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Kiwi's: Yay or Nay?

I’ve ALWAYS loved Kiwi’s. They taste so delicious, and seem to be high in nutrition. Until recently, I haven’t bought many kiwi’s in a long time because they were so expensive. I had an oppurtunity to get 22lbs of kiwis for a decent price, still expensive but I figured why not. While I was eating these kiwi’s my tongue and mouth started to sting. I then had some oranges, mouth still stinging. The kiwi’s tasted so good, I kept going at them. For my final course of dinner I had a super heady salad with a kiwi/macademia nut dressing. The kiwi was blended in a vitamix, causing the seeds to also be blended. WOW! I believe that the seeds REALLY irritated my mouth. My lips got chapped, and my mouth really hurt. I couldn’t finish the salad due to such strong irritation. Someone else who tried the dressing noticed the same feeling I had.

I’ve been looking online, and can’t find anything negative about consuming/digesting kiwi’s. Does anyone have any good information that I can use? A webpage or even a book I can look at?

Thanks very much!


  • jenny2052jenny2052 Raw Newbie

    I’ve had some similar issues with kiwis! Sometimes pineapple and strawberries cause similar reactions for me, too. I always chalked it up to the Vitamin C in kiwis, but it was really just a guess more than anyone else. Sorry not to be more informative, but wanted you to know there are others of us out there! Good luck!

  • achin70achin70 Raw Newbie

    I know David Wolfe mentioned that some foods have secondary toxins. When eating pineapple, for instance, the first bite tastes great, the second bite tastes very good, and so on. However, if you keep eating, eventually the pineapple will start to burn your tongue. He called it the aliesthetic taste change. It’s a signal to stop eating that particular food, and move on to another food. Supposedly, this is why wild animals will eat only small amounts of each wild plant, since wild plants have secondary toxins.

    Do you think this is what happened to you? Did the kiwi sting right away, or only after you ate one or two?

  • waterbaby12347waterbaby12347 Raw Newbie

    Tomatoes and pineapple do the same to me… I used to think it was called, over doing a good thing!!! LOL However, acid could be the culprit…

    Maybe you could quarter some of those beautiful kiwi and place them in the freezer for later use…

    Edit—We posted at the same time… Good point Achin70!!! That makes more sense as you have just described my pineapple experiences…

  • MOTHMOTH Raw Newbie

    When I first went raw, I loved the green ones; now I can’t really stand them.

    I moved on to golden kiwi; sooo much sweeter, and not as acidic. They are a treat!

  • dodododo Raw Newbie

    brilliant idea moth, i hadnt thought of that doh! i love kiwi and can get the green ones really cheaply every where here but there is definate lips and tongue stingage during and for a while after eating. ill pick up some goldens later at the big shop and see what happens. thank you

  • springleafspringleaf Raw Newbie

    What people are having after eating kiwis etc is oral allery syndrome, this link explains about it


    Pineapples have a very powerful enzyme in them (bromelain) which is a proteolytic enzyme (an enzyme that digests proteins), if you marinade meat for a BBQ (not that any of us would! lol) in a pineapple based marinade the meat will break down, thats how strong the enzyme is. so if you leave it on your mouth too long the same will happen. BTW this is why pineapple is good for digestion because it helps digest your meal.

  • CaresCares Raw Newbie

    Wow ‘TreeOfLife’...I had the same thing happen a few years ago with Kiwifruit too.

    I don’t believe that it is an allergic reaction though…I think it almost has to be the growing conditions of the fruit. Reason being that myself and my family had never had a problem with Kiwifruit but then one year we purchased some just down the road at a neighbours property, and whilst they were nice and sweet it was like they were laced with chilli they were really hot, they were only fairly small fruits too, but we all had the same reaction. Somebody else has now purchased that property and have put a lot of nutrients into the soil around the Kiwi vines and the taste has changed to a nice normal ‘no chilli’ flavour.

  • achin70achin70 Raw Newbie

    springleaf: Good info about pineapples!

    waterbaby: Thanks! I’m not sure if the aliesthetic taste change is what’s going on with pineapples, since commercial pineapples are not wild, but it’s an interesting theory nonetheless. The acid theory is also interesting, since I’ve heard pineapple can break down the enamel on your teeth. :)

  • I had a real craving for kiwis when I was pregnant with my son, like I would go to the supermarket and then as soon as i was thru the checkout, I would cram them into my mouth, skin and all :o I find i am a lot more sensitive to them now. Where can you get golden kiwis? (or is that an American thing?) same with pineapple, i just have a bit at a time.. we used to use bromelain from pineapples in the blood transfusion labs to get red cells to clump together! I wonder if kiwis have a similar thing going on!!

  • okraokra Raw Newbie

    when i blended concord grapes, same things happened to me! felt like tons tiny pointy needles in my mouth!! oh it was really irritated. then reminds me when i chew kiwis to break seeds, i felt little pointy feeling in my mouth, i stopped chew them up, just eat them nicely. i don’t know how many of them but you blended kiwis so it must be really itchy! not sure why but maybe fiber made irritated?? or some natural chemicals in there seed? i want to know too!

  • dodododo Raw Newbie

    yay for golden kiwis, i had one saturday night, no tingly, yaaaaaaaay!

  • waterbaby12347waterbaby12347 Raw Newbie

    I can’t wait to buy a golden one, wonder if they are as good for your eyes and macular degeneration as the green ones???

    Any ideas???

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