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  • GREENWOOD - I don't know if that would work, but you can try it and let us know. I always add lots of spring onions and blend them down. Really blending it down and letting the cheese set and absorb the flavor makes a difference. On the other hand, …
  • Wht does he freeze them? Does he know it they sprout?
  • HR 875 is indeed a bad bill because it burdens small farms, conventional or organic, and makes it more expensive and difficult for them to compete. In times when we should all understand the importance of supporting small farms, especially organic f…
  • I have to agree with PIxx. I tried it once but without fruit and it was gross, It tasted like wood pulp. Supposedly it is good for you.
  • ZINFANDEL - I suspect you are right. It does seem odd that an 8 year old still wants to breastfeed. If that is the case, it goes back to the cultural influences around the children as to whether or not they think it is acceptable. I suspect it isn't…
  • CARNAP - My comment regarding SAD eating was used to illustrate that what is accepted as normal is not always healthy or natural. That point was made very clear. What is considered normal is not the same as what is considered moral, ethical of just;…
  • SULTARIA - If it is psychologically damaging to the children, it is only because of the way our culture sees it. In the Western hemisphere, breasts are mainly seen as serving a sexual purpose rather than what they were intended for. I suspect the tr…
  • CONSTANTIN - There may be an emotional connection but my question is are you still lifting weights? Lifting weights will cause your body to produce testosterone. I lifted weights with a personal trainer back in 1992 (wow, long time) and within 2 wee…
  • This is just awful. Mercury is everywhere and it is dangerous to human health in any dose.
  • Congratulations, but do expect the amount you lose monthly to slow down considerably as you continue to lose.
  • I use Dr. Bronner's soap too but previously used Tooth Soap. Every now and again I use baking soda, but I have read that it is too abrasive to use on the teeth with regularity.
  • I used to drink it and it was wonderful, but truly not as great as raw as it has all been pasteurized. Be careful too because some contain added sugar. I don't think it is void of benefit but it isn't as healthy as raw. The other problem is it is pr…
  • JOANNA BANANA - I too am sorry to hear about your sister and your ideas being so easily dismissed. I have personally heard of many people that were "normalized" from practicing meditation, which I think is much harder to stay with than most people r…
  • CARNAP = Cilantro has been found to help with removing heavy metals. Brown seaweed is very good at removing heavy metals. I have never asked if a pregnant woman can have a professional colonic, but if so you could ask her to call one and ask the tec…
  • SULTARIA - I agree with you completely and humiliation is a bullying tactic. I suspect that one of the reasons most people don't see the difference between logical and illogical arguments, and granted some are difficult to see, is that so much of th…
  • BLUEDOLPHIN - That is so true, Our compulsory education in this country is like everything else - in shambles. I often represent juveniles charged in family court with criminal acts, Depending on the charge, it may be necessary to send a child to a …
  • Webster defines feminism as "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes." Feminists want equality despite gender. That's all. A feminist doesn't have to be a women, although it would make more sense that a woman would se…
  • GRATEFULTOBE - I wouldn't be that hard on you and please don't be that hard on yourself. It isn't hormonal or abnormal to be outraged by what I wrote. I promise I understand where you are coming from. I am a professional advocate and I have to sanit…
  • GRATEFULTOBE - You may think I don't appreciate your position but I do. And just as much as I can agree with you in certain respects, it isn't the only legitimate perspective. If you want to notify Ray or Kandace, I won't be surprised if they remove…
  • GRATEFULTOBE - You are right. The information I posted is absolutely disgusting. But it isn't disgusting because I wrote it. It is disgusting because it is actually happening out there and it is a result of the constant advertising and sexploitation…
  • There is some frank but nonetheless accurate discussion in this post about the impact of public sexploitation of women on young girls' behavior. Please don't read this post if you aren't able to deal with the topic. Since there have been frank discu…
  • I applaud you for considering both a healthy and environmentally sound product. Have you considered cork? A friend just installed this in a playroom due to its antimicrobal qualities and the floor is wonderful. I am attaching a link for an article I…
  • I was just getting ready to post this same petition and see that WINONA beat me to it. Good deal..
  • No, but sometimes you can have an add reaction to something. When I was trying to eat macrobiotics, everytime I ate a ouece of tempeh, no matter how small, I would vomit. That is the only thing I know of that causes that reaction. Your trigger food …
  • Very good point that we have problems with people going hungry in this country and tend to believe it isn't happening. I have come across some really difficult instances in my job. It has only gotten worse with the economic decline. I live in one of…
  • You will find that there are plenty of people who will choose to follow a different religious path than you do. Actually, you will find more people you disagree with than you agree with, as we all do. It is important to understand that everyone is e…
  • Macrobiotics was intended as a diet to recover from illness. Reducing inflammation is always a consideration. Nightshade alkaloid trigger inflammation in SOME people and contributes specifically to swelling of the joints. This is why macrobiotics ad…
  • Female. Yes, often they don't taste the same.
  • When I find a raw recipe that is intended to mimic a cooked dish, I may like the end result but it is usually disappointing when compared to the original dish. Here is a coucou recipe made from broccoflower, which you could probably substitute with …