Recipe Directions

Clean & prepare all ingredients.

Blend until smooth.


Rawks0me0rama's Thoughts

By rawks0me0rama

My first attempt making a soup. Simple ingredients. Easy to make. It was yummy enough that my non raw daughter actually asked to try some & liked it! :) I will warn you though, while the amount of garlic I added made it taste scrumpshdeeleeumpshious … my honey was not impressed with my breath. Might not want to eat right before kissing your sweetie. {LOL}

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Yummy. I made this last night for dinner, it was great. Am I the only one who gets a kind of "buzz" from eating raw garlic?

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This looks absolutely splendid! I always make sure my hubby eats garlic too...whether he knows it or not ... Its amazing how full you can get on raw soup!


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Yummy. I made this last night for dinner, it was great. Am I the only one who gets a kind of "buzz" from eating raw garlic?

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This looks absolutely splendid! I always make sure my hubby eats garlic too...whether he knows it or not ... Its amazing how full you can get on raw soup!

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