This sounds awful and tastes unbelievable. Delicious and energizing, a supremely indulgent way to drink up those greens! The measurements are approximate. The cilantro adds depth to the chocolate. My current favorite!

Recipe Directions

1. Put all the ingredients in a high speed blender and liquify.

Greenie's Thoughts

By greenie

This sounds awful and tastes unbelievable.

Delicious and energizing, a supremely indulgent way to drink up those greens!

The measurements are approximate.

The cilantro adds depth to the chocolate.

My current favorite!

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21 votes
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Hi, ardesmond2,

The cilantro doesn't stand out at all. This recipe doesn't taste at all like it reads - just like most green smoothies.

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I like the this mixture I just hope that the cilantro really doesn't stand out, not a big fan. I will have to try it to see. keep it up greenie.

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ardesmond2: cilantro has a flavorful charachter... though it is an amazing herb that gives a cleansing boost to the liver. ayurvedic doctor Robert Svoboda really recommends using fresh cilantro particularly for cooling and balancing for all doshas. it helps to reduce heat or inflammations and beneficial to maintain helaty skin.


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ardesmond2: cilantro has a flavorful charachter... though it is an amazing herb that gives a cleansing boost to the liver. ayurvedic doctor Robert Svoboda really recommends using fresh cilantro particularly for cooling and balancing for all doshas. it helps to reduce heat or inflammations and beneficial to maintain helaty skin.

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21 votes
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Hi, ardesmond2,

The cilantro doesn't stand out at all. This recipe doesn't taste at all like it reads - just like most green smoothies.

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19 votes
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I like the this mixture I just hope that the cilantro really doesn't stand out, not a big fan. I will have to try it to see. keep it up greenie.

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