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Agave...RAW OR NOT?!



  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    FYI on agave, bees & color of honey:

    Agave nectar is not a byproduct of tequila; it naturally turns into tequila as the enzymes in it cause fermentation. Agave nectar is generally heated to destroy those enzymes. One company that makes raw agave nectar uses “proprietary processes to stop the enzymes from fermenting.” – see the agave description on www.alissacohen.com Since the main point of eating raw is to eat only foods with the enzymes intact, if the enzymes are destroyed/not active, then it is pointless to eat raw agave. The vitamins & minerals would not be destroyed, but you can get those from stir-fried veggies and nuts, etc. that aren’t really raw but aren’t cooked a lot, and those aren’t part of a 100% raw food diet, either.

    Wild colonies of bees don’t consume all the honey they make, and it gets old & goes bad in the bottom of the tree while they make more honey on top of it.

    The color of honey (and the flavor) varies based on what flowers the bees collect nectar from, so raw honey can be very light colored or pretty dark, as can heated/processed honey. The color is not a way to tell if it is raw or not.

  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie

    I think I’ll align with you on this one lulushka8. I think other than honey I am like a vegan. But I think I’ll just call myself a raw foodist since I don’t want there to be any confusion. Is there a term like “raw veganish”? haha. Just playin’

  • beanybeeganbeanybeegan Raw Newbie

    When we were on page 1 I was posting when my computer crashed. So here I am again. When shgadwa talked about dates some came down on him. Yet there has been others talking about dates, raisins and honey.No one has blasted them. This is very odd.

    I figure I am 98% raw vegan, because I eat honey, plus other questionable raw or not raw items. I would really like Agave to be truly raw. I use to have 6 hives and it is impossible to get honey out and not kill some bee’s. SAD.

  • Troubles, I eat superfoods in that I eat kale almost every single day along with a salad dressing that has lots of extras (seaweed flakes for iodine, Brazil nuts for selenium, flax, hemp, etc.). I don’t think I consume the “superfoods” that some would refer to, such as supplements. I mean just food that has tons of nutrition, like kiwi, blueberries, greens. hehe!! :)

    Lulushka, not offended at all! I love this forum and how great people interact with each other.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    The word beegan was coined by folks who eat vegan except for honey. That’s what I am. I have no qualms about eating raw honey. Where I buy it, it’s humanely harvested by folks who take excellent care of bees. Zoe’s description of the process for making agave leads me to believe that it is not a raw product.

  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie

    superfood-that sounds awesome. Do you eat small amounts since it’s so nutrient? I’m always very intrigued by each level of health. It’s so amazing to see how far we can really go.

    by the way, I like the interaction on here too. It’s so honest!

  • No, I eat about 20 cups of salad a day, no joke! And it’s usually half or more kale. I eat a ton of fruit, too.

  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie

    I’ve been including kale in all my salads and I have to chop it really really tiny so that it’s easier to eat. Is it just me or is it extremely fibrous and tough?

    I eat only fruit during the day and salads for dinner generally. I adore fruit….in fact pretty much all fruits and veggies I adore. haha

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    troublesjustabubble – I LOVE kale – You are right; it is very tough, so you have to soften it (with salt, usually) for it to break down enough to get the nutrition out. Otherwise you could use it in a green smoothie if you have a Vita-Mix (breaks it down to cellular level), or juice it.

  • I guess if we eat more and more simply, we can eliminate this issue altogether. We do a little of each, agave, raw honey and dates. It would be nice to get the honey and agave completely out of our diet and stick with fruits, veggies, seeds.

    tjab: ha ha – raw foodish…

    beany: it had nothing to do with dates or raisins. : ) it had to do with some things he said on his first post that shgadwa wrote that he has since very graciously edited.

    thanks shgadwa!

  • beanybeeganbeanybeegan Raw Newbie

    Oh! I understand. Life is just a bowl of cherries. Wish I had some right now, good sugars. I read Russel James blog last night. Cant give up the sweets, now!!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Russell James is AMAZING! :)

  • Yeah, tear the kale, rinse it, salt it (and maybe rub a little olive oil into it, too), let it set and soften, chop it finer (if desired), and rinse again. Voila!

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