My mom was in Montreal for 2 weeks and whenever she goes away she likes to bring us some things back. She always gets my brother and sister (who are 16 & 18) treats like maple fudge and candy. But when I went to her house tonight to say hi to her, on the kitchen counter was my present. You want to know what she got me? I bet you'll be jealous!
She had gone to a market and bought me (all organic) a case of strawberries, a case of raspberries...ya I mean a CASE! carrots, zucchini, grapes, tomoates, carrots, peppers, broccoli, apricots, a cantaloupe and raw crackers!!!!!!!
That was the best present ever. Not only was it all organic and it came from a market, but I saved on a lot of money on food this week. So it's like 2 presents in 1!
AVL~ YOU are so Blessed to have an understanding parent, lucky girl!!! smile
That's an awesome present. Very cool of your mum.
Mom is in the running for Mom Of The Year! Way to go Mom!!!! Maybe you could bottle a bit of Mom for the others that have people in their lives that could use a bit of fairy support dust. :)
How sweet of her! :-)
Can I borrow your mom?
Wow, your mom rocks. You must have given her an awesome Mother's Day gift. ;)
azulBlue02034, you can borrow her when she gets on my nerves!
swayze, actually I didn't give her a present, I just had her over for dinner. I guess she likes me a lot!!!
That is great! I hope my mom does that for me one day.
That was so nice of your mom!