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  • I just finished a 21 day cleanse using agave, and it was my best cleanse ever. I just felt so….normal the whole time. Crazy. Next time – 40 days!
  • Hello, all. I am so in. Still waiting for the book – so I just have to hang in there a couple days.
  • You are definitely detoxing. It kinda really alters how you look at food when you go from a diet you previously believed was very healthy (my bf and I were macrobiotic vegans!) and still have that level of detox. It opens the eyes to what is really …
  • Gotta jump on the blender bandwagon with this one. We use our Vitamix all the time. You can do so much more with – even make juice!
  • Our dinner is coming up this Sunday! We have over 40 people coming! Our guest list: Definite “yes I’ll be there”!: Alyssa and her fabulous bf, Chris + 1 more Philip McClusky Breanna +1 Gavin Jennifer +1 Ingrid + 1 Chris + 1 Debbie + Sandra Erica Mis…
  • Here is the dinner list so far: Definite “yes I’ll be there”!: Alyssa and her fabulous bf, Chris Philip Breanna +1 Gavin Jennifer +1 Ingrid + 1 Chris + 1 Debbie +1 Erica Mish Stephanie The maybe list: Sprout April KarmaFree Kale Chips OmShanti Disa …
  • We have around 11 raw foodies signed up so far, and even more on the maybe list. 7pm, on SUnday the 22nd. Let me know if you are coming so I can finalize reservations!
  • We are getting quite a few RSVP’s for this dinner from the Give It To Me Raw, forum. Phillip :Lovingraw” will be there. I am really looking forward to meeting him. His journey is very inspirational.
  • Yeah, I finish my 21 day MC on the 17th! Woo Hoo. It would be fun. I posted about it on Give It To Me Raw, as well
  • have_mersey – I kind of go by the eat simply way, but my bf likes the more complicated “transitional” recipes. It’s a challenge in our house finding a balance of the two that will keep everyone happy. If he had his way, every one of our meals would …
    in I am happy! Comment by AlyssaDyane
  • Coconut oil. Try rubbing it into you nails and cuticles.
    in Help Comment by AlyssaDyane
  • I went off the wagon bad for a few weeks. I was eating cooked foods, processed foods, even some dairy. I was just compulsively eating – and then going through the guilt cycles right after I ate.Then I just realized how gross I felt. My skin even fel…
  • When thumpin’ a watermelon – you are looking for an almost hollow sound. That lets you know when they are good and ripe.
  • I would be so in on this, I really want to give it a go – but alas, I am cleansing right now. Have fun, everyone!
  • Good luck you guys, you can do it. The first few days are the hardest for not eating. Just keep at it, and be proud of yourselves for what you are accomplishing.
  • Kait, some people have to alter the salt to water ratio a bit. The flush was inneffective on my bf until he increased the salt amount.
  • Queenfluff, I think it was at the beginning of my third week. I don’t remember exactly what day, sorry. You know, I kept asking my bf about what he was eliminating, and he wouldn’t discuss it with me. He was in fact horrified that I asked him.
  • Yes, unfortunately, I still have a lot of weight to lose.My boyfriend does not have a lot of extra weight to lose, and still lost 18. He is only four pounds away from his goal weight.
  • Good to have you back, Gala. Well, everyone – yesterday was my 21st day. I am done. Today I am drinking orange juice. This is the best freaking orange juice I have ever had in my life. I brought a huge jug of fresh squeezed with me to work, and I am…
  • Well, I am getting long stringy strands. From what I’ve been able to research, it appears to be the inner mucus lining of my insides.
  • Queenfluff, you betcha! I can’t believe how much stuff came out of me – and is still coming out!
  • Day 20. One more day to go. I am so excited. On Wednesday, we are going to drink lots of orange juice, so we have a huge basket of oranges on the kitchen table, ready to go!
  • Welcome on board, Versepie! It is very hard doing something like this when you have such negative input around you. Stay strong. Day 19 and all is well. I think I’ll flush today.
  • I think it starts to get easier for me after day 5. It does get boring, and I really miss food, but there are so many positives that far out weigh those things. At the beginning of the cleanse both my bf and I found ourselves craving all kinds of gr…
  • Day 17 here, and I am now down 18 pounds. I feel great, and my skin is amazing. I am already planning next weeks meals (even though we won’t be on solid food until Thursday!) The bf’s daughter is on day 5. She is going to break her fast the same day…
  • Hey Gala, welcome back to the greener side of the street! Good luck on your journey!
  • Congrats, ladies, on transitioning back to food. Day 16 here. We feel like we are in the home stretch.
  • Day 15 and all is still just fine. I notice I just feel pretty evenly okay most of the day. Our 16 year old started the cleanse, and she is on day 3 today – she wants to go 10 days. So last night we cleaned out the fridge. It is absolutely empty wit…
  • Day 14 here Okay, the boyfriend and I are both experiencing some serious tummy growling. Really loud tummy growling. Non-stop for over 24 hours. I could hear his grumble in his sleep! It was very embarrassing during my business meeting yesterday. We…
  • Day 13 for me. I weighed myself this morning, and I am down 16 pounds. Both mt bf and I feel just great, though we are excited for it to be over. Oh well, only 8 more days. Then I can celebrate the following week end with a raw meet up at Au Lac!