I am getting a bit bummed out, because I have yet to see any significant results of going raw [okay, other than feeling good.] Regardless of how much I eat or don’t eat, or how much fats I eat or don’t eat, or protein, or green smoothies etc, I do not see a shift in my weight. I do have some weight to lose. I am approximately 15 pounds overweight. I usually incorporate daily exercise of a 30-35 minute run, and some yoga.. and i’m going to begin incorporating weights about three times a week starting later this week or next week.
My frustration is mainly coming from my inability to see any changes in the typical female “problem areas”. They dont’ HAVE to be a problem, but they’re a problem for me. The lower abdomen, the thighs, the upper arms, the love handles.. These areas are just NOT budging. I’m not sure what to do!
I really have cut down on fats, but it’s only been a small amount of time with that. I think I’ll continue to do that though, because I’ve been feeling pretty good. I’ve cut back significantly on things like spices, seasonings, dehydrated foods, and fats of all sorts. I’m sure I will incorporate SOME fats from time to time, but not nearly as much as before. I have done cleanses in the past, and I have been disappointed with the lack of results.
Does anyone have any advice? I’ve been reading all the different forum posts and I know weight loss is a big topic for any diet type.. but I just feel like there must be something my body is trying to do that I’m not picking up on. I did a few day juice feast a little while ago but I’m so stressed with school right now that I’ve been pulling all nighters the last few nights to study and I just wasn’t in the right ‘space’ to do a juice feast right now. I’m saving it for the summer. [it’s winter here. brr.]
One last side question: is there any physical activity that is particularly good for the female body?
I look forward to hearing from anyone…........ :] and thanks in advance!
Hey Mango Woman,
I understand your frustration. After 3 kids I had 15 lbs to drop that just was not moving. I ate well, did yoga the whole routine. And nothing. One year ago at Borders I literally stumbled upon what has now become quite popular. The Shangri-la diet. www.sethroberts.net. It helped me lose and maintain for over a year now in combination with eating great with raw foods. Some people gag at the whole oil thing but what can I say it works for me.;0)
Marichiesa-On the Shangri-la diet do you do the fructose water also or just the oil? I’ve read a little about it but I’m still confused.
Mango Woman – Hey. When I read your post I had to check the username…I thought it was me. I am experiencing and have experienced exactly what you are going through. As much as I appreciate Marichiesa’s offering, I want and should be able to do this on raw foods. If you elect to take a look at the Shangri-la diet, please let me know how it goes. But,again I’ve been on countless forums and read over 30 books about how easy this is to lose the weight. I recognize the fact that most people find raw coming off of the standard diet and that may contribute to the enormous amount of weight they lose. I’ve also read a story here and there about the average chick losing the last 10-15 lbs she needed to with going raw. Guess I am just not that chick. I am open for any suggestions as are you.
Your stress and lack of sleep could also be a source of the weight not coming off.
Also, have you tried the Master Cleanse? That extra weight could be storing toxins and maybe thats why its taking a while to come off. I’m just finishing up the MC and I lost about 12 pounds in ten days. Thats not my final number (I still need to weigh myself tomorrow) but its a good estimate. Of course, the MC isn’t for weight loss but its a nice side effect. :) But you do say you have school so it might be hard to do the MC at the same time.
For more info, go here: http://therawfoodsite.com/forum/forumdisplay.ph…
Also, the weights will definitely help. And as far as losing fat goes, a medium pace (like slow jog or fast walk) for a longer amount of time is better than a faster pace (like a run) for a shorter amount of time. Its because fat needs oxygen to burn and faster speeds switch you into anaerobic mode.
How long have you been raw? Because all these things take time as you probably already know. Once your body have detoxed your weight will come down significantly. Focus primarily on consuming most of your calories from fresh fruits and keep the fat intake low. Fruits are great body cleansers.Try to consume more acidic fruits like pineapple, oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit. I have heard that people have fasted on fresh grapefruit juice and have lost a great amount of cellulite. Skin brushing is yet another way to speed up the detoxing of harmful toxins located within fat deposites.The brush breaks up these fat deposits and releases the toxins into the liver. The liver being the amazing organ that it is breaks down and eliminates these toxins. Another reason that most people can not seem to loose weight is parasites. These parasites cling onto the walls of your stomach and hold on for dear life. In other words these things arent going away anytime soon. To destroy these tiny oraganisms you need some thing strong. Cloves, MSM, ginger, senna, fennel seed, black walnut, and papaya seed are the most successful in eliminating parasites. Try a clove tea blend:
1 bag of senna tea 1 tsp ground cloves 1 tsp ground fennel seed 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp ginger root powder
This should help removing those suckers from your stomach!
Stay strong, Vaughn
How long have you been raw? Because all these things take time as you probably already know. Once your body have detoxed your weight will come down significantly. Focus primarily on consuming most of your calories from fresh fruits and keep the fat intake low. Fruits are great body cleansers.Try to consume more acidic fruits like pineapple, oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit. I have heard that people have fasted on fresh grapefruit juice and have lost a great amount of cellulite. Skin brushing is yet another way to speed up the detoxing of harmful toxins located within fat deposites.The brush breaks up these fat deposits and releases the toxins into the liver. The liver being the amazing organ that it is breaks down and eliminates these toxins. Another reason that most people can not seem to loose weight is parasites. These parasites cling onto the walls of your stomach and hold on for dear life. In other words these things arent going away anytime soon. To destroy these tiny oraganisms you need some thing strong. Cloves, MSM, ginger, senna, fennel seed, black walnut, and papaya seed are the most successful in eliminating parasites. Try a clove tea blend:
1 bag of senna tea 1 tsp ground cloves 1 tsp ground fennel seed 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp ginger root powder
This should help removing those suckers from your stomach!
