Hi everyone,
I know there is a thread on the master cleanse already, but I’m planning on doing a juice fast, so I figured I would make a separate thread.
I’m starting out today in preparation, i.e. only smoothies and raw whole fruits and vegetables without any seasoning. I’ll probably do this for a day or two before going on to just smoothies, an then finally at least a week on just juices, followed by the smootheis and then raw fruits again…
Anywhoo if anyonye wishes to join me post here=)
Or if anyone has any advice? So far my longest juice fast has been three days so this is a new thing for me.
Off I go to make my green smoothieee
I’m on board but I’ll have to do green smoothie fast. I work a lot of hours so green smoothies give me more energy than juice. I once did a juice fast for 10 days but I was on vacation so I could rest when I needed to. I will also have to start tomorrow, I have a big dinner party that I’m hosting tonight. How long are you planning the fast for? I would love to go at least 5-7 days if not longer.
thats fine, green smoothies are great too. im going to do about 7 days, maybe 10 depending on how I feel. I’m going to start juices only on wednesday, today I had 3 big smoothies and raw whole fruits and veggies, same as tomorrow, and then monday and tuesday just smoothies, and then wednesday just juices for a week or more. i think preparing for a juice fast, or any fast, is important, so the body isn’t shocked.
Okay, I’m starting tomorrow! My body is craving a cleanse.
I’m an athlete who runs 40-50 miles/week plus strenght trains and does yoga. I want to do a juice fast/cleanse and I’m looking for advice on a safe way to do this while still training as much as I am. I love running and don’t want my training to suffer. I am thinking of doing it for 7 days beginning in January. Any advice on what to drink and duration? Thanks!!
I am also planning to do a juice fast in January… hopefully Santa will bring me a juicer :) I do have a good blender for smoothies though to transition into it.
So Santa got me a BlendTec! Yeah!! I want to do a juice fast though, so I still think I need a juicer. Is there a certain juicer people recommend? I am looking for one that is good and works well, but also easy to clean and dishwasher safe. Any recommendations?
i don’t know if the omega 8003 is dishwasher safe, but it is very easy to clean. takes me less than five minutes. it is a great juicer.
a lot of people use their high-powered blenders to blend produce and then filter it through a nut milk bag. it’s an option if you don’t want to wait to get a juicer to start your fast.
the breville juice fountain compact juicer is great and only 80 dollars on amazon Renoir.
Runnagurl: I’m curious to see how your fast goes. I too would love to do one but I also run about 40 miles a week and don’t want that to suffer. In general: are you able to keep your energy up for longer runs with raw smoothies?
you all should check out juicefeasting.com. I’m on day 8 of a juice fast right now and they give so much info and support.
I’m on day 2 of my juicefast and wondering if what I’m feeling weak, sleepy and a little headachy is just detoxing? Anyone got insights?
Yammygirl – yes, thats exactly what detoxing should be! it’s a good sign. in my experience with juice fasts, the first 3-4 days are VERY challenging, and you’ll find times where it gets worse for a few hours, but you have to keep reminding yourself it’s just detox!
Hang in there, trust me. When you get further in, you’ll feel amazing :)
If you can, do alot of reading up on the symptoms, and spend as much time in bed as you can to make it pass a little quicker. Some say running a bath or massage helps to eliminate toxins faster as well…. hope this helps. By the way – www.juicefeasting.com (as karriej said) is a great site!!
Oh, and make sure you are drinking enough juice – drink as much as your body needs :)
My absolute favourite juice in the world – 3 apples, and a punnet of strawberries (if they are in season).
RawHoney, thank you for your support. I’m still in my pajamas and got so tired making my juice this morning I had to take a mid morning nap. A massage would be great but I’ll have to settle for the bath. I did go to juicefeasting.com and got lots of info but couldn’t connect into the community/support section. Anyway, I’m drinking more juice now and maybe tomorrow will be better. I love strawberries, too, but alas, they are out of season here. Thanks again!
kminty3…currently i have plenty of energy for my am runs eating the way i do..even if the milage is higher..a smoothie i suggest and luv to death is one consisting of bananas, dates, nut milk, and cinnamon. adding tahini in there too is another great source of protein. if you dont mind me asking…how do you eat to fuel your running? are you a marathon or short distance runner?