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  • Thanks to everyone for adding their two cents and experience. When we first went raw I didn't exercise either - actually, I was in such poor cardiovascular health I couldn't do much besides walk. The weight just flew off. It was amazing. Then I had …
  • Somehow the emphasis of my post got lost. I'm not concerned about my daughter's caloric intake. I used it as an example of what I'd been wondering about, that being the whole "calories out must be greater than calories in to lose weight" and "if cal…
  • Are you going to eat the same thing every day? Or is that just what you plan to eat tomorrow? What if your body craves cucumbers?
  • Zucchini Linguini. Isn't that a great name? It's from Living Cuisine. Noodles made from zucchini with a vegetable peeler, topped with alfredo sauce. The sauce is made from cashews, pine nuts, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, nutritional yeast and som…
  • I've been 100% Raw for 20 days now, and I've lost 13 pounds and I haven't started exercising yet. I eat a variety that does include nuts, seeds, and avocados when I can find good ones. I've been making sweet raw treats for my kids and eating them to…
  • Mine were hazel with a fair amount of brown radiating out from the center. Within one week of going 100% raw I had very little brown. It blew me away. Not that it happened, but that it happened so quickly. I've always loved green eyes, so having mor…
  • We're in Alaska, all five of us. That's my husband, my kids and I. : ) Other than that, I don't know anyone I've met, though my dear email friend Wendy in Texas is just starting a 3 week raw challenge.
  • Hey Raven, I'm in Alaska, South Central. Where are you? I'd LOVE to go to Raw Spirit Fest!!!
  • Kenai Peninsula, Alaska