This smoothie boasts almost 300% of your daily Vitamin A thanks to the beta carotene in this combo. Beta Carotene nuetralizes free radicals, strengthens immune functioning, and promotes health skin cells. With 165% of your daily Vitamin C needs, it helps maintain collogen in your skin as well. 16 % of your daily...
  • Yield

    1 or 2, depending on how much you drink. i drank all of this.
  • Equipment

Recipe Directions

Combine the nectarine, orange, carrot, lemon, and juice of choice in the blender and blend until smooth and all chuncks are blended. Add in the spinch, agave if using, and then fill the blender up with ice. Blend until all the ice is crushed in and there’s a loverly light green smoothie thats very tasty and smooth and great for your skin. Yummm…

Rawrach's Thoughts

By rawrach

This smoothie boasts almost 300% of your daily Vitamin A thanks to the beta carotene in this combo. Beta Carotene nuetralizes free radicals, strengthens immune functioning, and promotes health skin cells. With 165% of your daily Vitamin C needs, it helps maintain collogen in your skin as well. 16 % of your daily calcium is a great way to start your morning too. This is not including whatever juice you pick and the nutrients from that. Drink up!

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I think you can probably sub apples and it would be just fine, or maybe a peach or apricots to stick with the beta-carotene theme...

24 votes
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i'm in a total smoothie-mood today....i love drinking my meals. and this recipe looks great. gonna go make some now....however, what would be a good replacement for carrots (dont have any at the moment)? apples?! i'm goin' for it. thanks!


29 votes
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I think you can probably sub apples and it would be just fine, or maybe a peach or apricots to stick with the beta-carotene theme...

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i'm in a total smoothie-mood today....i love drinking my meals. and this recipe looks great. gonna go make some now....however, what would be a good replacement for carrots (dont have any at the moment)? apples?! i'm goin' for it. thanks!

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