I'm sure people here will appreciate that for someone embarking on the raw food lifestyle, all the information out there is somewhat confusing. How do you decide which path to follow? There's the 80/10/10 approach, or the mostly leafy greens approach or... food combining, raw gourmet... some people say little fruit and lots of veg, some say little veg and mostly fruit.
I'm so confused. How do I choose the path right for me? I know that everybody is different and what works for some won't work for others but... how do I choose where to begin, as such? I mean, do I consider what symptoms I have... what problems I suffer with and then choose a path from there?
Sorry for all the babbling, I'm excited even though I'm confused. I want to heal! :)
Break it down. Don't get overwhelmed with thinking long term. Think short term. I.E. What am I going to have for breakfast tomorrow? What's for lunch? What's for dinner? To start out, just eat what you like. If you like fruit, eat that. If you want salad eat that. You know the basic principles of eating raw, so use those. It doesn't have to be a science. We are designed to enjoy the natural foods that we need, so at first you can just try to awaken that instinct.
After you have done this for a while, taking little steps, then look at your goals. Are you becoming closer to reaching them? If so, then continue doing what you are doing. If not, then reanalyze your approach. Instead of just doing what you want, you might have to make some conscious decisions, take some external advise. You might have to consciously throw some extra greens into your smoothie, or abstain from a certain food that maybe you're overdoing. But even these changes don't have to be huge. The biggest change is eating raw and abstaining from cooked food. After that, the changes can be much smaller, so don't be overwhelmed!
Does that help?
eecho, that helps immensely! :) Thank you. I just thought I was doing things blindly by eating what raw food I fancied but it's good to be reassured that I'm at least beginning in the right way. Thank you for your advice, it is much appreciated! :)
I really think that the best thing that you can do is to listen to your own body. You will know what feels right. I have tried all the different approches, and I have found that 80-10-10 works best for me, but I was a big fruit eater even before raw. It is totaly a personal thing. Don't worry so much about what other people say, listen to your own self, you'll find your way. www.edtakedown.ning.com
If there are particular symptoms or issues you're trying to manage, consider keeping a food journal so you can track whether anything is changing for you, or how you react to certain foods. But as Eecho mentions I don't think you "decide" what path (if any) to "follow" - you just gain from your experiences and pay attention to how you feel.