This is a variation of The Lazy Girls Squash Soup posted here by Juleskess. I called it Double-Squash soup because it has both winter squash and summer squash in it.

Recipe Directions

I took juleskess’s awesome advice and grated the butternut squash before putting it in my poor, overworked food processor, and I only used half of it because I got tired of peeling and grating!

I love winter squash, but what a lot of work they are. So anyway, combine the grated butternut, the summer squash (not sure what variety I had, it was shaped exactly like a zucchini but it was a gorgeous electric yellow color), corn, salsa, cumin and nut milk in your food processor and turn it on. As it’s blending up, pour in the water to your desired soup consistency. Personally, I like mine pretty thick. At this point I heated my soup veeeerrrry slowly and gently on the stove until it was just warm, but it’s equally yummy cold so whatever floats yer boat.

Then I diced up half an avocado, put it in a soup bowl and lightly salted it with sea salt, ladeled my soup over the avo, and sprinkled the top with minced cilantro. I’ll have the leftovers today for lunch and I’m thinking about making up some kind of cilantro pesto (cilantro, lime juice, olive oil, etc.) to swirl in. Mmmmmmm!! This turned out so yummy and satisfying!

Jenergy's Thoughts

By jenergy

This is a variation of The Lazy Girls Squash Soup posted here by Juleskess. I called it Double-Squash soup because it has both winter squash and summer squash in it.

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Poured over chunks of Avocado??? Jenergy, you have officially rocked my world. If you like Cilantro pesto you should try the tamarind dipping sauce recipe on here. It is out of control.

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Yeah, I've been eyeing that dipping sauce recipe for a while... only I'm not sure what tamarind is and where to obtain it. Haven't looked that hard, tho', to be honest. ;o) I didn't have enough cilantro to make pesto to go with the leftover soup, so I warmed it slightly and then poured it over some chunked avo and raw spinach, with the rest of my cilantro minced on top. Wowee! Good stuff, man. Thanks for posting the inspiration for this crazy concoction, juleskess!

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Hi. This sounds so good and "doable"!


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Yeah, I've been eyeing that dipping sauce recipe for a while... only I'm not sure what tamarind is and where to obtain it. Haven't looked that hard, tho', to be honest. ;o) I didn't have enough cilantro to make pesto to go with the leftover soup, so I warmed it slightly and then poured it over some chunked avo and raw spinach, with the rest of my cilantro minced on top. Wowee! Good stuff, man. Thanks for posting the inspiration for this crazy concoction, juleskess!

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Poured over chunks of Avocado??? Jenergy, you have officially rocked my world. If you like Cilantro pesto you should try the tamarind dipping sauce recipe on here. It is out of control.

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Hi. This sounds so good and "doable"!

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