The Rawtarian Community
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We’re awfully lucky here in Portland (Oregon). There are enough raw-foodists to support a few monthly potlucks, a mostly raw cafe and the local co-op even has a small section of the store devoted to raw food items!
Hey Josee, if you’re ever in the Toronto Area, we have raw meetups, and according to there are 120 raw foodists in Toronto that receive and attend the various meetings we organize. Toronto sprouts (formerly Super Sprouts) has an events page and a newsletter that keeps all in the GTA updated about what’s happening.
Forever Healthy also organize a pretty nice roster of events in the GTA as well.
Simply Raw is based out of Ottawa, so they probably can give you a good idea of how many raw foodists are in your area.
Hey Nixopan,
Thanks for all the info! I actually am on Simply Raw’s mailing list, and I am a member of Simply Raw holds monthly potlucks, but I haven’t had a chance to attend yet. I’d love to meet other raw foodists, you get kind of lonely sometimes…
If ever you’re in Ottawa, let me know, and I’ll do the same for Toronto.
Cheers! josée
Kandace-i am in to raw foodism.where is the raw food potlucks in portland? i saw one at one gals house…last tues.i am scared to go cause i am old.i think everyone will be young and i am scared.i go to spicers in oregon city to get my fruit…and veggies.well will love to hear from u.
I’m in Toronto and I am planning on attending the next meet-up on the 10th! Will you be there Nixopax?
rae-dean: Try checking out the potlucks on The next one is March 10th. It looks to be a great, diverse group of folks. I’ve been meaning to make it to one of these for a while. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at raw foodists from all ages and lifestyles.
oh thank u so much Kandace.i will try to get up my courage.i want to go so badly.nowif i can get hubby to go with me.well,we will see.thank u so much .
kandace-i joined the portland meet-up. i am so excited.there was also some older gals too.thanks so much for the site.see u soon.maybe.this will be i have to tell them what i can bring or do i ask them what they want me to bring.thanks so much.
well-i am so sad. i had so wanted to go to the portland raw potluck.hubby was sick all week but i thought for sure he would be well by sat. i got up at 4:30a.m. to make my raw apple pie.well-the one good thing is “i made the pie and it is so so good”.hubby and i are still learning and trying these recipes.we were amazed the pie was better than any pie i ever tasted.well-there is next month.
I wasn’t able to attend mine in Toronto tonight as well. My grandmother passed away yesterday :(
I’m in the North West UK. There are more raw fooders in the South East, but really not many up here. We are going to get to work changing that!
I’m in Cleveland, Ohio. Born and raised….
Greensburg, PA unfortunately. But soon it will be Italy! :)
I am from Bucyrus, Ohio “Bratwurst Capital of the World” (yuck!!!) It is a small rural town. I am the only raw foodist that I know of. I signed up on so hopefully I’ll meet people to share this journey with.
I am in North White Plains,NY and I don’t know anyone here that is raw.
I’m in Saint Louis, MO. Despite being in the midwest & amongst farm country, we had our first raw food meetup on Friday. I strongly encourage anyone to go to theirs. Hopefully ours will keep growing!
I’m in Atlanta, but going to Maine in the fall. Atlanta is supposed to have a fairly large raw community, but I haven’t met anyone yet. :-)
I am in Flagstaff, Arizona
I am in Richardson, TX, wondering if there are other Dallas people here, I am trying to find access to affordable organic produce by local farms, and still at a loss how. Would appreciate if anyone could share information.
I’m in Roanoke, Va I’m working on getting a meet up going here. I’ll be moving back to Asheville, NC in the fall.
Berkeley (actually Kensington – unincorporated area) CA. I was born and raised in Oakland.
The raw food movement is pretty large in the Bay Area and I’m going to my first “raw event” in San Francisco Tuesday night (just a few minutes away via public transit)- David Wolfe will be here.
It will be nice to meet people IRL.
Hey Barose, so far you’re the only one even remotely close to me. I’m up in Ukiah, CA, about three hours north of you (dep. on traffic, of course ;o) I’m just about to try & find out if there are other raw foodies around here, haven’t looked yet. I’m sure there are, though. Nice to find out how wide-spread and diverse we are here!
Oshkosh, Wisconsin. [U.S.] Unfortunately we got have quarter coin with the cow on it. It also may have had a block of cheese. My town is a college town. Everyone’s an alcoholic, and everyone eats cheese and chugs milk.
I can’t wait to leave. O_o
There’s not anyone from Wisconsin here.. is there?
Born and raised Los Angeles,CA…city of angels and raw foodists ;)
i live in a very small, pretty town in colorado…it’s called Pagosa Springs…we are near durango which is a little bit bigger and more well know of. I know their are raw foodist in durango which is an hour away but really don’t think there is much going on in my own little corner of the earth…but i do feel that because we are small town every one is more health concicous (to a certain degree) And mango woman my husband is from la crosse wis, and my best friend is from wassau.
Hi Barose, I will be in SF May 28 through May 31, hanging out before I head up north to the Tahoe, Truckee area for a conference.
Do you know of any raw potlucks on those dates? If so, pls let me know. I live and eat raw alone here in Italy and would love to meet some other people who live the same lifestyle on my visit before I head back to Sicily, where I live for now. I will be moving to Austin TX mid summer and discovered there is a community there which will be great for me. Thanks, let me know if you can, dea.
Lifelong native of Kansas City area, currently living in Kansas.
Im down here in Westchester Co. NY. Sleepy Hollow actually – home of the famous headless horseman!
YYDallas, You should join the meet ups in our area. There are two; The North Texas Meetup is in Denton, TX and meets the 3rd Sat of each month and the Not-so-North Texas Meetup is in Richardson and meets the 1st Sat of each month. I go to both. Check on website for more info and Welcome!!!!
I am in Raleigh, North Carolina.