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  • I found this link and surprise the ingrediant of a McDee hamburger http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/3727
  • Lemon juice helps flush your liver out.Which I use every day. Try this link http://www.amaluxherbal.com/The_Liver_and%20Gal…
    in liver flush? Comment by TOFREAK
  • I love listening to Kevin Gianni,He has so much motivation.
  • http://www.ethylenecontrol.com/about.html
  • I have never seen a green orange.That is so sad
  • I do the same thing, But proud of my explanations. Teaching is a tool- whether they consume it or not (about the food ethics.)
    in just a thought... Comment by TOFREAK
  • Ithink most of us who feel this change are more spiritual than others. Then again maybe we are people who like change until we find who we really are inside.
    in just a thought... Comment by TOFREAK
  • I use to get the same issues alot, until I detox for a week then they all went away. It feels really great to wake up w/o a headache. After detox I went to strict raw food.
    in migraines Comment by TOFREAK
  • I have not heard of her. I did the “The UltraSimple Diet” detox.(Mark Hyman,M.D.) grant you can still eat and detox at the same time..There were somethings I did change like the cooked food issues, instead I ate raw food. But I was able to clean mys…
  • Fasting for me, it was a struggle for that but I made it through it. After that it was a breeeze. No more cravings of processed foods.
  • WOW, so many post on this one. I love tea also, that is herbal tea.
  • I tried the B12 patch and it would not stay on my skin. I am not the one with oily skin either. I find if I eat enough green foods it really helps.(for me)
  • You guys are killing me, I love lemon everything. my my my. I might have to try all 3 links.
    in raw lemon bars Comment by TOFREAK
  • I like using flaxseed It goes on everything I eat.
  • It makes me feel alive, utmost educated about food issues health wise. My health has improved majorly.
  • You have to change with your body as you get older. Thus change your diet. Try detoxing then it will be alot easier.
    in Emotional Eating. Comment by TOFREAK
  • ‘Most people work hard and spend their health trying to achieve wealth. Then they retire and spend their wealth trying to get back their health.’ Just stay on the positive track Never give up, and you won’t regret it.It’s worth every bit of effort.
  • Man spinach I got to have it, plz tell me we can eat it raw.
  • When I detox I go and use the UltraSimple Diet. You can actually eat food and detox at the same time.
  • Here in Hanover INDIANA~EST usa
  • I have always been a picky eater, having health issues in the past I realized I had to change my lifestyle. Went vegetarian 02 by 03 went vegan. Last year I went 50% raw. This year it’s 100% raw and I feel fantastic . With my asthma and allergies di…
    in Hello, Everyone! Comment by TOFREAK