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To Ladys only please.

Hi, On monday I started my first period, and I was doing ok but today I am not feeling very well. I'm bleeding heavy today and have had a few cramps. Its there anything I could do to help with the cramps?? I've heard that exercise helps but I find it hard to do. Thanks!


  • joannabananajoannabanana Raw Newbie

    I usually put a heating pad on my stomach and drink tea. There's really not much else you can do. Exercising isn't my favorite thing to do while I'm on my period. I basically just feel gross and don't want to go anywhere.

  • Congratulations on your entering into womanhood. When I first started my period (I was only ten), I suffered from heavy, long periods and terrible cramps, which progressively got worse.

    I don't know how long you have been raw, or how raw you are, but I have found that being as close to 100% as possible ( I generally don't worry about things like nama shoyu, vinegar, olives, pickles, mustard, etc.) works wonders. I slipped up this winter and for a few months was about 75% raw. My painful periods came back in full force. However after a few months of being back on raw, I felt SO much better.

    Also, I would highly recommend raspberry leaf tea. It is often considered the "womanly" tea, as it is incredible for all things female, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. It strengthens the uterus as well as helping sort out your hormones. Since I lost a lot of weight 3 years ago, my periods have been completely haywire, wither 6 weeks apart or sometimes 3 weeks apart. Since drinking the raspberry leaf tea, they have been almost like clockwork at about 4 weeks.

    Especially given that you are just beginning to menstruate, all your hormone levels will be totally out of whack, and your uterus is not used to working in such a way to expel the lining. All in all I would really recommend the tea. It is available in loose leaf or tea bags (I buy the Traditional Medicine tea bags) at most health food stores, and I actually love the taste of it. It is slightly sweet and very aromatic. It is best to drink at least a cup a day for a few months, then try to have it quite a bit, but if you have a few cups a week it should be fine. Just follow your judgement and if you have a particularly painful period, drink more the following month.

    I also have to say, before I became health conscious, I tried every painkiller on the market from Mydol to Tylenol to Advil, and have had far better results from the tea than from any of the pills, which are of course highly toxic.

    Best of luck

  • joannabananajoannabanana Raw Newbie

    I second the raspberry leaf tea. It's really delicious, too. I drink it for the taste and for it's "female friendly" nature.

  • I found yoga to be highly beneficial; legs-up-the-wall, in particular. You'll probably not feel very wonderful, and the more vigorous yoga poses will seem impossible:)

    Ah, I remember my first period...I seriously thought I was dying. You'll survive, I think:) and, you'll sort out your own personal routine for feeling better....

    Be sure, certain sure, to eat lots of Iron-rich foods though; your body is going through a serious thing and for the FIRST time, and so you'll need a good multi..and lots of water...I find I get somewhat constipated, and so lots of water helps.

  • ps, I forgot to mention that YOGI teas makes a stomach ease tea that i always find helps...it creates this warming sensation in my stomach, that seems to make me feel more cosy. If you really feel crappy, a midol ought to do the trick, but that's a last resort...

  • CONGRATULATIONS!! When I had my first period, my mom's friend sang Shania Twain's "I Feel Like a Woman" to me. So, I'm singing it to you, too!

    Sexyraw99 had great advice; definitely go find some of that tea! I know that at nights whenever I'd cramp, I'd take a long hot bath and just soak there for a while. That's always helped me temporarily. I have also heard that the more raw you are, the less cramping you have during your cycle. I'm on the depo shot, where I only have my cycle once every three months (or sometimes once a year!--I know, very unnatural but NO babies for me!), so I haven't really noticed anything different in being raw yet.

    Good luck, and I'm sure you'll be fine and relieved in a few days when you're off your first period!!

  • Congratulations, I think the tea is a wonderful idea I have never tried it but I think I will.

    I like to drink carrot, spinich juice. it really helps my cramps.

  • silystarrfishsilystarrfish Raw Newbie


    When I'm having a particularly bad period - with lots of cramps (most of them, to be quite honest), I do a lot more smoothies than usual. My favourite "cure-your-cramps" smoothie is the "Sweet Pumpkin Pie" recipe found here:


    I always add a tablespoon or two of ground flax seed.

    and I second Tabbycats: DRINK LOTS OF WATER! I definitely think it helps me a lot.

    Before I go to bed, I like a hot pad on my stomach.

