While in Wisconsin, I found Kombucha... so I had to buy it and try it. I got the Multi-Green Kombucha at just under $5.
It was AWFUL at the first sip! It tastes like carbonated apple cider vinegar. I can't believe people drink this stuff! (My hubby tried it too.)
But, for $5 a bottle, I couldn't throw it out. I kept sipping and sipping... and before I knew it (after 1 oz), I was actually enjoying it! What a strange experience to go from aweful... to wanting more. By now, it just tasted bad, not awful. *lol*
The second time around, I thought it was awful at first sip... but I didn't keep drinking it.
I actually love kombucha! The only problem I have is the price - pretty darn expensive and opening it. At a whole foods in mass the price jumped from 3.99 to 4.29 is less that a week, but now that i am living in ny I found it for 3.99. GTs is the best by far because it is only sweetened with fruit puree, not sugar. Opening it is a pain though and you have to be patient so it doesn't spray all over you. I havent made my own, but I have tried homemade and that was good too. It makes me feel relaxed and I can only think that it is the small amount of alcohol in it. Not sure, but I sure do love it!
Seriously guys, try the green flavor!! It's the one with spirilania (sp?)...? It tastes like sugar cookies!
I hate the price, too...pretty pricy for a bottle of rotten mushroom juice... ;-P
Sugar cookies? I must've gotten the wrong green flavor... (hehe, I only know of one).
*lol* rotten mushroom juice
I adore kombucha! It became a pretty pricey habit very shortly though. If I had any skills I would try to make my own, but most of my home projects end swat teams and guys in hazard suits (just kidding, but seriously).
My favorite is the GT's gingerberry
rotton mushroom juice + green algae = what's not to like?
Seriously, i love the multi-green. Its my addiction. I think it has almost a cheesy taste to it... i drink at least 2-3 bottles per week.
Hi AmandaBanana, all kombucha is actually made with sugar. The culture needs caffeine and sugar to feed off of while it ferments. I find GT's to be disingenuous for only stating "kombucha" as an ingredient while other producers will state "kombucha culture, tea, sugar." I like GT's product and that's how I got started on kombucha. But now that I brew it at home I find other brands such as High Country or Kombucha Botanica to be closer to home-brewed style. Anyway, just wanted to set the record straight on the sugar issue!
sugar & tea/caffeine - eh? I guess it's like calling Nama Shoyu raw.
Someone sent me this link: http://www.ehow.com/video_2334728_mix-dried-fruit-kombucha-teas.html
I didn't see any sugar here... the sugar seems to be the fruit.
Yeah I had that green one before. It was not very good to me at all. nor to my husband
but most of the others ones are really good. However i think the guava and mango are too sugary for me, & when you get really into kombucha the grape one starts just tasting more like concord grape juice rather than kombucha.
Im making my own right now actually. Two more weeks! lol
Ok. So I got the Probiotic 7 version and it is DIGUSTING. Obviously I don't want to waste it, so I'm going to try using it in my green smoothie this morning.
If you keep drinking it... you'll find you can tolerate it and maybe even like it. Strange, I know... but it happened to us. hehe.
Let us know how that smoothie turned out.
if you really want to get into kombucha, and afford it, brew your own. i'm in wisconsin, too, germin8. where are you? I could get you a culture if you are anywhere close to door county or brown county. I have about 45 mother cultures, and could get you started on brewing your own. up here, in order to stay local and sustainable and healthier we brew with maple syrup as the sweetener (food for culture to feed on while it brews). it tastes really good, too! we sell pints and quarts at the green bay farmers market, as well as at our juice bar in door county. gt's can get expensive as a habit, and though it is tasty and provides a decent buzz, i find that there is something positive to be said consuming products and vegetables closer to home (less petrochemical use = higher vibration).
at our juice bar we also make a kombucha smoothie called "the stranger" with organic frozen raspberries, fresh ginger, and the kombucha. fizzy lifting drink!
I am a big fan of this tea and brew my own! I try to drink a bottle daily but I am on the go a lot it seems. I do find that when I drink it regularly I eat less and just have more energy. When I first made the transition to raw 3 years ago (I fell off the raw wagon due to injury and other crap...but am trying to get back on) it helped tremendously. You really do have to adapt to the taste but the further you go with the raw diet it seems that the more your palate appreciates these weird fermented things! Cheers and good health!
Missmare.... do you just blend the brewed tea straight up with fresh fruit and ginger? It sounds amazing. I shall experiment tonight!
Am I the only one willing to spend the money to avoid making it him/herself and watching the rotten mushroom juice? lol I am all for saving money and doing things myself, but I just don't think I could drink it if I had to watch it. Now don't get me wrong, I stretch a bottle out so I can have a little everyday and try to lessen the impact on my wallet! Looooooooooove the gingerberry too. :)
missmare, I was just in WI for vacation. I'm back home, and I found out one of my hubby's friend's makes it!
Thanks though. I can't believe people make this stuff... wow, where have I been that nobody's mentioned it before. *hehe*
i do blend it straight up with the tea, fruit, ginger, (and lemon and tiny bit of agave, if so inclined)
It's not a financial thing for me....I'll spend the money on it if I have to. I make it because I like feeling self sufficient. It's incredible to watch it grow. People come over and ask questions and its fun to show them what its all about!
