I got a horrible “summer cold” after I started incorporating raw foods in my diet: green smoothies, salads, cold veggie soups). Please bear in mind that I still am not 100% raw yet. I have been staying away from processed foods (white flour, white sugar and white rice for years). I ate “cleaner” foods like brown rice, sweet potatoes and unrefined sugars (sucanat) for some time. I have been eliminating the “unrefined sugar” and trying to eat raw honey with bee pollen and Stevia in some juice recipes. Am I de-toxing or just a summer cold…Did anyone else experience this the first week?
I experienced the same thing! Summer colds are the absolute worst! My dad had bronchitis, and I got whatever he had… but I must say I got better in about 3 days w/ no medicine, and my dad took about a week+ (he’s not raw, vegan, or vegetarian)... Who knows!!
you are definitely detoxing. keep it up… it’ll pass. the feeling of “illness” is when the “cleaning out” becomes uncomfortable. whenever you improve your diet you will be detoxing. it takes many forms.
either way take care of yourself. sometimes stress on your system lets viruses out. just take it easy, rest and some ginger tea will help. another good transition food is miso soup. do not boil the water as it kills the miso.
Thanks so much everyone. I am really enjoying this way of eating (and living). I still have a runny nose and cough. Otherwise, I feel great. My workouts are fantastic. The energy is amazing. I have been eating sprouted wheat berries, quinoa and lentils in various salads. Today I had soaked oat groats with banana and dates (someone’s wonderful recipe on this site). I lost 4lbs. and I can’t believe it because I am eating so much!!! I used to journal, now I just make sure I am eating raw. I feel so blessed! Thank you for all your kind words. I definitely will take it easy! God bless…
You are definitely detoxing. It kinda really alters how you look at food when you go from a diet you previously believed was very healthy (my bf and I were macrobiotic vegans!) and still have that level of detox. It opens the eyes to what is really going on with food. One of our kids ( a teenager) still eats the same way we used to, and we look at it almost as if she is eating junk food now. You will start to feel better. Just take it easy, and drink lots o’ juice. Man, I eat a few bites of steamed grains now, and you should see what happens to my face! Steamed grains!
i am glad you are doing well babydollsea. i hope you continue to get better.
Thanks so much Bitt! I just signed on and was happy to read such kind words. I am doing much, much better! I am living raw 100%. I have been making a alot of the recipes posted here and various websites that endorse raw food living. I absolutely love it. What really baffles me is that as a used-to-be-rigid calorie counter, I am forgoing the journaling and just enjoying the fresh foods. I know that I have to be way higher than I normally ate in the past! Do you find this to be true as well?
BABYDOLLSEA - how wonderful that you’re feeling an energy boost already! it took me 5 weeks raw to get a big boost – i experienced nausea, colds, and absolute exhaustion. now i feel all better! I’m glad you’re finding foods you enjoy – quinoa is easy to sprout, i hear. Just a quick warning about oat groats – they’re not raw usually. see the purely raw dead food list site More info is on goneraw in this oats forum