    Good luck!

  • RawKarateGirlRawKarateGirl Raw Newbie

    Thank you all so much for all your help. I did start my period at age 10 but then I went raw (because I was scared to be having my period at age 10 , I thought I was to young to be having my period.) and my period stoped. I am not drinking some Raspberry leaf tea and feel much better.

    chattanoog- I do feel like a women, and thanks for signing that song for me.

    sexyraw99- I was raw before for almost a year, but then sliped up before my period started again. I am getting back on raw this very moment.

    Thanks again to everyone whos has posted!!!


  • mdcmdc

    Try shiatsu pressure points to relieve cramps. Here's a video I found. I use the headache points all the time & when I had cramps, the ankle point seemed to bring me some relief.


    Here's written text that essentially says the same thing


    Other food remedies you can try now:

    It's possible that flax meal added to your smoothies might help now because of the omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties. Walnuts, too. Black cohosh is said to be helpful (no, not just for menopausal women!) because it relaxes the uterus. It's a homeopathic remedy you can get at most health food stores.

    Other food remedies you can use to prepare for next time:

    Not knowing what you eat, I intend no offense with this next part. To alleviate cramps, salt, caffeine (including chocolate/cocoa) and sugar and "junk" food should also be eliminated in the weeks leading up to your next cycle. (I'm sure you're already avoiding meat & dairy as much as possible).

    As you yourself mentioned, exercise as soon as you feel up to doing more than curling up in a little ball will help greatly for the next time. Or, if you're up to it now, here are some yoga poses that are said to help. I liked legs on the wall, with a heating pad on my stomach.


    More about the poses can be found by looking each one up at Yoga Jouranl http://www.yogajournal.com/

    If you do decide to try yoga, remember to be gentle with yourself and don't push yourself into any pose beyond a mild stretching sensation. This is a non-violent, no pain practice, unlike karate. :)

    Hope you feel better soon!

  • RawKarateGirlRawKarateGirl Raw Newbie

    Thank you mdc. I'm feeling a little better.

  • ah the period. i myself just finished up a particularly bad one. and i have horrible cramps almost every time. recently i have heard that taking chaste tree (vitex) can be very helpful for certain issues that would be linked to cramps/pms etc. some people have luck taking an herb called cramp bark. the heating pad can help a little and i notice that if i am not completely bed ridden from pain that exercise helps too. also, just as a heads up... and i am not a doctor of course this is just my personal experience... i had horrible periods from day one that got worse and worse as time went on. i am 24 now and fed up with the crap i go through. i had a saliva based hormone panel done and learned that i have some serious hormone issues.

    so just make sure that you actually take action if you feel like something isn't right. severe pms and cramps are not normal, but common. and you can do everything naturally. i had my test done through an apothecary and will be taking herbs and plant based blends only.

    i am totally not trying to scare you with any of that, which i am sure you know. i just know how long i went without seeking help and i am glad i am finally moving in the right direction.

    so congratulations on the whole womanhood venture. take care of yourself! :)

  • I remember my first period. I had it for almost 2 months strait. And it was very heavy. Then I didnt have it for nearly 2 years until one day it magically came back.

    I think its a real magical thing when you get that feeling, like a 6th sense when your going to get it. I remember that day I just had a feeling and i wore a pad. Sure enough I had it.

    watch out for the cravings. for me. its terrible. Im always a heavy bleeder and i crave sugar like no other. and chocolate! lol I'll tell ya, if it wasnt for strawberries and cocoa nibs haha

    anyways. Cramps. its different for everyone but for me this helps.

    If you get lower back pain have someone apply deep hard pressure there. it helps me so much.

    Drink fresh ginger tea with ginger root you slice yourself w/ hot water. its a little spicey, adda little lemon juice and mix it with a bag of raspberry tea. simmer the ginger for 20 minutes before drinking to make it extra strong.

    drink TONS of water other wise your going to dehydrate and be very tired

    try light yoga. i did that last month for the first time & it helped the stress so much

  • RawKarateGirlRawKarateGirl Raw Newbie

    Thanks again people for helping me. I do have one more question though.

    How long does your period last now while eating raw?

    mine lasted 5 days.

  • AH good question!! Since going raw (well...nearly all-raw) my period has been lasting 4 days, which is down from 7. AND an added bonus is that it's now coming exactly at the SAME hour every month! for me that's odd, but for others I've heard that it's totally normal.

