This is a really tangy juice that definitely wakes me up in the morning, much better and healthier than a morning coffee. I quit caffiene 2 months ago and this has been the concoction that kept me from going back to caffiene.
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Recipe Directions

Toss strawberries, blueberries, ice cubes and pom juice into the blender until smooth. Enjoy! If it is too bitter or tangy you may want to add a few more ice cubes/berries or maybe some agave nectar.

Bronwyn's Thoughts

By bronwyn

This is a really tangy juice that definitely wakes me up in the morning, much better and healthier than a morning coffee. I quit caffiene 2 months ago and this has been the concoction that kept me from going back to caffiene.

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this sounds good and full of antioxidants!

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Hi Cherie, sorry for my late response. I actually buy fresh 100% pure pomegranate juice bottled with no additives or preservatives from a market close by me. I am sure you could also juice your pomegranates and freeze for later use though. I would add some lemon or lime to act as a natural preservative, because it goes bad very quickly.

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Do you juice your pomegranates and freeze for later use? I love the stuff. I cannot wait to try your recipe!!


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Hi Cherie, sorry for my late response. I actually buy fresh 100% pure pomegranate juice bottled with no additives or preservatives from a market close by me. I am sure you could also juice your pomegranates and freeze for later use though. I would add some lemon or lime to act as a natural preservative, because it goes bad very quickly.

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this sounds good and full of antioxidants!

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Do you juice your pomegranates and freeze for later use? I love the stuff. I cannot wait to try your recipe!!

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