Hi I was just looking to hear if any of you have any experiences with food allergies improving or disapering on a high raw diet ?
Is it posible to live 100% raw when I cant have stable foods as tomatoes, carrots, most red berries and fruits, bellpebers and so on. Im 50-75% raw and would like to go all the way but im so worried that I wont get a varied enought diet (not that im getting it now anyway LOL). I cant have most nuts either, and the ones I can eat I cant eat here in the pollonseason (witch is half the year around here) unles I want my astma to show up.
My diet contain mostly of greens, cucumbers, squash, musrooms, green peas, a little sprouts now and then, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, papaya, mango, pears, bananas, pineapple and what ever is in season that I can have. Otherwise I eat rice, chickpeas (cooked) and tofu.
The reason im so sensitive to even good healthy foods is that I have always had allergies and “tummy pains” and eventualy contracted colitis ulcerota (spelling?). I have been cured of it for years now by going vegan and gluten free, but it has still been taking me so long to bulid up my poor collon again. I just so wish that raw foods could heal it up for good :-))
I would love to hear about your results and stories :-)))
Hi Shantilove. Like the name. I don’t know the answers to your questions but I have gone through similar experiences, being vegan and gluten free before raw. I am so sorry that you have had to live your life in so much pain. I too had a very painful digestive system until I eliminated gluten and dairy. Then after going raw I realized I couldn’t really digest beans either. So I am doing much better on a raw diet.
I think you will do Ok if you stick to just the foods you described, but you know better than anyone. Do you get bored? Honestly, with the array of veggies and produce out there you are still eating more variety than many SAD eaters. And you can still drink green smoothies! I have always thought it might be hard to be raw and not have nuts but there seem to be a fair amount of folks on here who live without them.
Also my husband cannot eat bananas or flax or garlic. So it is hard for us when we go out but at home, we just make do.
I’m right there with the both of you-Gluten-free before going raw. I cannot tolerate saoking legumes of any kind and I stay away from most soaked grains, except quinoa very occasionally. I do fine raw, but I often think about how this goes if you have a fatal nut allergy as my son does. I was curious if anyone was able to tolerate soaked nuts after having been raw for awhile. I work with a woman who is an asthmatic. She said by the 4th day raw, she got rid of her inhaler and had never had to use it again!.Anaphylaxis is another whole arena though. There are many months i don’t eat any nuts so i know it can be done. You need some great dressings-The jalapeno corn chips on this site are amazing. You can make those without the nightshades—probably you cannot eat spices from the nightshades either?
Thankyou for your replys ladies :-))
Oh it is great to hear that it is posible to stay raw without nuts or limited nuts. Most books on raw foods are loaded with recepies with nuts so that is the idear I got ;-) What to eat for protien then ? sprouts ? seeds ? and vegies ofcourse ;-)
Oh yes I get board with so limited array of vegies and fruits. It is frustrating at times going throug the vegie section in the supermarked or at the the farmers marked seeing all that delicious fruits and berries that I cant have :( But you are right I still get more than most on SAD ;)
You are right all of the nightshades I cant have, even spices.
I use to be sensitive to bananas aswell, but I found out that if I only eat on or two a day and dont mix them with anything else I can eat them safely.
Than you :-))
for protein actually veggies have enough protein in them so you should be ok. for nuts you can substitute pine nuts (which aren’t really nuts are they?) and sunflower seeds for most nuts. not sure if you can do those but just play around with substitutions. there is also a nut free category on here for the recipes.