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Sprouting tips?

kandacekandace Raw Newbie

There are a bunch of recipes posted now that called for sprouting (flat bread, spicy bread, sunflower pate, pizza crust, and so on)! Anyone sprout often? What is the secret to sprouting without food going rancid? And, how long can sprouted food be stored?


  • making sure there is plenty of ventilation, and using the sprouts quickly

  • I do a lot of sprouting. I think the main thing is to remember to rince at least 3 times a day. And make sure you drain them really well. Dont let them sit in water. If you forget about them for a day they will be nasty.

  • generally i don’t have a problem sprouting and i do it fairly often. however, every time i’ve tried to sprout buckwheat i’ve had to throw it out because it seems to get rancid before it’s finished sprouting. (far more quickly than any seed or bean i’ve sprouted.) anyone else experience this? any ideas?

  • gypsyIX, When I sprout buckwheat, I find I have to rince A LOT. It gets that thick, slimy water off of it, so I just make sure I rinse it till the water is clear and normal. I also leave it in a darker, cooler corner of the kitchen (but still on the counter) and keep a paper towel over it. I also tend to toss them around in the bowl every once in a while to make sure the same ones aren’t always stuck at the bottom. But mainly, I think its about rinsing and draining.

  • Weird. I have no problem sprouting buckwheat, I soak it for 20 minutes only and then place it in a glass dish lined with wet paper towels. I cover it with another layer of paper towels and keep it moist. I get sprouts in a 1 to 1.5 days doing it this way.

  • new to all of this. i put some kidney beans in a large glass bowl, filled water to the top of the beans, then let sit for 8 hours. apparently this is called germinating. how long should i leave for sprouting? is cheesecloth necessary? also, is sprouting much healthier than even germinating? thanks everyone…

  • This web site that has a lot of information about sprouting: http://www.sproutpeople.com

  • Divineprana, buckwheat is not good to sprout, it contains a naturally occurring toxin called fagopyrin that can lead to skin rashes and sunlight sensitivity. Soaked is okay but sprouting buckwheat can be dangerous. More info here: http://www.gillesarbour.com/buckwheat.php

  • Cargo: Thank you for sharing this information. Do you use soaked buckwheat and how long do you soak yours? Thanks again!

  • Buckwheat: I have much better luck sprouting buckwheat in a sprout bag so it gets more ventilation. Everything else I sprout in jars.

  • Buckwheat is a staple at the Hippocrates Health Institute. The pioneers of the raw, green diet. The are still the most authoritative voice in the raw diet today. Since 1954, the staples of the institute have been: 1. Wheatgrass. 2. Sunflower sprouts. 3. Buckwheat sprouts. see: Anne Wigmore, Victoras Kulvinskas, and Brian Clement. http://www.hippocratesinst.org/

  • LucyLucy Raw Newbie

    I can’t get beans to sprout.They always die.Anyone knows how to sprout beans?

  • Theoutsider, I have read that kidney beans have something in them that is dangerous to ingest without cooking, much like potatoes. Supposedly, they are the one bean that you ought not to sprout and eat raw. Might be worth checking into.

    My biggest problem is that once I spout the things, I can’t figure out how to best use them. My blender is too lame to make sprouted hummus. I can never figure a good recipe to make.

  • To make sprouting a lot easier, check the easy sprout sprouter .

    With a few exceptions (such as azuki ), you should not sprout beans. As for sprouting grains, that’s somewhat controversial as some raw people are for it while others against it.

  • I’ve been trying to sprout the gluten free grains, mung beans, aduki beans, lentils, etc in a sprout jar I had purchased. Despite me watering them- and being there all day to try to water these things is difficult- all had begun developing mold except for the mung beans. But I find they dont last more than a day in the refrigerator without going rancid- is there anything I can do? I was curious to know- what device fellow raw foodist use or prefer to use to sprout- bags, easy sprouter, or other device, how you all store the extra sprouts, etc.

  • queenfluffqueenfluff Raw Newbie

    I used a Biosta sprouter – it is a plastic, round 3-level sprouter that you only have to water once a day. My sprouts turn out excellent. I have had some white fuzz on some of them but according to my sprouting book that is OK (hopefully that is corect) and as long as I water enough it keeps the fuzz away. It is really nice sprouter – you can put different seeds on the different levels if you want too – so you could do three different kinds at once. It is not electric either. I have sprouted wheat, buckwheat, barely, rye, chickpeas and purple corn in there.

    All you do is pour the water in the top level once a day and it automatically filters to the second and third levels – a small amount is left at the bottom of each tray and the rest goes into the bottom dish.

    Oh, I store my extra sprouts in a container in the fridge. I have a bunch in there right now that I need to use up.


  • Sprouted grains are an issue for me, so i’m trying beans. I am working with a raw nutritionist and she has not expressed issues with sprout beans. I will ask and do research on this though.

    So far I’ve only sprouted Mung beans and they do great. And these are just organic mung beans, not sprout specific beans i’ve seen before.

    Here is my process: I use a half gallon ball glass jar with netting, soak for 8-10 hours in 70 degree/room temp. filtered water (I’ve read where if you use a little warmer water helps them sprout and mung beans sometimes have stubborn beans (hard) so if you use warm water and soak 10 hours, its supposed to help), some of the beans should start to sprout already. I then rinse 3 times/day with filtered water and after a day of rinsing they have quarter inch tails and are edible and sweet! So i pour some out and rinse and eat those while the rest i keep sprouting (rinse 3/day) for a day or two. I only make enough to eat as i go. I rinse before work in the am, after work and then before i go to bed.

    I have stored in the fridge before and the trick is putting them away dry. So when i’m ready to store them, i put a 9×13 pan lined with a paper or dish towel and set them out to dry – shaking them up a little after an hour to get even dryness. I live in a very dry climate so it takes just a an hour or so for them to dry. I also then put them away with a fresh paper towel and change that out daily if it looks like its too wet in the container.

    I have never bought beans from these folks, but they have “how to” info on sprouting each type of bean and grain and how to do it. http://www.sproutpeople.com/seed/beans.html Click on a particular bean to learn more about how to sprout it.

  • I did some reading. Two links worth looking at:


    http://www.thefarm.org/charities/i4at/lib2/spro… Here they list garbonzo, mung and lintles as the best beans to sprout.

    With lots of other reading online, i’m gathering that its a digestion issue for most beans. And kidney beans sound harmful in large amounts. Otherwise, i am not finding why Mung, Adzuki, Garbonzo, and lentils “should not be sprouted”.

    AlexS, will you elaborate on your post? I can’t have nuts and seeds and am experimenting with alternatives. Thanks in advance!

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