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Makes 6 Cups -
1 cup Goji Berries
4 bag Green Jasmine tea , steeped in hot water
3 bag Goji Green tea (or Crannberry Tea), steeped
6 cup water
3½ tablespoon Honey or Agave
1 Happy Healthy Kombucha Mushroom!
Recipe Directions
Start with a clean happy Kombucha mushroom. If you don’t have any starter tea, go to the store and buy a goji kombucha in a bottle. Let your mushroom steep in this store bought kombucha to soak up healthy cultures.
Boil 6 cups water While water is boiling add 1 cup Goji Berries to Starter tea (either store bought or what you already had from previous batch). Steep 4 green tea bags w/ 3 goji tea bags (or crannberry tea- something red with flavour) Let tea cool to room temperature Add Mushroom, healthy kombucha starter tea, and Goji Berries. Put in Large Mason Jar Cover with thin natural cloth and hold with rubber band Bless Kombucha (or at least say a few nice things to it, after all, it is making you your tea for you – that’s hard work! all that sleeping, and eating and floating). Store in Dark, Warm cabinet for 1 to 2 weeks (depending on how strong you like.) Take down, say hello, greet new baby and pour yourself a glass.
or, Pour Tea in jar (without mushroom), seal and refridgerate for 1 or 2 weeks – this will create that nice carbonated fizz.
Orquidea's Thoughts

I talk to my kombucha mushies and they tell me what they need. this is no joke. recently i have been rinsing my mushrooms in purified water and letting them sit outside in the sun. They are alive and i get this amazing sense when i am preparing them, like they want the best life possible and together we can create a simbiotic relationship. Relationships with our food?! outrageous!
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Top voted
Oct 07, 2009
Do you have a good source for purchasing a kombucha? I really miss having one after many years without!
Dec 12, 2010
Someone please enlighten me...what exactly is kombucha? I mean I gather it's fermented tea, but please extrapolate, I'd like to try this!
Nov 23, 2010
Nevermind, i just can't read properly, i figured it out. Thanks for the recipe! Can't wait to taste it!
Jan 23, 2011
It is not technically a mushroom but a beneficial probiotic bacteria that looks like a mushy. It is cultured and etc It give you a rush its full of b vitamins and just alivens your senses and provides mental clarity. I reccomend you start by purchasing a bottle and giving a try. You can grow your own by taking the bottom third of the bottle and leaving with a papertowel rubberband lid put in dark warm closet and let grow for a month then you will be able to make a recipe.
BTW our fave is GT Daves he has a strawberry, guava, and gingerberry and they have no added sugar just kombucha and berry or fruit puree. YUM
Dec 12, 2010
Someone please enlighten me...what exactly is kombucha? I mean I gather it's fermented tea, but please extrapolate, I'd like to try this!
Nov 23, 2010
Nevermind, i just can't read properly, i figured it out. Thanks for the recipe! Can't wait to taste it!
Nov 23, 2010
This recipe confuses me. I've been making kombucha for a long time, but never tried it with anything but green or black tea. Do you just soak the berries in the starter batch then add the cold tea and let it distill? or do i put the berries in with the tea and let them steep?
Apr 13, 2010
After looking at this recipe for the past six-months I'm finally trying it! Nothing like a long Chicago winter to try new recipes. Thanks!!
Oct 07, 2009
Do you have a good source for purchasing a kombucha? I really miss having one after many years without!
Sep 27, 2009
I love this picture of you with the flower that I took, remember? Love u darling! I see ya everywhere, thats amazing!!
And for sure, I'm gonna try this recipe and keep giving love to my kombucha.. actually you inspired me to work deeper in my relationship with this generous friend of mine... Plenty of love and peace to you sweet little mouse!
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