Being Raw in the City?

I have been 100% raw on and off for over a year. Three months ago I moved to NYC and shortly after that I stopped being 100% raw. I miss it, but every time I try to go back to that I feel so energetically sensitive, I can hardly go outside into the city without being bombarded with all these energies - it's overwhelming. The other day I tried fasting and got on the subway only to start crying because I was too sensitive to handle the sadness of the people in that train car.

What can I do? Is there a way to be sustainably raw in the city??


  • juicefastfanjuicefastfan Raw Newbie

    If this is continously happening right after you start transitioning back to raw or fasting, it could be just a detox symptom you may have to ride out until your body becomes balanced again. Strong and/or unsteady emotions are a big sign of your body getting rid of toxins. If you feel like definitely won't be the first person that's cried in the subways of NYC! If you feel like yelling, find your own lil corner of the world where you can let loose and get some of that out. Detoxing is a great time to get rid of toxic physical well as mental and emotional! When your emotions start to feel overwhelming, just remind yourself that your body is doing what it has to in order to get you to your optimal health level. i know it really sucks in the meantime, but you'll be much better off in the long-term!

  • eechoeecho Raw Newbie

    Um, I don't want to be insensitive but this "energy sensitivity" sounds a little bogus. Maybe your problem is psychological - if you expect to be "bombarded", then you will physically react to that expectation. Kind of like people at a party who "get drunk" simply by holding a can of beer, because they expect that they should feel drunk right away. Maybe you subconsciously don't want to be raw. imho, and I don't really know you so whatever

  • luxdivonluxdivon Raw Newbie


    hey girl. I totally understand where you are coming from. I am, have always been, and always will be super sensitive. It took awhile to figure out its kind of like a talent, that has to be controlled. After going raw, I feel the energies of everything alot stronger. I live in austin, and everyone here is so awesome, that I can't imagine what it would be like to be around cold negative energies all the time. you know, i can't think of any options other than moving, and that may be no option at all for you. I would check out Seems tons of cool people, that are connected. I'm sure some of them got to be from NYC. maybe they can help you find a solution. I do think that you will be able to put them in persepective more over time. And like they said, let the emotion out, don't bottle it in. Staying raw is I think much more important in the long run, as negative people and sad people will always exist. It is obviously heightening your abilities and from it you will gain the gift of compassion. (for me at least that's what it seems to be) I realize now, that maybe with it, I can help people. Good Luck

  • I know exactly how you feel! I moved to San Francisco thinking the people and the atmosphere would be a wonderfully positive change of base from the suburbs, but I have just felt so much different here. Not only do I feel more affected by the negativity of others (and there is a lot of negativity here,) but I also think there is a lot to be said for the amount of electromagnetic pollution and radiation in a city, the unnatural proximately to so many people at once, and the absence of any natural ecosystems. Cities also have barely enough oxygen to sustain the humans the congregate in them, which can severely affect mood. Other than that, just the simple fact that one can be in a room with 50 people who avoid eye contact and conversation at all costs is enough to sadden a person.

    The best advice I can give you is to find like minded, positive people and surround yourself with them. You might also want to look into an orgone generator device. They help me tremendously. They sound a bit crazy at first, but I assure you they work! They are very simple devices that involve a matrix of metals sealed within a glass resin, sometimes including coils or crystals, in a pyramid or cone formation. It's incredible that something of such simplicity can take in positively charged energy and balance it to a healthy negative charge. Wilhelm Reich and Nikola Tesla both experimented with this. Amazing results. Cheap too, you can even make your own : ) Good luck, hang in there!

  • I joined the site just so I can chime in here as well...and I do live in NY. I've been extremely sensitive and intuitive all my life, which has, of course, increased since becoming high / completely raw. You have to ground your energy and be as centered as possible at all times, and there are some easy ways to accomplish this. Some were previously mentioned, like listening to the kind(s) of music that is soothing and calming to you as often as possible; exercise regularly - yoga, dance, walking - move your body; keep hydrated - drinking water is a way to ground quickly, and meditation, which doesn't have to be anything complicated, just simply sitting still for about 10 minutes and watching your breath will make a tremendous difference. Make sure that you are breathing correctly and deeply, and if you catch yourself in shallow breathing, stop and take some good, deep breaths opening the diaphram and chest. Breathe!!!

    I very heartily second Lulushka's suggestion to also carry or wear a crystal / stone with you to help ground and protect your energy; it may sound silly to some but it does work. Of course you'd have to find one which feels good /appeals to you, but some I'd recommend are Hemitite (my own primary grounding stone, I always wear a Hemitite bracelet or mala, or have a piece as a touch stone), Black Kyanite, Smokey Quartz...many grounding stones also help shield you against negative energy as well. You can visit any New Age or Metaphysical store - East west Living in NYC is an obvious one, and where I've gotten many of my crystals - and though someone may suggest certain ones, ultimately choose which one really speaks to you.

    Make sure that you stay connected with, and work through, your own emotions. Eating raw does provoke detox, emotional as well as physical, and if we've not faced a lot of our own issues it can be pretty uncomfortable and overwhelming! Journal, blog, and or find someone to whom you can talk to have have a very honest discussion with. Be open and honest with yourself aabout how you're feeling. Intuitives / sensitives can also, however, pick up others' feelings and emotions like sponges, and sometimes it's hard to differentiate between what's your stuff, and what is not (was a major thing for me). You've also to clear yourself from any energy that you may absorb, and one of the easiest ways to do this is to take an epsom / sea salt bath. Or, if you don't have a tub, use a sea salt scrub - salt is very energetically purifying. Or whlie taking a shower, visualize yourself as being covered in dirt, say, and see the water washing and cleansing it all away.

    Those are a few things - I hope this helps! If you find that you're really struggling or need some extra support, just say the word...

    One more thing - are you low-fat raw? You may want to consider adding in a little more fat to your diet, if you can, to ground you a bit more until you've developed a steady grounding / coping practice... and no fasting, I think, for now!

  • I just want to say thanks to those who gave advice, I also struggle with feeling like I'm tapping into the emotions of the entire world when I'm eating raw (usually worse when I'm eating mainly fruits/veggies, which is how I prefer to eat!). I was living in Los Angeles when I first got into raw foodism and have recently moved to Manhattan. Obviously I am constantly surrounded by other people and it's difficult sometimes feeling like I'm internalizing their emotions. I love feeling very connected to the universe and at peace with my own being though, and sometimes I feel like it's a good thing to be aware of how much other people are struggling so that we can think of ways to help make life better for humans (and animals, and the Earth!) as a whole.

    For me being raw makes my emotions much stronger. I have never felt such euphoria and zest for life as I do when I've been eating raw for a couple months, and on the flip side I've never felt so much sadness and lack of hope for the future of the world. It's like a horse that's always worn blinders- when the blinders come off, the world is the same as it always was but you finally have the clarity to see what's really there.

  • Shaydovgreen- do you live within walking or subway riding distance of Central Park? I have found it to be New York's saving grace, I love the city but I could NOT survive without the park. It's so nice to wander around among trees, grass and lakes, getting lost in the beauty of it and being surrounded by happy people with their kids and dogs. I take my dog and I think it keeps her sane, too! If it's too far from your apartment, there are so many parks in the city as well as the river walks that run along the the east & west sides that can make you forget that you're in a bustling metropolis of 19 million people ;-)

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