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Valya and Sergei Boutenko's book "Eating without Heating" was the first book I got on raw food...and their Rawberry Shortcake is still my favorite sweet recipe to date. I need to try some of their green smoothies, they sound good. If you check out their YouTube page, they've got a funny video called the Raw Food Kids that has gotten a lot of views that is informing the world on what raw food really is.
For me it would be Alissa Cohen (whom I've met and did her classes), Sarma Melngailis, and David Wolfe.
Sarma Melngailis--for her beautiful and creative recipes and her NYC attitude.
Jenny Cornbleet--for making raw really easy and approachable for anyone in her book 'Raw food made easy'--no dehydrator, not even a high-speed blender is necessary, and using foods you can find in any grocery store. Jenny is no Sarma in terms of imaginative recipes, but I have used Jenny's book more than any other raw food book I own.
Storm and Jinjee Talifero--for their emphasis on the vital importance of exercise; they also do not use a dehydrator, superfoods and a lot of expensive supplements. I like that ethos a lot. I modified their tabouli recipe (a staple for me) and brought it to a party at work and was swamped with requests for the recipe.
Khepra Anu--he's local, here in DC, and a fantastic raw food educator and yoga teacher.
Anthony Anderson, Matthew Kenney, Sarma Melngailis and Dhrumil - those are the peeps that got me interested in raw food.
Raw Food Real World was the very first raw food book I bought, and it is still my favorite - I get this very special feeling, even, just browsing through it.
Jonsi and Alex! I love their music and went on their website and saw their raw vegan recipes. I hadn't been right anyway- chronic eczema so together with their beautiful food recipes which are such an inspiration, and wanting to eat better purer food I went high raw vegan!
It took me ages to remember where I learnt of raw food from, I found an Ani Phyo recipe along with some normal vegan ones, I was confused by what Raw meant so I did my research and found Shazzie whose book 'Detox your world' I read and was inspired, but the first recipes I actually used was from Heathy Paces blog (now sweetly I went dessert raw first and now Im trying to adapt it to all my food.
I keep wondering which raw food book to by next 'I am grateful' or 'Raw food real world' - bare in mind I couldnt cook and I cant uncook either, as simple as recipes may seem, i screw them up.
Frederic Patenaude and Douglas Graham. It will be great to see/hear Doug lecture this October! :)
Tim Van Orden & Douglas Graham!
Jonsi and Alex (love their easy strawberry pie), Sarma, the Boutenko's, Jason Vale (UK juice master) and Shazzie because I buy alot of stuff from her raw food site. Finally the person who got in me into this way of eating even though she is not labelled as a raw food person is Leslie Kenton.
shazzie was one of the first people i came across who were creative raw then that led me on too many others.
RawKaren your from North-East England, do you mind me asking which county, I understand you probably wont want to give specific towns, I'm just trying to get an idea of how many raw fooders live around my reigon, especially since my town still finds Vegetarianism a strange thing, I work in a company of approximatly 150 workers and apparantly Im the only one, so Raw is non existant in my area.
Hi Raw Passion
I live just outside Corbridge/Hexham and work in Newcastle. I have managed to turn my 'freakery' into a virtue over the years and people just see it as part of my personality.
I generally have to take my own food with me wherever I go as they do like their bread around here. Having said that I can normally get what I need in restaurants in Newcastle easily enough. I travel around the world alot and generally find Newcastle is not very different from the rest of the world. Europe has meat/fish with everything and is probably the hardest place to be.
Ooh I found Paris the hardest city to eat Healthy in! Even in Florida I didnt find it hard to be Healthy - when I say that I mean cause I was in a cvery walt disney tourist area. But Paris is nearly all cheese, wines, bread, meat, cakes, etc. Yes, England is suprisingly easy to live in