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Where to buy non-GMO ethanol for home made hand sanitizer?

I was buying EO brand and it uses non-GMO ethanol. I would like to buy this ingredient on my own and mix with jojoba and glycerin. I can't find non-GMO ethanol. Does anyone know where I can find this or if there are other good substitutes? thanks!


  • Blue_EyesBlue_Eyes Raw Master

    I don't think there is any such thing. And more importantly WHY would you want it? I personally do not want that on my skin.

  • I currently use this product which has non GMO ethanol as the active ingredient.


    I want to make it myself to save money.


    dont need it!

  • M42M42

    Sorry, I would have no idea where to get what you as. I was personally under the impression that ethanol is chemically synthesised (acid-catalyzed hydration of ethylene, as first demonstrated by Michael Faraday) so there wouldn't be any organisms involved, genetically modified or not... Though there are doubtlessly other ways so maybe you are looking for those, sorry in that case but I don't have a clue.

    You're probably aware of what ethanol is or you wouldn't be asking for it, but just to be sure I'll quote the safety information here http://msds.chem.ox.ac.uk/ET/ethyl_alcohol.html ...

    "Causes skin and eye irritation. Ingestion can cause nausea, vomitting and inebriation; chronic use can cause serious liver damage. Note that "absolute" alcohol, which is close to 100% ethanol, may nevertheless contain traces of 2-propanol, together with methanol or benzene. The latter two are very toxic, while "denatured" alcohol has substances added to it which make it unpleasant and possibly hazardous to consume. Typical OEL 1000 mg/m3. "

    The good side: it'll probably kill harmful bacteria. I hope you know what you're doing though.

  • wichtenwichten Raw Newbie

    you may want to try everclear (the alcoholic drink) Its pretty much ethanol only it is food grade. I don't know if it is legal in your county/state, but that is probably your best bet.

    Personally i say live with the bugs, but i still have those moments when i have to use a nasty restroom or something where a bit of hand sanitizer is quite welcome.

  • The hand sanitizer is marketed as a natural product and it doesn't dry out my hands so I thought it was a better ingredient than others. I'll look for another active ingredient. thanks.

    p.s. I would just live with the bugs/germs except that there are harmful parasites/worms. They spread through ingestion of microscopic eggs so I like to make sure I clean my hands before eating.

  • MelissaTMelissaT Raw Newbie

    Ethanol is also known as ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, 190 proof alcohol or grain neutral spirits. It is usually made from corn or wheat. It is sold in some states under the brand Everclear.

    You can buy organic (non-GMO) ethanol online at: http://organicalcohol.com/store. It's also good for making tinctures.

    Everclear is usually made from conventionally grown corn, so is defintely not made from non-GMO ingredients.

  • TammiTrueTammiTrue Raw Master

    Have you considered using tea tree oil and/or witch hazel? Both have some germ killing properties. 

  • ClaireTClaireT Raw Master

    I love trying to make my own lotions and potions. If it is your first time, make sure to look around for advice first. Some ingredients need to have an emulsifier added or be warmed together in a double boiler if you want them to mix properly, while some should probably never be warmed for safety reasons. 

  • ClaireTClaireT Raw Master

    Does anyone else here have experience with making their own beauty products?

  • TammiTrueTammiTrue Raw Master
    ClaireT said:

    Does anyone else here have experience with making their own beauty products?

     I went to a soap and candle making workshop one time. It was really informative. If the stores ever stop selling soap or candles, I'm prepared! 

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