This is a wonderful dish. I eat it for breakfast almost every day. I slice a banana or two on top of it. It always tastes better after being refrigerated for awhile.

Recipe Directions

1. Cut the apples up (I take the skin off because the skin gets really chewy) and put into the food processor with the figs (cut the stems off).

2. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top and let the processor rip! I really let it go because I like it as smooth as possible.

3. Put the raisins in the blender with 1/2 to 3/4 cup water (I use a mixture of the fig and raisin soak water) and liquefy.

4. Mix it in the processor with the apples and mix well.

Conobill's Thoughts

By conobill

This is a wonderful dish.

I eat it for breakfast almost every day.

I slice a banana or two on top of it.

It always tastes better after being refrigerated for awhile.

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I have a lot of apples that need to be used and i'm def going to try this tomorrow!

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I've been wondering what to do with those mission figs I bought. I'm going to try this for my little son. He likes puddings and sauces.


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I've been wondering what to do with those mission figs I bought. I'm going to try this for my little son. He likes puddings and sauces.

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I have a lot of apples that need to be used and i'm def going to try this tomorrow!

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