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Would I benefit from taking this supplement?


  • Absolutely TheFitnessFreak! I just ran a 1/2 marathon on Sunday - took MSM at each meal (about a tablespoon, or three capsules) and was able to run with my youngest son, 6km this evening. I really notice that it helps with recovery after workouts.

    Try it but don't be afraid to take more than what is recommended, and check with a homeopath or naturopath.

  • RawKarateGirlRawKarateGirl Raw Newbie

    yes!!! It really helps your joints.

  • waterbaby12347waterbaby12347 Raw Newbie

    TheFitnessFreak ~If you haven't seen this info, you may find it interesting and informative... smile


  • Thanks all! I found some that was pretty inexpensive but I wanted to make sure it was worth it just the same.




  • waterbaby12347waterbaby12347 Raw Newbie

    TheFitnessFreak~ Because of the processing temp, over 400 degrees, on your MSM source... I started researching to see if I could find a truly raw version of MSM...

    Not sure if I've been sucessful but here is one I've found that might be...

    http://vivaraw.com/PRODUCTS/msm.html I will continue to see what I can find...

    No luck but you might find this interesting... site location~ http://www.eatraw.com/custom.aspx?id=6

    Why and how should I use MSM?

    MSM : MethylSulfonylMethane is a naturally occurring, organically-bound and easily absorbable source of dietary sulfur. The trace mineral sulfur is a component of the essential amino acids, cysteine, cystine, taurine and methionine. During the processing of food (heating, dehydrating and drying) naturally occurring MSM can be lost. Fruits and vegetables begin to lose MSM after they have been picked, stored and processed. Fortunately for raw foodists, fresh fruits and vegetables (whole grains, legumes, onions, garlic, cabbage, asparagus, brussel sprouts and broccoli) should contain sufficient amounts of MSM for our dietary needs. So then, why supplement? Considering the state of our modern diet and inconsistent if not deficient nutritional value of non-organic crops, consuming supplemental MSM has beneficial therapeutic effects even at low doses. It is difficult to overdose on MSM, since excess MSM is flushed out of your body after about 12 hours. Basically, if your body doesn't need it, it gets rid of it. Daily suggested nutritional supplementation varies from 2,000 to 6,000 mg. and depends on your height weight and reasons for supplementation. MSM is available in capsules or in powder form which can be added to food or smoothies. It is tasteless and odorless. Dr. Earl Mindell suggests taking 1,000 mg three times a day to achieve 3,000 mg of daily nutritional supplementation. May we suggest The MSM Miracle: Enhance your health with organic sulfur - by Dr. Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D. The Vitamin Bible - by Dr. Earl Mindell, and The Miracle of MSM:The Natural Solution for Pain - by Stanley W. Jacobs, M.D., Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D. and Martin Zucker.

  • Thanks a bunch Waterbaby, that really helped! :)

  • waterbaby12347waterbaby12347 Raw Newbie

    YOU are welcome!!!

  • I've heard that MSM is beneficial for your skin as well...anyone here have experience with this?

  • RawKarateGirlRawKarateGirl Raw Newbie

    Yes. I had acne really bad and after about a week of taking msm it had really improved.. hope. this helps.

  • DeborahBeeDeborahBee Raw Newbie

    Sypita- I have been using MSM for around 8 months. My skin glows. My hair has grown an enormous amount and is stronger and shinier.

  • Do you use it topically or take a capsule?

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