Where to buy kelp noodles in Los Angeles? (91402 or close by)

derrycklderryckl Raw Superstar

Hi - I have a friend coming to LA for a few days - and she's looking for kelp noodles.

Anyone know any shops in that area that might be selling them?

I'd like to think that she's raw curious - she's been reading a lot of Victoria Boutenko articles recently - to the extent that she was telling me new suff about her...

Thank you, my dears..


  • maryssamaryssa Raw Newbie

    Whole Foods should have them. Call your closest store to check. I love kelp noodles!

  • SuasoriaSuasoria Raw Newbie

    Call the Whole Foods (Sherman Oaks "East") because I bet that's closest. Other options might be Follow Your Heart in Canoga Park, and I'm pretty sure the Woodland Hills Whole Foods has them, but that would be the farthest away. The Sherman Oaks "West" seems to have the worst selection of all the local stores.

  • derrycklderryckl Raw Superstar

    Thank you, thank you. I cannot wait. I did some Pad Thai using courgettes (zucchini) and some using cucumber. I kinda like the cucumber more, but I think that I will like the kelp best!

    L & P to all of you. DL.

  • leahcelesteleahceleste Raw Newbie

    Erewhon grocery store has them for sure. I used to live in LA and I would go there to buy them and all other kinds of weird raw food stuff. They have a huge selection. They are on Beverly between La Brea and Fairfax. If you have never been there go check it out.

    Also have you been to the raw food restaurant CRU in silverlake? I love that place and miss it so much since I moved. The food is very good and not your typical heavy raw food restaurant fair. I recommend going and having a meal and if you drink wine it's BYOB.

  • SuasoriaSuasoria Raw Newbie

    I second the suggestion of taking her to Cru. To. Die. For. Weekend lunch isn't too hectic, and it's the same menu as dinner.

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