well it looks like my last thread on this got deleted or something so........
What to eat if we have candida ?
How can we eat all raw if we have candida ?
I do not beleive that a high fruit diet is good for candida , i know some people claim that fats are the course of candida and an all raw high fruit diet is the way to go,
well this has not worked for me and has made it even worst.
So if we are going to lower the carbs and sugars , what can we eat thats all RAW if we have candida ? avocado's and greens ? can we really eat an all raw diet if we have candida ?
Could we have some meals posted that are good for candida
And also healthy and ok to eat all the time i.e. if its gonna be lots af avocado's and greens can we really be healthy eating a very high % of fat in our diets ?
What do we think ?
Has anyone got candida and have experience with this ?
Hey paulieGB - check out this website.
I found out I had candida 10 years ago and have struggled with it since. I went 80% raw in April and it took at least 4 months to be able to eat fruit without it affecting me. I know they say agave isn't really raw but when you can't eat dates or honey, it is a lifesaver.
Sometimes I would use kefir culture in fruit smoothies or young coconut water because it consumes the sugar and makes it sour, then add agave syrup to make it sweet again. That way you get the nutrition without feeding the yeast plus it's a great probiotic. I felt great on the Body Ecology Diet but I lost way too much weight and started looking like a walking skeleton. MMS has really helped also, but the taste is revolting and the first two weeks you have to deal with nausea.
Keep up the battle, you will eventually win.
You should get Gabriel Cousen's book, Rainbow Green Live-Food Cousine. There are a lot of recipes without any fruits or high sugar foods.
I just read on another thread in this site that GSE helps the candida.
not candida but a plethora of bacterial and fungal gut issues. It was so bad that my vegetarian naturopath told me I had to go on the Atkins diet
Before Raw, I had to go to a meat, low glycemic veggies and flax oil diet to feel well but thank god! the last 3 years I have been all sorts of different raw and doing quite well my observations are that for me with fats and fruits...it is one or the other i can eat fruit without major symptoms or fats but not both and if i'm not 100% raw....no fruit sugar at all and when eating fruit, some fruits trigger me some don't and it doesn't always make sense. Bananas and dates are ok. apples and grapefruit kill me for herbs etc....strong probiotics such as threelac, berberine caps (oregon grape/ scutellaria) and Oil of Oregano tablets also good idea to look into underlying hormonal imbalances or the gut stuff will never heal
good luck
I have been having the same problems. I am pretty sure I have a candida overgrowth and now I'm trying to adjust my diet to fix it. In Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine Gabriel Cousens gives 2 phases of eating raw. The first stage is very low glycemic to overcome candida and build good healthy intestinal bacteria. He recommends eating in the first phase for three to six months or until symptoms of candida and other illnesses are gone.
These are the foods listed in phase 1:
Nuts and seeds
Most vegetables*
Vegetable Fruits (ex: avocado, tomato, cucumber, summer squash/zucchini, red bell pepper)
Lemons and Limes
Sea Vegetables
Oils (flax, hemp, olive, sesame, coconut, almond, sunflower)
Coconut Pulp
Klamath Lake Algae
Sprouts (only if you sprout them yourself)
*Vegetables other than: carrots, hard squash, yams, sweet potatoes, beets, parsnip, pumpkin, rutabaga, mushrooms, dried coconut.
Another list in the same book is a list of foods to avoid for prevention and treatment of mycosis (candida is a type of mycosis)
- Sugar, honey, artificial sweeteners, maple syrup, fructose, maltose, malted products, carob
- Flesh foods
- Eggs/Dairy
- All grains
- Yeast
- Corn
- Peanuts and Cashews
- Cottonseed
- alcohol
- Soy sauce and Nama shoyu
- coffee/caffeine
- tobacco
- heated oil
- Fermented foods
- mushrooms
- high glycemic fruits
- all dried fruits
- fruit juices
- high glycemic vegetables
- all processed foods
- Any cooked foods more than 24 hours old
I have been experimenting with some dishes trying to find things that are low glycemic and also not loaded with nuts and other fats. I will hopefully be posting some things soon. I just made some flat bread (pita-esque) with a base of zucchini, so I will post that as soon as I get the measurements down.