  • luxdivonluxdivon Raw Newbie

    Ok, so I tried the carrot, banana, cinnamon, & clove smoothie, and it seems to have really helped! See response above for link to recipe above. I've been having worse periods since going raw, I feel that section of my body is going through detox/clenase/is in the process of slowly regenerating itself. Time will tell.

  • Raw PassionRaw Passion Raw Newbie

    You know it's funny, when I first started my periods they never hurt! It was six months later that it hurt - that was when I was an omnivore.

    I literally took days off from school because I was in so much pain, I was cripled over in agony and cried loads. My mood swings were violent and I was an emotion wreck lol.

    However, since turning Vegan they last about 3 days and I only get a noticable twinge - sometimes I dont even notice. I think in your case once you settle into a routine - because of your diet - you may settle and be OK.

    Incase that doesnt happen, I would second heat pads and tea. Oh an Raw chocolate and a romantic comedy ;)

  • amberablueamberablue Raw Newbie

    homeopathics are natural medicine and work wonderfully! i've been using them a lot in the past year 1/2...herbs are great too, and i they are all complementary. but i must say, homeopathics are just amazing for symptoms in themselves.

    for cramps i use: Boiron brand: Caulophyllum Thalictroides 30C (they all have crazy names! i think this one is actually black cohosh but in homeopathic form) You can usually get these for $5-9 at a health store or health food market.

    sometimes i take white willow bark for good measure (it's good for headaches, and aches/pains, and is the natural form of synthetic aspirin), but honestly, the homeopathic little blue vial is pretty much all i need these days. oh and you can take extra without waiting if cramps are really severe.

    as mentioned above: prepare for next time!!! i wish i had known this years ago. some things that truly help: calcium and magnesium (research the 2:1 ratio), this can really alleviate cramping (though not every month depending on your diet, stress, and other factors...as you'll find out) and this is why i've taken it. you want to take it up to 2 weeks before your period, 1 week is the typical prevention measure. this has helped me immensely.

    evening primrose oil is also pretty good at balancing hormones and alleviating symptoms. lately i've been trying to calm the emotions and mood swings.

    from time to time, we are all always learning more about this one!!! hope you feel better!

  • missemymissemy Raw Newbie

    I love this site. I really wanted to post yesterday on m y "Day 1" as I call it, but didn't want to talk about this just anywhere. I am 50 1/2 and menopause is looking better and better. I basically play a lot of computer solitaire, was hoping it would be better than last month going raw/vegan 3 weeks ago. And take herbs to help regulate the hormones, but with Hep C my liver doesn't work as good as it could (And being that our cycles are not just about making babies, but our whole body goes into detox mode, so hence when there is a lot to pass through the uterus, there is more cramping and bleeding) my periods have been pretty dibilitating. I refuse to let the western medicine people disguised as people that help, take it out. As it helps with menopause to still have it. But, this cycle is slightly better, so there's hope, thanks for the reminder about the tea, and just getting to know your not alone helps too ;)

  • Avocados really help me, usually i try and eat some atleast the day before or when it comes around.

    I get terrible cramps and the only way not to get them for me is to eat only a little, im not raw anymore so i eat a rice cake with avocado and make sure i rest that day.. and drink water, i only eat a meal at dinner time. No tea ever seems to help not even RLT.

    Hot water bottle is great, when i had a bath i used to sit in the bath and that helped a lot. Otherwise stretching, bringing your knees towards your chin and holding it while laying on your back.

    Experimenting and your find what helps. acupuncture is great for some people, but it also takes time.

    And eating warm coloured foods- tomatoes, beets, peppers, strawberries,

  • internettouristinternettourist Raw Newbie

    Young and not raw--it trailed out to 6 or 7 days

    44 and raw-5 days with the first 2 being fast (won't say heavy, just too fast to be absorbed by pads) (no cramps or clots) where I have bled onto clothes and had to change multiple times

  • painkillers do nothing for me either - herbal teas help a little, i like raspberry leaf too, but i also like so called 'high-inducing' teas like damiana and catnip, they help to relax the muscles.

    yoga works the best for me - legs against the wall, or, my favorite, on your knees with your elbows on the ground so your body slopes downward - these poses work because they take pressure off the uterus i believe.

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