First of all, I want to thank Kandace and Ray for creating a wonderful site that is user friendly, informative and a generally great place for people on the raw “spectrum” (e.g. transitioning to 100%) to speak with each other and learn. I do want to address the point of civility, however. I think most people who come to this site are quite passionate about their beliefs, which often leads to interesting and heated discussions. I think debate is a great thing, and helps people to grow. However, I have noticed on several threads that certain “passions” lead to a sort of “finger pointing”, and “holier than thou” attitude. I have also noticed that most people here are pretty open minded, and despite some sour comments, they will consider the info even if presented in a negative way. I would greatly appreciate it if we could respect each other’s differences in regard to lifestyle, diet, etc., and avoid posting snarky responses when other’s viewpoints do not match our own. After all, despite our different paths, we’re all going towards the same thing, aren’t we? Thanks.
JoyceH, I was not offended by your comment in any way, shape or form, and was not referring to that thread at all. As an aside, I really enjoyed reading it because I’m trying to figure out what to do in social situations when there is no raw food around. I was referring to the times when people may be negative and judgmental about another’s choices. I thought I was clear about that when writing the post, and don’t want to make anyone feel bad. I really have appreciated dialogue on this website and was just trying to point out that it’s better to support each other than bash.
If someone offers me penny for my thoughts, and to offer my opinion I have to put my two cents in… where is my other penny goin’? Hmmm… perhaps that is why I’m always broke.
Figured I’d add a little levity in this thread on opinions.
To put—my two cents in—I respect all opinions no matter if I agree with them or not. I understand and embrace that everyone has independent/unique thoughts, feelings, and experiences. So long as profanity and harsh comments aren’t directly being slung at someone in particular, I do not think it would really be crossing any undrawn lines. I feel we are more than capable of having civilized adult discussions. Being new to this site, I have to say, I have been greeted with open arms by most everyone. I have never been disrespected and feel this is the greatest group of people I have met on the internet yet. I even feel comfortable discussing taboo and embarassing topics, and feel as though I’m not being judged. Thank you to everyone. And, thank you for your differing opinions as well.
Joyce- I did not find your post offensive. You were simply stating your experiences and reaching out to someone else to not feel bad that they, like you, didn’t have a similiar experience to most posters on the thread. and THAT’S OK!!! ;o) Everyone is different and that is something to celebrate! Thank you for offering your experiences and opinions.
Mon- I think we all want the same things here and are all pretty much saying the same thing in terms of what to. We all want a positive and fun environment available for open discussion. Thank you for further addressing this.
I appreciate your input, Joyce and Munchie. I hope I haven’t started something with everyone questioning their topics in the forums. Because this is such an overall supportive environment, I became sensitive to the few times when discussions veered in a different direction. I don’t believe in censorship, just awareness of “phraseology”! :)
We really appreciate your thoughts about the forums. It means a great deal to us that Gone Raw is an open and supportive environment for everyone interested in raw, vegan foods and we’ve been so impressed with everyone here in the community who helps to create the positive vibe.
I have been on several raw forums before this one and believe me, this one definately has the nicest and most helpful people on it. (and really I am not just saying that because I am writing this! ;) On some raw forums, there are constant ongoing arguements back forth between the raw vegans and the raw non-vegans – it gets so tiring, you just don’t want be even go back to the forum – no matter which side you are on! :)
Everyone has there own paths they follow on their raw journeys -whether you are doing 100% or 10% or whether you are into superfoods or 811 or maybe you follow a little bit of knowledge and practice from several paths. I think all the “raw paths” have something interesting for people to learn from them.
Have to admit, this is absolutely the ‘nicest’ board I’ve ever been on. True: I have seen the occassional sniping or holier-than… attitude, but happily, it’s usually kept to a minimum.
Thanks for the reminder and heads up!
this really is a very “nice” forum, and the majority of people are very accepting and offer very helpful advice.
Yep – am in accord with the last three posts. I am frightened by other raw forums, but this one rawks. Peace.
I have never even been tempted to check out another forum. I guess my intuition was correct.