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HELP with transitioning!!!

shgadwashgadwa Raw Newbie

My dad is transitioning to a raw diet, kind of. He is hungry and weak ALL the time. He eats and he feels like he has not eaten. I guess I will just have him eat Avocados and nuts but that gets VERY expensive and he hardly has any money. He is snacking on sprouted bread and almond butter toast a lot. He does not want to do a fast, mainly because he thinks he will be weak and needs to provide for his family. I think I might allow oatmeal cooked because he needs to eat something as is about ready to quite eating vegan He already started snacking on roasted and salted sunflower seeds and such. yuck. Any help would be appreciated.


  • It sounds like he really needs to incorporate greens into his diet. Eating greens via juice or smoothies isn’t fasting—greens are essential to feeling healthy and full and getting sufficient nutrients. And greens are really cheap.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Bananas are also cheap as far as the amount of calories and protein (all essential amino acids) they contain. I agree on the greens, though. If he is not eating all raw, whole grains have a big variety of nutrients. Avocados & especially nuts were a huge help to me, and I still eat quite a bit or I just don’t feel good. He probably needs at least a little of these – I know it’s harder when someone is on a tight budget. Just remember, though, that whole grains have a ton of different nutrients. If he is not able to be successful at all raw, or if he isn’t able to get everything he needs from the raw foods he can afford, it isn’t going to be the best diet for him right now, and if it is forced (by you, himself, or anyone else), he may never be willing to rty it again later on. Good luck, & keep us posted.

  • Amen to the greens and bananas. Try the massaged kale salad on this site. That is a good way to eat LOTS of greens painlessly. Also, banana ice cream!!! yummy yummy yummy. I aspire to be a gorilla… it is true… greens and bananas are the best!

  • I agree with angie. This diet brings forth many issues that are related to food. They can be emotional, physical, and psychological. I had a hard time with being hungry too, but I slowly adjusted. It can take a long time. I would talk to your dad and see what his motivations are. You could help him transition slowly by adding more raw things to what he is eating already and then slowly phase out the non-raw items. It sounds like he is feeling inadequate for some reason (“he thinks he will be weak and needs to provide for his family”). You could also try letting him read some books of testimonials of other people, but it really depends on his motivation.

  • amysueamysue Raw Newbie

    This is more of a practical suggestion, but ever since I made the tapioca pudding on this site I am obsessed with chia seeds. They’re inexpensive, very high in fiber, they retain water and help your body retain water which is filling, very high in omega 3’s, high in protein, iron and calcium, which makes them a really cheap superfood! The pudding recipe is easy and great, and if you research them online there are lots of other ways to use them. You could make the pudding taste like almost anything with different spices and extracts, add chopped apples which are affordable and filling. Good luck to him!

  • sweetpeasweetpea Raw Newbie

    I would make a delicious green smoothie with super foods like maca, cacao and goji berries in it. Adding a little coconut butter makes it more filling or ground pumpkin seeds. This would be a good start to the day and is highly nutritious.

  • deborahanndeborahann Raw Newbie

    Check out Raw Spirit by Matt Monarch. He has a long interview with Dr. Bisci and explains a very functional intermediate diet that would probably work well with your Dad. He also gives a detailed explanation of detox and ways to help.The book is fairly inexpensive and may be available as an e-book download.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I just thought of sunflower seeds. They are filling like nuts, but way cheaper! He can add them to salads, or soak/sprout them & use them in recipes. I’ll post my raw taco recipe – the filling is made of soaked sunflower seeds.

    I am making raw tacos tonight, so I’ll write down what I do & post it with a pic :)

  • I agree, green smoothies help immensely! Also, I have found if I get bored I start thinking about food but if I’m busy I can have eaten(or drank) the same things and I don’t feel hungry at all. That could just be me though-eating from boredom!

  • sprouted buckwheats are cheap and filling too, and a very good source of vitamin B, calcium and magnesium.

  • shgadwashgadwa Raw Newbie

    OK then I have GOT to start sprouting more.

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