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Juliano's RAW: best recipes?

kandacekandace Raw Newbie

I’ve just received Juliano’s book RAW as a gift. It looks great, but many of the recipes have a lot of ingredients and/or look time intensive. Has anybody tried any of these? Are there recipes you’d recommend that I try? Thanks.


  • Try the “real toast” recipe; it’s the best raw bread you’ll ever have. In fact, it’s one of the only dehydrator recipes I make.

  • shannonmarieshannonmarie Raw Newbie

    His book is very overwhelming. I bought it years ago, before I had ever started eating raw. I really just enjoyed looking at the beautiful photography back then. Now that I have experimented more with raw cuisine, I’ve actually started using it more like a “cookbook.”

    I’d advise trying the recipes that interest you, and simplify them to suit your tastes. Just because you don’t have every ingredient doesn’t mean you can’t make a spectacular dish.

    Also, the soups are quite tasty and are easy to prepare, as well as the salads. I personally like the desserts. The Strawberry Romanoff was the first one I ever made. It is simple and yummy.

  • kandacekandace Raw Newbie

    Thanks for the advice…I’ll put the real toast and strawberry romanoff on my list of recipes to try out!

  • This was my first raw book, and I love it dearly for that. I have made many of the recipes, and the ones I make most often are the Fiery Lava Soup, Cashew Flower Cinnamon Yogurt, and the “Peanut” sauce. They are all amazing. I’ve also made the Buckwheat Pizza Crusts a few times, and they are a great base for any sort of pizza you’d like. You can also make several of them at once, as they seem to keep for over a month. I just cut one up last night and used it as chips for salsa. Two things I didn’t have good luck with were the Extra Avo Soup – it had way too much lemon juice in it and I couldn’t tone it down even after adding a few extra avocados – and the Essene bread batter was too thin to form a decent loaf. Hope that helps!

  • I just got this book, and my new dehydrator today. I cant wait to try some recipes out.

  • GabeGabe Raw Newbie

    You know I have that book and I really liked the soups my favorite was butternut squash with orange and curry super good.. can’t remember the name

  • rae-deanrae-dean Raw Newbie

    i so love his book. it is like looking at artwork! the whole book is so pretty.the pictures of the salads and such are so artistic.i tried “gordons fish patties”...not too bad.i tried the beet borscht on page 21 and it was wonderful.good luck.oh-the butternut squash with orange soup looks so luscious.

  • jacinacjacinac Raw Newbie

    I really like the BBQ sauce, the guacamole and the borsct.

  • ClaireTClaireT Raw Master

    What is the BBQ sauce made from?

    I wonder if it would taste good on kale chips. 

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