Stay strong, Vaughn
Mango Woman re-execrise that is good for women, I have to say Belly dancing is really good for hips, arms, belly and legs. As well as improving flexibility and aerobic fitness, there is a feel good factor which is like no other and it makes you feel gorgeous, beautiful and powerful. Forget the seedy image it sometimes has, a good group and/or instructor will show you that this is a women’s art form, handed down from woman to woman for millenia.
Hi Marichiesa,
Can you tell me a little more about the oil? Is it just a matter of taking one tablespoon before every meal? Olive or any other oil?
Mango Woman - ditto on the belly dancing! may i add my personal favorite, flamenco! it makes you really strong all over and you will feel gorgeous doing it - strong and graceful and powerful. with exercise, i think you have to really try a lot of different things and then do the things you really love to do…. whatever that is. i find swimming to be really essential for me and yoga. also, a few years back, i used to take Nia classes…. oh, girl, if you find a Nia class, take it! it’s a ton of fun and it’s all about feeling good in your body.
Nice, thanks for all the responses!
As far as a fast, cleanse [MC], or the shangri-la diet goes, I’m not really in the right space to do any of them right now. I looked on that site Marichiesa, but I didn’t really understand how that diet works.
I’m about 99% sure my body still has TONS to detox- I’ve been raw since April with probably about a month’s worth of cooked food scattered throughout the last three months. Sick. I hate thinking about it. It was so not worth it. I partially blame it on the guy I was dating. He was always trying to sabotage me. [I dumped him. heh.] I will be patient. Basically I’ve been sort of formulating my own ‘plan’ of sorts.. where I consume green smoothies or green juice [haven’t taken the time to make any green juices since the juice fast.. I think I’d rather get the fiber right now..], fruit, sometimes the citrus fruit juice mentioned above, and sometimes a salad, but I almost feel heavy when I eat a salad. I used to be a big spice user [not really a fan of salt..], and I used to love bragg’s, olive oil and stuff like that, but I’ve just stopped using them except cayenne and cinnamon.. I like spices a lot, but they seem to make me bloated and gross feeling.
I have felt cravings for things like nuts, seeds and fats, but they go away somewhat quickly. I’ve thought about the parasite thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if i did have them. ew.
Humanimal, how long/often should I drink that tea? Are there any signs/symptoms that would prove I’m getting rid of those little buggers? I currently do dry brush my skin.. and I love it. I really love fresh grapefruit/orange/lime juice. Maybe I will try to incorporate some of that daily or every other day.
Random question for you Humanimal, or anyone reallly.. but I have young coconuts.. and I love the water but I’m wondering if anyone eats the meat from an entire coconut in one day, or if that’s too much fat/too many calories for us. I fitday’d it and just about pooed my pants.
I think I’m rambling now. I’ll stop. Tomorrow I begin my somewhat new exercise regime, after a horribly stressful couple of weeks where I wasn’t able to really get exercise other than the 4-6 high speed bike trips to and from school.
Okay, enough! this post has gone on too long.
Big difference in fat between young coconut meat and mature coconut meat. The young ones don’t have much fat at all. As the coconut matures the fat level rises considerably. Here check it out!
Drink the the tea daily and to make certain that it is taking affect Im gonna hafta ask you to look at your stool. Yes I know gross, but look to see if your stool has mucus. I’m not sayin to look the thing under a microscope, just take quick peek. :)
Hi all,
I think humanimal’s idea about the master cleanse is a good one. Basically anything that cleans out the liver and levels the playing field can’t hurt right.
Regarding the shangri-la thing. I drink oil in water not sugar. The sugar/fructose gave me a wicked headache and made me even hungrier than before. Basically the premise is this:
By ingesting 1-2 T of extra light olive oil, or, unrefined walnut oil, or unrefined coconut oil ( any oil that is TASTEless) you will decrease your appetite, feel fuller sooner and ironicaly desire healthy foods.
The oil may be placed into a small cup of water and slugged back like a shot. Again no taste is the key. Why? Apparently the tasteless calories help tp re-set the bodies thermastat/metabolism somehow. Not quite sure on the how’s or whys but it does work for many.
The water w/ oil needs to be ingested one hour prior to eating or drinking anything and then nothing for i hour after. If you taste anything within that 2 hour window you will null and void the effects of the oil.
Its pretty harmless in my experience. If it works great. If not, no big deal. I will say for myself after I started this I literally craved VEGETABLES. I went 90% raw over night and that was 9 months ago. I’ve never looked back or missed a thing. Go figure.
marichiesa, have you been doing this for a year?
Humanimal, my reply is more gross: my stools are already pretty loose, not uncomfortably loose, but anyway.. i wonder if i’ll be able to notice the mucus? If i start drinking the tea daily, how long should i do it for? would a cup daily suffice?
have you ever thought about doing a prolonged juice fast?
oh man i just looked at the nutritional info for the young coconut… and if that’s true, that’s great!!!!!!!!!!! You just made my dayyyyyy weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :]
A cup a day is good and I very glad I made your day!. Eat those baby coconuts!
She’s not doing “raw” correctly if she is not seeing her abdomen and thigh baggage/cellulite shrink.
Eating breads, store bought juices and milks, and dairy are not part of being raw.
I totally agree with Zoe about the belly-dancing thing. I have to admit I’m getting tired of the looks I get when I tell people that I am a Belly-dancer. Belly-dance is an art form, passed down through generations of women. To get back to the topic, I’ve personally found that dance can “tighten up” my ab and hip muscles. My weight may not change, but I look thinner and fit into clothes better simply because the muscles hold themselves in more.