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  • By chance was reading DYW last night. There is a three day juice detox in there that I wanted to try. Cant remember all the details but it was 5 fruit/veg juices per day with 2-3 liters of water. Drink water with lemon juice in it just after waking …
    in Raw & Bipolar Comment by springleaf
  • P.S. love "no *hit sherlock" tis one of my favorite sayings, was playing round with variations the other day "no muck miss marple" "no poo Poirot " where two that me and the bf came up with...
    in Raw & Bipolar Comment by springleaf
  • More virtual hugs from me too! I also don't do words very well. but hang in there! Don't beat yourself up about not being raw at the moment, do the best you can and focus on getting the other stuff out of the way! When I want to get re-inspired for …
    in Raw & Bipolar Comment by springleaf
  • Hi Clr! haven't been on here for ages! how is the raw going? As for the young coconuts, I have given up on finding any outside of london and just don't uses these recipies or substitute something else ;-)
  • Some really good stuff said already, just want to add a couple of things. When you start eating a vege or vegan diet and therefore cut out any heme iron sources your body gradually adapts to this diet by producing more of the receptors for absorbing…
  • Rawspice: Before I started trying to be raw I hated bananas, even the smell of a ripe banana grossed me out! now I love them. I weaned myself onto then by buying small not over ripe ones then after a while I just started to enjoy them. You feel so m…
  • I second what others have said: I would make your dinner and make enough for lunch the next day, maybe leaving off the dressing if nessessary. Also I get a recipe for brownies and then make them into balls which I use as snacks. On this blog http://…
    in Lunch @ work Comment by springleaf
  • Hi Kendra, I use a vegan worcestershire sauce and also something called mushroom ketchup which is brown liquid like soy sauce but tastes of mushrooms, i don't know if you have the mushroom ketchup in the states but they have it in my local supermark…
  • Look here's "her" photo! http://www.issti.ed.ac.uk/people/person/126 te HE. quite hairy for a lady!
  • sighs... your not getting the point are you! this is not the government of the usa. the usa is not the only place in the world where science is carried out! The article you link to ( http://www.naturalnews.com/026573_medical_research_drugs_cancer.ht…
  • Most of this research is produced in countries other than the usa, and this research was funded by charities with no point to make or side to argue, pubmed merely links you to all the research published by proper scientists in peer reviewed journals…
  • Also I am from the UK so not tainted by american government propaganda... Though it is sometimes sold as "Vitamin B17", it is not a vitamin. Amygdalin/laetrile was claimed to be a vitamin by Ernst T. Krebs in the hope that if classified as a nutriti…
  • nearly dead through "vitamin" B17 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16175068?ordinalpos=3&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
  • B17 thing is a myth... it's toxic! It has been found to be ineffective at fighting tumors and selling the pure form is illegal. Don't eat apricot seeds!
  • I like Kate Wood's book "eat smart eat raw" and also shazzies ones (detox delights is a cheep way to start). Kirstens Raw blog has loads of her recipies spead through it - take a look. Like others above I tend to use a recipie book as inspiration an…
  • lulushka8, do you have to put up with him smoking in the house? Do your parents smoke? If not would they be happy to know that their house was being stunk out and their daughters health affected? Although seeing a dead pig on the fridge is horrible …
  • Chin up KMcR! Yes she sounds like a horrible old boot! just keep thinking "water off a ducks back" type thoughts, smile sweetly at her and try not to engage when she wants to argue - sounds like she enjoys it. Also as mentioned above a lockable box …
  • I have some at home that says "peruvian carob" underneath the word maca, and to me it does taste like raw carob that I have had before. I also don't just too much, but a little in with raw cacao powder really rounds out the flavour. I will have to t…
  • sv3: I work in a laboratory, we use comercially avalible enzymes in our work, we keep them in the freezer, take them out use them and put them back, they work fine doing this 10's of times. A frozen plant will not still be alive because its cell wal…
    in Grocery Bills Comment by springleaf
  • I ate a whole pineapple once and it gave me the runs! not good. The reason your toungue/mouth feels funny is that pineapples contain a powerful enzyme called bromelain, read about it here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromelain Basically the bromelai…
  • Hi Neskalee! I went vegetarian over 20 years ago and I can safely say that I never look at meat as a foodstuff, it's just an section of the supermarket that I never need to go down and stuff in the fridge that I don't want to eat (BF eats meat). I d…
    in Fresh Meat!! Comment by springleaf
  • Neskalee, You're doing so well! Don't worry about the cupcake! What I try and do in these situations is either go there full so that I don't feel like eating, or take a raw sweet with me. The brownies from here http://www.2juicy.blogspot.com/ can be…
  • If the divice you mention is producing O3 then this is not good! O3 is toxic to the respiratory tract!
  • Hi Fee! Havent been around much recently (difficulty getting site to let me log on and also working alot!). When I go to the doctors I walk , it takes about 10 minutes and I am always late so I walk fast, this seems to get the blood pumping round ni…
  • Lostinspace – hold in there! write a list of the good things so you can look at it and remember them when your feeling down and can’t remember what they are. Anything from “I’ve lost 20 pounds” to “I have two beautiful children” keep it in your jean…
    in I need advice. Comment by springleaf
  • I have written this somewhere else on gone raw too but can’t remember the thread… All seeds from temperate climates that have freezing winter conditions will survive being frozen, some may actually need to be frozen before they can germinate (sprout…
  • I’m english and I cried too! Millions of people all over the world are feeling relief and renewed hope for the future today.
    in OBAMA WON!!!!! Comment by springleaf
  • P.S. I have tried this again and if you use too few blueberries it won’t work you just get a thiker smoothie. You need a whole punnet to get it to work.
  • I have also made a mousse, but in a different way. If you blend up blueberries with bannanas and (I think) hemp seed milk then you get lots of little bubbles in the smoothie. If you leave it for about 10 minutes or so (I left mine at room temp) it s…
  • Many fruits ripen after being picked, for example, peaches. This could not happen if the enzymes were not active. Fruit is ripened by the plant hormone ethylene, the synthesis of which requires enzymatic conversion of the amino acid methionine into …