Hello Everyone, I’m new to Gone Raw and 2 months into raw food (about 75%-95% depending on the day). I have had a long journey with digestive issues that has gotten me to this point! I got a parasite in West Africa, took flagyl (not recommendable but it did save my life at the time) to combat it, and the rest is history…. This happened about 10 years ago and things have never been the same for me! Flagyl killed off every vestige of happy bacteria/flora and one year later I hit the wall with a very bad case of candida. I felt like I had mono but it never went away, and I woke up every morning feeling like I’d been hit over the head by a brick. It took ages for me to get a diagnosis. I was terrorized about the idea that I still had a parasite, but doctors couldn’t figure out anything wrong with me and began to treat me like a hypochondriac! At that point I was 21 and should have had energy abounding! After 6 months on candida diet (no sugar or fruit, nothing with yeast, low carb) I felt great and went back to life as usual. At this point, more than 10 years after battling candida, I’m not so sure that candida was my only problem. I know that I wiped out the candida because I have never had an issue with my energy levels since then, and that was my primary symptom. Every couple of years when my digestion became terrible again, I would embark on a major cleanse for a couple of months, get my body back in order and then go back to my old wicked ways of a western vegetarian diet. Until recently, I didn’t think of my usual veggie diet as wicked, I considered it healthy, though I did know that dairy products are not the best and coffee is a vice, I really didn’t see these things as serious health risks or the reason for my digestive difficulties. my thinking is changing as I get deeper into raw foods. As the years go by, I’ve been finding that my digestion improvement after these cleanses has been more and more short-lived. So, finding myself on the 3rd cleanse of the year, I decided I needed to try something different! I did the Master Cleanser lemonade fast for 15 days. While I was on it, I started reading about a lot of people transitioning from this fast for a few weeks of raw foods before going back. I started reading about raw foods and getting really interested. I told myself I would aim for 2 weeks of raw foods when I broke the fast and just see how it goes! It’s been 2 months now, and I’m still going strong, my digestion is better than it’s been in 10 years, my hair has returned to the texture of my childhood, I’ve lost 15 lbs, and I’ve got the glow on my skin! Not only that, but I have been finding that every yoga class since going raw is a major breakthrough. My flexibility is improving daily! Woohoo! No turning back now!!! So here I am. I’m an American expatriate living in New Zealand! Back in California, I know this lifestyle would be a walk in the park compared to doing it here! I know a Cafe Gratitude fix would definitely keep me from falling off the wagon during a weak moment! Here, I have to come up with my own fix. I don’t know anyone personally who eats like me. I’m finding it very difficult to maintain socially among my friends and co-workers without isolating myself or feeling like an extremist. I am hoping to find support and advice in this community to keep this wonderful trend of better health and commitment to positive change going in my life! I am very happy to be here.
Hello there! Where in NZ are you? I am in Auckland and going on one year raw now! I know exactly what you mean about the social restrictions and support from family/friends. But I tell you, it gets a lot better!!!! After people treating you like an alien at first, they start to watch your body, energy, health and life transform for the better – my family are now used to me making my own foods at family dinners, they even want to try my creations! My mum searched the internet for recipes and made me a raw cake on my birthday and did an all raw vegan feast!!! It takes time, but once you have found the balance and are settled with the lifestyle, things around you settle too. Frienships change, some of my closest friends and I struggle to find common ground now, and I am experiencing the most amazing new friendships. This website is great while you go through the adventure of a commitment to raw food eating. So many wonderful supportive people. Just know that there will be angels in the flesh too:-) Bliss and blessings to you from me!!! Rebecca. x
Thankyou Lady Le Harle! I’m in Wellington. Congratulations on one year raw!! It’s so great to hear that your family has become so supportive and interested. My partner has no problem with me eating dandelions and air as long as I cook him up some comfort foods regularly! Already I’ve started a big health trend in my room at work… People are starting to say no to birthday cakes and fish & chips, and go to the gym at lunch. I think my weight loss has inspired them. And my best friend was really finicky about it with me first, because food and food sharing/giving are very important to her and she enjoys a very rich lacto-ovo veggie diet. But lately she’s been starting to get interested in coming over for raw food at my place! What’s the toughest is going out to restaurants or rather saying no to most restaurant invitations. I do think my friends are adjusting, and I do hope to meet some new raw friends too. It’s nice to not feel alone in my quest! Bliss & Blessings right back at ya!
Something that I do at restaurants: I casually and gracefully make my way to a waiter/waitress or person at the counter and have a delicate conversation with them while others are pouring over menus (most often I coincide this with a trip to the bathroom so as not to appear too obvious!) I basically say that I have all kinds of allergies and to cut a story should could they please do me a MASSIVE green salad with whatever raw salad/veggies they have, as simple and big as possible (avo, tomato, cucumber, carrots lemon juice are most definitely in most restaurants) if they get their knickers in a twist about it then I simply order a side salad (warning them that I will order about 3 more) and big pot of tea. I usually bring bits and pieces in my bag or eat nutrient dense snacks before I go out. I always carry Karengo seaweed and sunflower seeds. I have no issues with dumping these on the side salads!!!! But have no fear!!!! Nearly every place I go to will surprise me with a beautiful and loving salad, presentation and content!! Secretly I think chefs love doing it:-) You just gotta get in the flow of expecting good experiences with food wherever you go. If it doesnt happen at some restaurants then the food wasnt meant for you anyway. I prefer to eat farmers market organic produce!! One thing I do for my friends is make rich raw vegan desserts. This turns them around pretty quick “hey this isnt’ so bad” “heavenly” “better than sex” etc etc especially things like blending macadamias into a creme with some fresh dates and squeeze of lemon and vanilla pod, with fruit slices, yumm, and the winner is Raw Cacao treats! I have requests for my chocolate desserts now!. Keep it up lovely one!! All falls into place. R. xx
Hi Isis and Lady Le Harle! I am in NZ too (Auckland)!!! I have just signed up to Gone Raw this week…you will see my intro thread is only a few lines down from this one:) I really wasn’t expecting to meet many others from NZ on here…so this is a nice surprise:)
heya! so cool to see other new zealanders! im from auckland too and im just starting out although i have been thinking about this for awhile lol good hunting with you all!
