In need of a Food Processor

I recently started transitioning to the raw diet but am having a hard time because I don’t have a juicer or a blender right now. I haven’t been able to afford to buy anything yet. I just barrow things like that from family for now. Does anybody know about or have a Bullet Blender? I saw one on Craigs List (free classifieds)
I live in a travel trailer so I don’t have much room & I thought this may work for me. I would like some feedback before I decide to get it though. I was also wondering if anyone knows of any other small food processor that would work for everyday use.


  • Hey Lexilu292. Are you still looking? I tested the bullet, great little tool, you can get a nice package at Costco for $50. It does do alot, I just don’t like that how it loads and screws on the bottom. But food processors, I have one, that I would give you if you want to pay shipping. It is a 7 cup Regal that a friend gave me about 10 years ago. So it’s well used, still works fine, but not for what I want to do. that would force me to get a new one. I live in NE Illinois. But if you want a really good small one, the Cuisinart Mini-prep plus is a great one, for around $30, I think, watch for 20% off coupon.. Make sure it’s the new model, touch pad roundish base, with handle on the bowl. I love it, and use it all the time, I just wish the 7 cup bigger brother was the same style as the mini and the 11 cup.

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