increase revenues.Orange County Web Development The term "Mexican wedding cake" seems to have emerged in the U.S. in the 1950s, possibly a result of strained relations with the Soviet Union.

54 votes
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the walnuts are not soaked, and date paste is just dates ground up with water

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26 votes
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Question - are the walnuts soaked & where do you find date paste? Thank you - these look yummy - my Mom used to make the traditional version ~ I was sooo pleased to see a raw version - can't wait to try them.

29 votes
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These are lovely and very easy to make. As balletomane said though, they're very rich! They'll make a wonderful holiday treat.

43 votes
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Warning to you guys- since the nuts substitute flour, it is EXTREMELY rich. Don't make the mistake I did and eat more than four in a day : )

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33 votes
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I found that these have a better texture when they are left out overnight. They feel less soft, and more like a cookie.

29 votes
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hi!... thank you for this recipe...these are very quick and easy to yummy:)

30 votes
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There we go. This picture looks closer to how it really looks.

23 votes
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No, I wish my camera worked so I could take a picture of the ones I made. As soon as it is fixed, I will definitely post a picture. They are really a bit darker from the dates, and the almond powder is a more tan than white.

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25 votes
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They do look a little light for using date paste as the sweetener and almond flour as the "powdered sugar coating". I'm going to give these a shot but mix my almond flower with with some stevia powder.

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Hello Balletomane,

Is the picture you posted of the raw Russian tea cakes?

53 votes
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This sounds quite good. I have a question though - is it a total of 12 Tbsp of date paste or did that ingredient just get posted twice?

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Wow awesome. My grandma used to make the (traditional) version of these every year and I was trying to figure out how to veganify them the other day. I'll have to try the raw version mmm. Do you find these are comparable to the originals? I'd love to bring some raw goooooodies to the fam Xmas this year :P

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These really look wonderful, is this your picture?

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