2-3 dehaydrator trays
1 cup raw almonds
1 cup flax-seeds
2 cups water
1 tablespoon sea salt (optional)
Recipe Directions
1. In a food processor or dry container for Citamix, grind almonds and flax seeds until fine. Add salt (optional).
2. Add 2 cups of water and process. Add more until it is fluffy. If too sticky, add more water.
3. Spread on teflex and dehydrate for 3-4 hours. You can cut time significantly by starting at 145 Fahrenheit for 1 hour and than 115 F for the remainder. If you prefer lower temps like 100-105 Fahrenheit, it works just as good.
4. Flip and cut with a pizza cutter into squares or any shape like pizza triangles. The smaller you cut, the quicker they dehydrate.
5. Dehydrate for 8-16 more hours.
Smidbrod's Thoughts

These are amazing crackers. They are very easy to make and will go well with savory or sweet dips, spreads, or pates.
You can use the almonds powder left over from making almond milk, or add herbs, veggies, and seasoning to make different flavors.
I developed these because I am not a huge fan of flavored crackers competing with the flavors of what I put on them. This is great as a pizza crust.
I hope you like them as much as I do! Stores well for 2 weeks to 1 month.
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Top voted
Jun 01, 2010
Nah, you either need to use paraflex drying sheets or parchment paper. You can buy unbleached parchment paper at Whole Foods.
May 11, 2010
I just got my dehydrator and it only has a mesh screen. Will that work?
Jan 19, 2010
Finally a cracker/bread substitute which I actually liked! Usually I don't like dehydrated stuff, for some reason, and I've tried a couple of bread/cracker recipes, ending up giving it all to my boyfriend. But this one was good! Thank you so much for sharing!
Jun 23, 2018
These are great! I experimented and made the second batch with 1/4c of ground flax seeds and 1c whole raw flaxseeds. They’re not as “stick to your teeth” this way.
Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App
May 01, 2011
I'm sure you have it figured out by now, but you can always use parchment paper in the dehydrator instead of teflex. Don't use wax though, as it will melt to your food, and maybe make them stick! ;)
Jan 30, 2011
I'm in love with these. Make double batches because I eat so much of the batter. ha ha :)
Oct 08, 2010
I added some 1 T. nama shouyo & fresh rosemary to the mix- they turned out wonderful!
Jul 10, 2010
When I Vitamix the seeds/nuts they get so hot I'm sure they're cooked!! How do you avoid that? I doubled the recipe and added 1 cup sunflower seeds instead of almonds plus a few drops of Bragg's
Jul 03, 2010
Well, I have to change my comments a bit. After trying other cracker recipes I have found that my personal taste is for crackers that are whole soaked flax seeds. I just don't go for the ground, so for those who don't mind the craters of their molars filled with mushed cracker (hard to get out), then go for this one. The taste is fine, it's the hassle with the teeth afterward that doesn't work for me.
Jun 18, 2010
Great recipe! I like them plain and with Italian seasonings, etc. just like the store version.
Jun 09, 2010
Yum! I was looking for recipes to start my dad into some raw food, but I'll have to make enough for me, too. Thanks for the recipe!
Jun 06, 2010
Oh, one more thing. I made almond milk first, since I wanted some anyway, and then used the almond pulp! What a super way to use that up for a really great recipe!
Jun 06, 2010
THANK YOU! I made mine plain, since it was the first time with the recipe, and decided to use the salt. I made them extra thin and they came out FANTASTIC! I'm newly raw (Day 10) and only have an old Ronco dehydrator that I pulled out of my garage to try some things. These crackers are going to inspire me to invest in an excalibur. Terrific, thank you!
Jun 01, 2010
Nah, you either need to use paraflex drying sheets or parchment paper. You can buy unbleached parchment paper at Whole Foods.
May 11, 2010
I just got my dehydrator and it only has a mesh screen. Will that work?
Jan 27, 2010
I'm still getting used to how thin to spread the dough to get a nice, firm (or at least not brittle) cracker. Any suggestions?
Jan 22, 2010
These were so easy, and great! I added some Italian seasoning.
Jan 19, 2010
Finally a cracker/bread substitute which I actually liked! Usually I don't like dehydrated stuff, for some reason, and I've tried a couple of bread/cracker recipes, ending up giving it all to my boyfriend. But this one was good! Thank you so much for sharing!
Jan 09, 2010
I wonder if you don't soak the almonds first if you can still loose the enzyme inhibitors by grinding to a powder? So I guess I'll soak almonds just to be sure. Sometimes the simply recipes are the best! Thanks.
Jan 05, 2010
Fabulous! I used leftover almond pulp and this was a great way to use it. I think that I'll grind my flaxseed in the coffee mill next time. My food processor doesnt break them up much. Easy to spread thin. I can see how these would be good plain or seasoned. 5 stars!
Dec 10, 2009
I made these for a trip abroad (for plane food, etc) and they were SO good. They kept for at least 10 days as well. The simple flavor made them delicious with any spread. I can't wait to make more and get creative with the spices.
Nov 23, 2009
Yummy! I added italian spices to mine, about 1 T. and hopefully they'll taste as good as then did when I sampled the batter before dehydrating :)
Nov 23, 2009
I brought these to our weekend potluck -- and they were a huge hit. In fact, there were none left for me to bring home, so I promptly made another batch just for me! Great recipe - and so quick and easy to make!
Oct 17, 2009
Easy to Make and oh so wonderful to eat! I am thrilled. Thank you so much for sharing this!
Sep 25, 2009
you can use the left over soaked almonds from almond milk, or soak them then grind, you can also not soak them.
Sep 24, 2009
This is so easy and so good.
Thank you
Sep 21, 2009
Hi! Thanks for the inspiration! I love the way they darken up just like the real thing. I put some of the batter plus ginger and black sesame seeds on zucchini, rolled in flax meal ann garlic salt and dehydrated. I then dipped it in soy sauce and it tasted just like tempura!
Sep 20, 2009
What a great idea! Thanks!
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