I hated it at first too - I tried the Gingerberry first. I kept trying it though - the sweeter flavors - Strawberry, Guava, Mango, etc. I finally like it, but then I realized it makes my stomach hurt. Oh well.
ILYD, I am currently in the process of making my own too! I am creating the SCOBY from some a bottle of GT. Its coming along nicely, kind of looks like a baby jellyfish... anyway after than I am going to begin the actual brewing process - booyah, Whole Foods!
It's so much fun. Your going to LOVE brewing it. My biggest problem with the homemade stuff is that it seems incredibly strong. I dont put much sweetener in because I dont want to consume the extra sugars. I put just enough in to feed the 'mom'. If you find the taste of your is similar to the packaged stuff please let me know. I followed the advice about blending it with fresh fruit and holy moley its good!
Cheers and have fun brewing!
I'm new to all of this, but have heard rave reviews about Kombucha. I watched my friend make wine last year, and it seemed like a lot of fun; however, I take a bunch of medication that doesn't recommend "alcohol", so I usually avoid it. That said, I hear the "alcohol" content in Kombucha is so low, that it's often overlooked. Yet I see people mentioning "buzzes".
Since my heart attack 21 months ago, I have been taking an anti-anxiety med so that I don't stress as much, particularly about having another heart attack. Perhaps just a few sips of Kombucha would do the trick? I heard it's recommended to drink in the morning AND in the afternoon--maybe even more. I am wondering if it helps with "cravings"?
iLiveYourDream--would love to know more about blending with the fresh fruit.
I know there are some online kits for ordering the "mother". I'm almost ready to buy! LOL
I am growing the SCOBY from some commercial kombucha. It is taking a long time, but I figure its free and, and more DIY = more satisfaction
makelena, the only "buzz" I get is the clean-energetic kind. I've never felt drunk...In my un-doctorly opinion it would not effect the meds, if spaced throughout the day. Fresh squeezed orange juice is .5 percent alcohol. Nearly the same as Kombucha (depends who brews, but assuming it is store-bought Gt's brand). Kombucha that is brewed until all the sugar is used up, and vinegary in taste has little to no alcohol. Brewers know, alcohol converts to vinegar. In my own brewing I use the least amount of sugar possible, which also cuts down on the possible percentage of alcohol.
But anyway, if you take it slowly, small doeses throughout the day I don't see it being a problem. :)
Iliveyourdream- Project Pitchfork?? ... It is stronger, depending on who brews. I notice when I have used more sugar -more than 1/4 c. per qt./liter, that it does seem very strong. I also keep the tea very weak if brewing with black. I don't know what you use, but I thought I would mention that. :)
Fresh squeezed orange juice has alcohol? Maybe after you let it sit a while!
These website don't think so:
Maybe you are referring to sugar alcohol... ??? I am *confused*... please explain. :o) Thx.
Have Mersey- Yes.... it is a Project Pitchfork reference! I started using the name shortly after the song came out and have never used anything since! I am hoping people don't take it as me being vain, thinking I actually believe I live their dreams! Are you a big Project Pitchfork fan? I don't think they ever got the credit they deserved! Anywho...I only use about 1/3 cup (maybe less) of agave nectar. What's your opinion on that? I am using a high quality black tea... this next time around I am going to use 1/2 black and 1/2 green.
I wish I knew some people in my area that I could give some 'moms' to because I have about 4 with some new ones on the way. I guess I could just start brewing more but I am only one person and can only drink so much!
So... to answer a previous question about blending it...I started blending about 12oz with a cup of fruit (mango,strawberry,blueberry) and it turns out amazing! Really refreshing! I havent experimented too much because I am just trying it out myself for the first time but I am really happy with the results!
it's interesting you are using agave....does it work well????
I would like to hear some recipes from those of you who are using sweeteners other than sugar. I once tried it with raw honey and it totally didn't work. Organic cane sugar works like a charm for me every time - although I agree with germin8, it seems a little dicey from a raw perspective.
iliveyourdream - do you have Freecycle in your area? You could post on there that you'd like to give away some mothers. I once saw someone posting on there that they were looking for a kombucha mother.
iliveyourdream- Going to see them in Atlanta! I was so thrilled that their tour corresponded with my trip (cheap tickets too)...
Never used agave in brewing. I bet it tastes nice. Green and black make good Kombucha (I generally like 2/3 green 1/3 black depending on the teas being used). :) - Agave is supposed to be sweeter than sugar, so maybe it makes a stronger Kombucha? I am Bee-gan and am trying a batch with roughly 1/4c. honey (dead-honey so nothing competes with the scoby), although I know it is 1.5 times as sweet as sugar. I wanted to try the recipe exactly the same, and see all the changes in scoby, in taste, viscocity, etc.
Perhaps a spare mom should be used to experiment with a batch using less agave to see if it is still strong?.
I'm probably going to put an ad up in the natural market, or craig's-list for scoby adoption. :)
I just wanted to add my love for Kombucha! I typically drink about 3 or 4 a week.. and just recently was on vacation for about two weeks without it. My digestion was much much slower! I really think it helps.. plus all those nice b vitamins!
B vitamins! I really wish kombucha didn't have any bit of alcohol...