My first recipe post since going raw 2 days ago! PS. Don't eat too close to bed time--these babies will keep you wide awake!

Recipe Directions

1. Process all ingredients until well blended.

2. Shape into balls and roll in coconut.

3. Keep in the fridge. Enjoy!

Lush's Thoughts

By lush

My first recipe post since going raw 2 days ago!

PS. Don't eat too close to bed time--these babies will keep you wide awake!

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I started two days ago, too, and already feel better! What are sultanas by the way?

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whats dessicated coconut?


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Jodie's Review

Luscious Spirulina Cakes
1 out of 5

I'm never very impressed when someone asks a simple question and the blog owner can't be bothered to answer. You have all of 4 comments, from over 5 years ago, and you couldn't reply to the 2 questions? Why have a blog at all? At least specify you won't respond.

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Hi Jodie, this is a community blog - it's up to the individual recipe posters to respond. These are not my recipes. However, you do make a valid point, thank you.

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lush: Congratulations, looks like a really cool recipe!

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lush: Congratulations, looks like a really cool recipe!

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whats dessicated coconut?

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I started two days ago, too, and already feel better! What are sultanas by the way?

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