I have been craving fudge brownies for days. I was ready to cave on this craving today when I tried a last ditch effort. This made a small, one-shot brownie that is perfect (in my honest opinion) for when you need that little something. You can also roll these into six little truffles.
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Recipe Directions

1. Mash all ingredients together with a fork and devour.

2. To make truffles, just roll the mashed mixture into 5 or 6 little balls.

Hippie Chick's Thoughts

By Hippie Chick

I have been craving fudge brownies for days. I was ready to cave on this craving today when I tried a last ditch effort.

This made a small, one-shot brownie that is perfect (in my honest opinion) for when you need that little something.

You can also roll these into six little truffles.

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i made this last night so i wouldn't feel left out at a family party. i molded the "dough" into a flower and sprinkled dried coconut over the top and goji berries all around. i was as happy as a raw girl could be!

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ANGEL...consider it your own party. BTW I checked out your blog! Great stuff :) HC

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This is great! I love any snack that's quick and convenient.


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so glad you are all enjoying this :)

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Oh my, I think I'm addicted. I made them into balls and rolled them in shredded coconut. Heavenly!! Thank you so much for this recipe. :)

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I made three times the quantity without the mesquite and with walnuts not pecans. Rolled them into little balls and took them to my craft group where they went down a storm. Yummy!

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i used cacoa nibs and it is crunchier. i think the oil was too much. i put it in the dehydrator to see what happens....

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OMG this was SO good that I thought I'd found food nirvana. At my house, this was renamed as "Rocky Road to Paradise". We're gonna be traveling and camping soon and this will definitely be a staple food on the road!!!

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This is the best. I used Maca instead of mesquite flour/powder. I am going to make a bigger batch next time.

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i made this last night so i wouldn't feel left out at a family party. i molded the "dough" into a flower and sprinkled dried coconut over the top and goji berries all around. i was as happy as a raw girl could be!

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I like it without nuts too. I am so glad that you enjoyed it. Cocoa nibs would definately give it a different flavor so I am interested to see if you like it once you grind it. I have bveen eatting this daily (oops..did I admit that?)

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My raw cocoa powder is more like chips so it doesn't roll into a nice little dough ball and it's crunchy but wow! it is fast and tastes great (left out the nuts, didn't have them). Next time I will grind my cocoa powder in the coffee grinder first.

Thanks for sharing!!

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ANGEL...consider it your own party. BTW I checked out your blog! Great stuff :) HC

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I hope its fit for a party...lol

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I am SOOO glad that you liked it. Doesn't it taste naughty?

I am diabetic and the other day my blood sugar was low. While SAD, I would love this opportunity and grad a Twix bar or something. I made this in 1 minute and added extra dates to up the sugar content. The nuts made the carbs slow down so I didn't get a sugar headache afterwards. I still felt ingulged while manining RAW. :)))

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This is great! I love any snack that's quick and convenient.

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WOW! Fantabulous & delish! So quick and easy! THANKS for sharing! made my morning!

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Thank Hippie Chick i love your recipie. yummie! my kids loved it. they did not know it was raw!

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Just made it without the nuts for a non-raw friend with nut allergies and he said that it was just like the inside of a really rich truffle :)

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