HEY!! Glad to see more raw kiwis out there. Im from NZ but have been travelling around for a bit. Have just (this morning) finished the ‘spiritual living foods chef apprenticeship’ at the tree of life Arizona for the past 10 weeks. Am flying back to Japan tomorrow. Then at the end of the year we’ll be moving back to NZ.Cant wait! \X
Hey, I’ve been 100% for one month now and just signed up this week. I lived in NYC for three years now, but I lived in Mosgiel (near Dunedin) all my life before that.
Hi Isis
I have just signed up and was reading the posts looking for fellow kiwi’s and found you.
I sympathise with your health issues.
I first played around with a raw diet about 5 years ago when I finally said no to taking up to 6 Sennacot tablets a day just to stay regular! I booked myself into a Fasting retreat for 5 days and have been pretty much raw ever since.
It was on the retreat that I first came across Shazzie (by the way I was in the UK at the time) and David Wolfe. Once I started reading their books and visiting their websites the light in my brain switch on!!
I’ve read a lot since and have watched the video done by Woody Harleson and am constantly amazed at how may people have ‘gone raw’.
I am lucky that my family support me in my choice of raw food but then again they have seen the difference a raw diet has made to my overall well being so why wouldn’t they. The only problem I have being raw in NZ is trying to find food. While I was in the UK there was a constant supply of every vegetable and fruit imaginable where here in NZ we are much more restricted. For example, for the life of me I can’t find a source of young green coconuts!
I am getting better at not being a closet raw foodist…....especially around my mother in law who gets upset of you don’t want to eat her butter laden girdle scones!! Now I just say ‘no thanks I’ll have a piece of fruit’. That usually satisfies her as she likes to see people eating. I think it is a nurturing thing with woman who raised their kids in the 50’s.
Anyway I am looking forward to being part of this forum and hope your health continues to improve.
By the way I am in Christchurch
Isis! Welcome! I’m not from New Zealand, but I would LOVE to live there! I’ve read all about it…is it absolutely beautiful and amazing? Worth the move?
I keep asking everybody this question and nobody can answer it!!!!
onion- I lived in Invercargill for 9 months, and visited Dunedin often. My favorite place there was Oamaru in the Otago peninsula, and the Catlins, where we would always drive to see the Hoiho.
Hi Everyone - I'm a Kiwi, living in Vancouver, Canada. I'll be flying to NZ for 5 weeks, week after next. Will mostly be in Wellington.
Any raw food restaurants or close to raw in NZ? In Wellington?
Good to see other kiwis here.
okaY i hope all you guys are coming back to this post.. im in auckLand and have the most important question:
where do i buy young coconuts?? lol
they sell fresh young coconuts and deliver anywhere in new zealand i think!
vicky- i havent found any rawfood restaurants in nz. only vegan or places that do juice & smoothies :) anyway hope your having fun back in the land of the long white cloud LOL
Thanks for the link miss souffle...I had been wondering for a while about young coconuts! :) Hey, did you get my email that I sent you a while back, I only ask because heaps of stuff has been getting caught in my spam filter lately...and I would hate to think that you thought I was ignoring you...lol!
@ rena: I am planning on moving down Canterbury way in the new year! I actually saw in the Vegetarian Magazine that there is a group in Christchurch who do a raw vegan pot luck regularly...have you ever checked that out?
If any of you raw kiwi's want to contact me, feel free to email me at purple_angel426 [at] xtra [dot] co [dot] nz ...I would definitely be keen to chat :)
Lady Le Harle, that's such a good idea about eating out at restaurants. I made the mistake of trying to explain the raw diet to the waitress I had the other night but aparently had no luck with it since the salad I got served had chicken strips in it. So I just picked them out and gave them to my mom and was good to go after that! I'll just explain all the "allergies" I have from now on and hopefully that works! =)
Hi Angel,
Yes there is definitely a raw pot luck gathering here in ChCh. Unfortunately I have never made it to one as I have been away or the dates just didn't work for me. I can give your name and email to the Steve and he can put you on the email list if you like.
If you are coming to ChCh you will be pleased to know that I have found a guy from Fresh Max who is getting me young green coconuts - they come in a bag of 10 minimum which is OK cos I can eat most of them and there is always someone who wants 1 or 2.
Which Vegetarian mag are you talking about?
Stay well.........
Hi Rena,
I saw the ad for it in the NZ Vegetarian Society's magazine, a family member of mine gets it and I often have a quick read through. I would definitely be keen to check it out when I get down your way, but I have the contact details written down so I might wait and contact them myself when I have got myself settled in the area...thank you so much for the thought though:) ...and who knows maybe I will see you there sometime, if you ever get around to going? That sounds great about the coconuts...I have not bought any of those yet since being raw, only the normal brown kind, so that will be something to look forward to!
I look forward to chatting with you further...
Angel :-)
Hello fellow kiwi's!
I went to an Asian supermarket (Lim Chour) on K Rd in Auckland this week and saw young thai coconuts on sale for $2.99 each!!!!!! wow!!!!
I was on my way out with two arms full of shopping so I didnt have time or arm strength buy any. But its good to know that they are sold so cheap!
I only worry about freshness etc. Yay!