hi all. I have been raw for about 4 weeks. maybe 5. 90% RAW with the 10% non-raw consisting of mostly coffee and gum. I am really having a hard time cause I am gaining weight. not losing. i feel extremely gassy and bloated and uncomfortable and I dont know what I am doing wrong. I mostly eat blended smoothies of primarily greens and I also drink fresh juiced greens thru the day. and whole tomatos as snacks. I drink a lot of water. I was eating quite a few nuts and seeds but have mostly cut those out now, thinking that was the culprit. Im pretty frustrated and just feel so miserable being so gassy and bloated. nothing makes it go away! can anyone give me any suggestions or advice? thanks in advance.
Same thing happened to me. I went 100% raw (cut out coffee, energy drinks, diet soda, and gum), upped the greens and fruits like cucumbers, limited sweet fruits, cut out all nuts/seeds. Cured
Is it possible that you could be feeling bloated from all the water you’re drinking? I used to drink a gallon or more a day, but have cut it down to about 1/2 a gallon since the raw foods tend to clean my system out enough.
Sounds like you are not digesting well what you are eating, if your digestion creates putrefaction then you have gases and you are likely to gain weight. My suggestion would be to look at food combining rules and see if the problem persists. Why so much water?
hello and thanks for your responses.
KAIT….so are you saying you had the same problem for a long time at the start, until you cut out all nuts, seeds, other drinks, gum etc? then all the bloat and gas went away?
As for the water…I dont think I drink too much. I do workout a lot (have been for a few years consistently) so I need to replenish with water. some days I drink more then other days. Im certain the water isnt the problem.
MELAVERDE…thanks for the advice i will look into it. but if Im just having greens in my smoothies…ex would be spinach, cucumber, fresh mint, fresh dill, and lemon….how would that be bad combining? then tomatoes for snacks?
Im so confused.
thanks for the advice…I will keep trying new things. first off no nuts or seeds and try to cut down a lot on the gum.
ddreams76 – yes, I am saying that I had the same problem at first. But I went from a really bad SAD straight to raw cold turkey so I think my body needed to adjust. Since then I have been able to consume nuts and seeds in moderation without any problems.
Hey there+ This isnt to do with the bloating but are you putting on weight ot fat_ cuz )as you probably know) muscle weighs more than fat so maybe your putting on muscle? Just a thought! :)
KAIT…hello again. yeah that makes sense. but for me, not so much cause i went from a pretty healthy diet to a RAW diet so i dont understand the bloating and weight gain. but im not ready to give up just yet. i will keep making adjustments and see if i can get things right.
AJCHANTER…hello. yes, I am for certain putting on fat. trust me on that. its very noticeable. besides, i have been working out consistently with a trainer for well over two years, so there should not be any dramatic weight changes from muscle at this time. its very frustrating, this weight gain thing. i really dont understand it. It drives me crazy to see my thin friends eat whatever they want and booze it up all the time and not put on an ounce. yet I try hard to stay healthy and be in shape and weight is just pouring on me. it makes me sad.
im going to keep trying as I said.
I’d actually cut back on the greens a little bit at first, and then steadily add more back into your diet once the bloating and gas cease. This happened to me when I first went raw. I’d actually feel kinda sick after green smoothies because my body was telling me “hey there! too many greens!” Try adding some more fruit into your diet, and maybe some other veggies, too. You need a big variety to meet all your nutrition needs.
Also, are you drinking black coffee? Or are you putting anything in it?
ddreams76 – Maybe has nothing to do with your problem but I had problems in the past with lemons. I have a pretty sensitive digestive system and as such whenever I had lemon combined with vegetables (ie salads) it used to create a lot of gases thus creating putrefaction in my stomach, the same would occur with vinegar. As a result I was forced to “isolate” lemon completely from any other food and I have it only as a juice with water in the morning and sometime eve. In fact the food combining source that I use states that fruits (ie lemon) should not be combined with veggies. best of luck!
Hi ddreams79. . . sorry to hear about your problem. I noticed that after going more fully raw for about two weeks I had some mild gastrointestinal difficulties as well. Loose stool, gas, three days of no bowel movement. I was pretty upset. I consulted my naturopathic accupuncturist and she prescibed me some good probiotics and digestive enzymes. Is there any chance you took many antibiotics during the course of your life? I had and I think that stripped my stomach of some of the good flora needed for digestion. Probiotics replenish that flora. Kombucha, kimchi, anything fermented also promotes healthy digestion :)
I want to add that the weight gain is definitely from your inability to digest what you are eating. You want to get things in and out as smoothly as possible to lose weight.