Hope this helped, good luck!
Also- I know this list seems pretty restrictive, but I have overcome it a little bit by telling myself that it's only temporary. Once you have got rid of all the candida you can slowly incorporate more medium and high glycemic foods back into your diet as long as you don't go overboard with it. So that has helped for me. I'm just going to try to be creative with that phase 1 list and get through it.
it seems like every time I find a new staple, it turns out I shouldn't eat it! this time it's dried coconut. I'm nut free in my house, and I've been making bread with coconut flour, chia, and sunflower seeds. hmmm, back to the drawing board I guess.
so, what do you eat for breakfast? I'm so used to eating fruit for breakfast that I'm totally stumped as to what to make.
edited to add what I ended up making this morning (and loving!): chopped lettuce, diced 1/2 avocado, squeeze a bit of lemon juice, and some raw pumpkin seeds. actually, quite satisfying. I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy the cilantro at the Farmer's Market last Sunday... I kept seeing it at different vendor's booths, and kept passing it over. I think cilantro would make it even yummier.
I think I found a new staple for breakfast which is light yet satisfying.
actually, I tried 811 with less than 10% fat for several months and it didn't solve my candida problem. After just a couple of days on eating greens and no sugar (no grains, fruit, or sweet veggies), I already notice a difference and feel better. I have no weird cravings, and I'm LOVING these meals. I have no cravings like I did on 811. by the way, I read 811, and found it lacking in quite a bit of logic and evidence. It relies on ideas and anecdotes. upon trial, it didn't help me at all.
I think that perhaps some people do better eating only sugar. I know I do much better without the sugar.
Dang it littlegems! lol I had just about convinced myself I should get that darn book! Especially since Raw Curls thought highly of it too. The truth is I dont seem to have any health issues that need fixing just as I am now. And I did agree w/durianrider on the whole fasting issue. I cant see how that doesnt just end up doing a number on your metabolism. Nothing I would do to myself anyhow to look good in a swimsuit. Now fasting for spiritual reasons I might understand.
And another thing, I really appreciate when you guys call them juice feasts cause it sure aint fasting unless your down to only water.
ok 811 can just wait for...
well don't let me stop you... go for it, give it a try. It seems that DurianRaider likes to try to make others feel badly about their choices, so I was just expressing my opinion... it didn't help me.
give it a try and let us know how it works for you. I really don't think there is just one right way... to anything.
Nah, like I said I do feel so good right now I'm not sure I should be fixing anything. It's just I read all the steller reviews on Amazon and then came back here and it was a no for you too.
Of course not just one right way for everyone. This sight alone has some of the most off the wall people I've ever had the pleasure to be confused by.
I imagine I'll get to it one of these days tho. No offense intended.
There is, according to a review, supposed to be a helpful explanation on the topic of this thread in that book.
Oil of Oregano (authentic kind) is suppose to take care of candida and just about anything else you can name. I use Solaray brand pills twice a day.
I was giving it to the neighbors' dog who I walk to take care of worms and parasites. I saw impressive results on him. After giving it to him for two months, I started taking it myself. There are no bad tastes or side effects.
I love fruits. Yum, yum. The only thing I avoid is tomatoes and night shades and dairy (of course).
Careful with oil of oregano, as it is a powerful antibiotic... it can be good if you have unwanted lifeforms in your body (parasites, yeasts, etc) that you want to kill, problem is, it kills the stuff you want too. So take lots of probiotics at the same time to protect your inner flora and fauna!
i agree with the vegtable juices, its helped me .
Also i think staying away from sweet fruits is very important.
Do some research on Kombucha and Apple cider vinegar. They are amazing when it comes to curing candida. Apart from my smoothies, I add ACV to everything and often drink a shot of it by itself. I have also started drinking Kombucha which seems to be improving my digestion.
Good Luck and may the Anti Candida army be with you.
What is 811 that everyone keeps mentioning?
this board and it's raw gourmet eaters feel threatened whenever us 811'ers make posts. insecure about your eating habits ain't cool. eat more fruit!!!
