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We love a strong chocolate flavor so yes, in ours, I put a whole cup of chocolate & use a large avocado. I invite you to play with the ingredients "Ambiguous", start with a 1/2 cup, taste ... keep on going until it feels right to you. : )

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Hi everybody,

"Becoming whole, have you checked "just beautiful" great "Chocolate Mousse recipe", it is "avocado free", you might love it even more : )

• What I love about raw food is that it is highly creative. We can play infinitely with each new recipe according to our individual preferences & tastes. Most of the time I actually do not even follow a set recipe but create one spontaneously, like many of you I am sure : ). Have fun, follow your body wisdom & strive is my motto : )

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Hi, I make a chocolate pudding close to this a lot. I actually prefer it the next day. To me it taste to much like avacado the first day. The next day you don't taste avacado at all. I love avacado, but not as desert :)


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We love a strong chocolate flavor so yes, in ours, I put a whole cup of chocolate & use a large avocado. I invite you to play with the ingredients "Ambiguous", start with a 1/2 cup, taste ... keep on going until it feels right to you. : )

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I also love avocado chocolate mousse (you can add coconut oil to make it thicker). But a whole cup of cocoa or carob powder? really?

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Hi everybody,

"Becoming whole, have you checked "just beautiful" great "Chocolate Mousse recipe", it is "avocado free", you might love it even more : )

• What I love about raw food is that it is highly creative. We can play infinitely with each new recipe according to our individual preferences & tastes. Most of the time I actually do not even follow a set recipe but create one spontaneously, like many of you I am sure : ). Have fun, follow your body wisdom & strive is my motto : )

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Hi everybody,

"Becoming whole, have you checked "just beautiful" great "Chocolate Mousse recipe", it is "avocado free", you might love it even more : )

• What I love about raw food is that it is highly creative. We can play infinitely with each new recipe according to our individual preferences & tastes. Most of the time I actually do not even follow a set recipe but create one spontaneously, like many of you I am sure : ). Have fun, follow your body wisdom & strive is my motto : )

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Hi, I make a chocolate pudding close to this a lot. I actually prefer it the next day. To me it taste to much like avacado the first day. The next day you don't taste avacado at all. I love avacado, but not as desert :)

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Hi everybody,

* I would like to recommend you to eat it up right away : )

Most would anyway as it is so delicious : )

* Yes, vanilla or anything else you like can be added, play with it as you see fit. : )

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I've had something similar but instead of the walnuts, vanilla is added. It should stay goof for at least 3-5 days.

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From my experience, I dont think it can... eat it up on the spot. that's only from my experience though i have heard stories that making it stay fresh is possible.

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sounds simle and nice... how long it can stay fresh?

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