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First thing you should do… ditch the self-defeatism. This advice comes to you straight from a former self-defeatist of epic proportions, so take heart, it can be done! Heh… actually, I still get stuck in that mindset from time to time, but they say that awareness is the first step and I catch myself at it a lot more now than I used to. Every time I catch myself using negative self-talk I counter it with its total opposite, so for instance if I were to catch myself thinking, “Oh, I’m so stupid!” then I immediately tell myself that I’m intelligent and creative. It feels hokey at first, but I’m a firm believer in positive affirmations and the power of positive thinking.
OK… getting off my soapbox now, haha!
My all-time favorite green drink is very simple. I just blend up one apple, one banana (to make it creamy & add sweetness), some water and as much spinach or kale as I can cram into my poor, overworked blender. Blend it up and enjoy! I don’t know how long this would last in the fridge, though, because I always drink it right away. I’m thinking maybe the banana might not be the best ingredient for storage… just a hunch, though. Give it a try! This is all a fun experiment, right?
And as for feeling bad about having to start over… we all start over, every single day. Instead of seeing it as a failure, why not think of it as an opportunity to try again? That takes it from negative energy to positive energy. ACK! More lecturing, sorry!!
(I’m also a recovering alcoholic – 4yrs sober – and I just really felt for you because I so remember the whole vicious cycle of “failing,” and beating myself up over it… which is why I try to be so vigilant about my negative self-talk now.)
I think if you add lime juice (or peeled lime) to that green will keep better. Lemon juice is also a first-rate antioxidant, which is what you want to keep it fresh. Personally, I just love limes – they are also less prone to the molds and fungi that lemons are for some reason. LIke if you have a choice between non-organic lemons or limes – go with the limes. I read that somewhere. I love this site, by the way. Everyone’s so supportive!
my nonraw hubby blends his green smoothie the night before if you are drinking it the next day, it should be fine.
I am always failing at my recipes and end up having to throw them away becuase they do not taste very well! My latest one was soaking 2 cups of golden flaxseed. Well, after about 1 hours I went o look at them and they were very slimy and gooey and I threw them away. Now I do not have any flaxseeds and have to buy more (30 minutes away). Keep trying! I know how you feel! Oh and my fudge was HORRIBLE! So I also wasted the rest of my coconut and walnuts. This is getting expensive!
spankysraw – you say you have to start over all the time. Don’t look at it like this. Everyone wobbles when they transition. You don’t start over when you cheat, you just continue where you left off, and keep going along your journey.
Every successful 100% raw foodists has spent months maybe years cheating and slipping up and getting back up again. Cooked food is totally addictive. Everyone around you eats it. It is on the TV. In films. On billboards. It is everywhere, and the food industry spends a lot of money getting people to eat it. By the way, when I stopped watching TV it really helped me stay raw.
Cooked food has been your diet since you were in your mummy’s womb, you got it from her blood, and then her milk and then cooked baby food. It is all your body has ever known.
The thing to do is to keep filling yourself with as much raw food as possible. Really pig out on it, be a total glutton. Make it pure pleasure to eat this way. If you get a cooked food craving and it won’t go away for more than a day, then have some. Don’t get into a thing of denying yourself, it makes the cravings worse. Once you have been raw for a while the cooked food you eat will taste more and more like soggy cardboard. Raw food will seem like the only real food there is. It takes a while for your body to wake up and realise this stuff, but it will.
And before you know it the cheating occaisions will become more and more spaced out until you eventually become 100% raw.
A great drink to have is a young coconut flesh and milk blended with 4 dates and a pinch of salt. It feels like being cuddled when you drink it!
spankysraw – I agree with Zoe. Don’t look at like you never started this – you pick up where you left off.
I totally know how you feel right now because this week has been quite the unraw week for me. I even ate potatoe chips yesterday. After I ate a bunch I thought “ugh, why did I eat those?” I even ate them with a raw smoothie. I noticed I couldn’t eat as many of them as I used to though.
Today I plan on eating all raw. I have some dehydrating to do and I am making some raw hummus.
I think I needed to get something out of my system this week – don’t know what it was. My bf’s mom had relatives over and we had a barbeque so we had veggie dogs with yucky processed white buns and potatoe chips. We did have a fruit salad though and some hummus and some “healthier” bread that I brought. Almost everyday this past week I have have been having cooked vegan sandwiches and cooked hummus and pita breads.
So, don’t feel so bad OK?
I tend to go 100% (or pretty close to it) for about 1 or 2 months and than I relapse and have a week of cooked vegan foods (it is like 50% cooked 50% raw).
I have come to except that this is a hard lifestyle to lead in today’s world. And that I eat better than the majority of the people on the planet most of the time so why should I beat myself up? At least I am not downing Big Macs or something – and I know I would rather fast than eat meat.
Like Zoe said – I am noticing the more I do raw the more cooked things don’t taste that great to me. It isn’t ALL cooked things yet but there are certains things I used to eat that I would never think about eating any more . I also notice the difference in how I feel sometimes after I eat a cooked meal.
Lots of people have said that the green smoothies can help with cooked food cravings – so far I haven’t noticed this in me – maybe some day it will happen though. I will be the first to admit that I do not prefer green smoothies. I am wishing I did though if it would help!
Oh btw, RAWmen Noodles – Flaxseeds are SUPPOSED to get slimey and gooey when you soak them in water! Nothing went wrong. If you don’t want them gooey, than don’t soak just grind. I admit I don’t care for soaked flaxseeds in my dishes and avoid it if I can help it. But some dishes need that gooeness to keep the items you are making together! :)
queenfluff- thank you for the info on the gooey seeds. I had no idea! I thought they were bad or something! Thank you soooooo much, that helps alot!(happily moon-walking across the floor!).
Hey, I want to just echo some of the stuff everyone else has already said. Don’t beat yourself up spankyraw. Some days are good, some are not so good, but there’s no suck thing as failing.
When you eat something you know you shouldn’t have, try to “make up” for it by eating a really big salad, or something equally raw and yummy.
Also, try to think of all the progress you’ve made. This will help you stay motivated. For example.. if you were on a SAD diet, and are now a vegan and 50% raw, celebrate that amazing improvement in nutrtition! If you used to live off potato chips and now eat them once a month, see that as a positive step! This is what always keeps me going, knowing that I have come a long way already. Good luck!!
As for the smoothies: I read somewhere (think victoria boudenko’s site) that green smoothies keep for a day. :D
Have you read Ode to Green Smoothies by Victoria Boutenko? It has green smoothie recipes at the end of the article. Here is a link to her past newsletters, you will find lots of smoothie recipes to try. I always like to start with making smoothies that somebody else has published, and taste them as they are being made to adjust to your tastebuds if needed :) Enjoy your travels with this, it’s a brand new adventure and this should be fun for you, not a chore. I hope that these newsletters help to make it simple and stressfree for you :)