Organic Sauerkraut

ddigiacomoddigiacomo Raw Newbie

Opinons? Only ingredients are cabbage and salt and possibly vinegar I don't remember but I make sure there is no sugar or preservatives. Only like 3 ingredients.


  • maryssamaryssa Raw Newbie

    Yes! Homemade sauerkraut is easy, raw, and delicious! Check out Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz, He's not vegan or raw, but he is a food activist. His book The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved is great too. Anyway, I think he has a good sauerkraut recipe on the website.

  • ddigiacomoddigiacomo Raw Newbie

    Awesome maryssa, thanks so much!

  • seaweedseaweed Raw Newbie

    I make mine without salt or vinegar. Just grind up some cabbage in a food processor, add some lemon juice, pack into an airtight container, and let it ferment for a few days. You can speed it up by emptying the contents of a probiotic capsule, the good bacteria helps it ferment. SO good!

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