Envirogenny --
There are a lot of threads on GoneRaw that discuss 811. An Advanced Search will yield a fairly extensive list. Within them I'm sure you will find a lot of good discussions on this topic.
i've seen so much written about candida and i've tried everything so i know what works and what doesn't. Before I went raw I didn't know what a candida overgrowth was. when i switched to raw (gourmet raw that is) I learned first hand what it was. After I looked on this forum for candida advice i realized that many raw fooders on this website struggle with it too. i thought wow, that's weird, these people eat so healthy why are there so many people on this site with candida overgrowth? i know a lot of people that eat SAD but none of them struggle with candida overgrowth...weird.
anyways, after looking though all the forums i decided to try the body ecology diet. it made sense, since i had been brainwashed to think that fruit sugar is bad for your health. i tried it for a month. i sincerely regret it. my candida symptoms were worse, i felt so deprived. since i had cut out all fruit sugars, i had intense cravings for sweets and complex carbs like potatoes. the diet obviously wasn't working and my relationships were starting to suffer because of my irritability from the candida overgrowth. i had once lashed out at my boyfriend because he was trying to help me and wouldn't let me order dessert one night. the candida had really taken over.
i was desperate. i had seen some comments on this forum about the 811 diet and completely ignored it before because i was afraid of fruit sugar (thanks body ecology diet and ph miracle for brainwashing me). since nothing else was working i decided to get some more information on this 811 diet. i dove in and started the diet right away. eating 100% raw, vegan, low-fat, nothing but fruit and greens all day. i was a little scared, but i embraced the diet. i was so in love with fruit and had missed it so much.
i had struggled with candida for 3 months trying everything imaginable. after 2 days on the 811 diet my symptoms went away, for good. i had energy. my sweet cravings went away. my skin cleared. my yeast infection was gone...and now i am the happiest and healthiest i have ever been in my life. i am still doing the diet and loving it.
so now i know, fruit sugar is not the culprit! fat is! everyone that is giving advice about not eating sugar is still struggling with candida! how can you say that giving up fruit helps if you haven't cured it your candida yet? anyone that makes kefir or anything cultured knows that sugar is what feeds the bacteria. you know that if you don't give the kefir cultures some sugar they will die. what do you think you are doing to your good bacteria when you starve it of fruit sugar? your good bacteria starves! quit eating oils, nuts and seeds, and overt fats and start eating sweet juicy fruit! you and your body will love it!
Raw can be salad, apart from fruit:
Thsi is a nice salad that doesn't feed the candida:
- shrimps
- tuna
- corn
- dill
- olives
- extra virgin olive oil mixed with with vit. C dissolved in hot water
- cellery stalks
- lots of tiny tomato's, cut in half
- cucumbers
- feta cheese
- peppers
- cauliflower
- salad
- spring onions
- avocado's
- bean sprouts
- grated carrots
Be careful with the corn and the carrots - they're high in sugars.
I find it interesting that some people do better on the high fruit/low fat route and others on the low sugar version. I personally could not do 811. It made my mouth swollen, cracked and bleeding and destroyed my gums within a week. It also made me very constipated and I gained almost 10 lbs in two weeks.
I still adhere to a low fat diet (around 20% fat) and I also eat fruit, but greens are so key as well as low-glycemic vegetables and non-sweet fruits. Its all about balance. All fruit is just way too much sugar, and a lot of fat is hard on the body. But in the end, we need both, carbs and fat. Your body can't function without either.
I think thats the key to healing candida is finding your own balance in your body and not adhering to what someone else says.
I also find it interesting that there are both sides, and both sides declare victory. What does this tell us? I think it tells us that if you are a person that has candida you need to try two methods, to find which best "suits" your body type and digestion. Follow common sense. If eating one way makes you feel progressively worse and worse, it's telling you something. Switch to the other style. We don't have to all keep debating back and forth anymore, that's the answer. Both are remedies. Only one of these two remedies will work for any particular person. A better step is to take the people with candida, and make sure that those two remedies can take care of everyone. If not, then we need to find the third solution, so as to best help the members of the forum, with their health concerns. We all agree that raw food is better for us. Let's move to the next level up citizens of raw. Let's stop assuming that "OUR" solution, is "EVERYONE'S" solution, and see that there is more than one path to the same goal.