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msrawdivamsrawdiva Raw Newbie

say, does anyone know anything about this book? i saw books about raw foods i could place on hold at the library and this one happened to be on the list, and is the only one i haven’t read.


  • Great recipes…not completely raw.

  • well, i have it and hippie chick is right, the recipes are good, and it isnt all raw.. and not even vegetarian for that matter.. she has recipes for fish etc.. and this book is mostly about food combining i think, but in her recipes there was one i think i remember that contradicted the combo rules.. i dunno.. there are a ton of books out there.. better check this one out at the library first before buying

  • i think it is a terrific book, especially for a newbie or for finding suggestions for the non-raw foodies in your life. it was the book that first helped me transition to mostly raw. defnitely worth checking out. the writer comes across as one of those people you would love to spend a day at the market and in the kitchen with. i don’t remember the fish recipes – i guess haven’t been a vegetarian for 20 years, i’m used to ignoring things like that.

  • I’m new to raw and that’s the book that inspired me..but I’m like 65% raw

  • AKAAuburnEyesAKAAuburnEyes Raw Newbie

    This is one of the very first raw food book I purchased when I began learning about this type of lifestyle. It is great for those just starting out because it gets you thinking and next thing you want to learn more.

  • willmizewillmize Raw Newbie

    I think that others have hit it on the head; it’s raw but with training wheels.

  • JDJD

    Excellent starter transition book. Loved it!

  • I have to agree that it’s the best transition book. She really helps you get into raw easily and safely, no matter what type of diet you come from. My whole family is not raw, and the recipes are a great happy medium for us.

  • southernloversouthernlover Raw Newbie

    I have it…it’s really good, and it helped me a ton with food combining. (Which I discovered is far more important than I originally thought.) And I like her suggestion to eat cooked food only as the last meal of the day, that way it has time to digest. However, I’m going for 100% raw, so this book isn’t completely ideal.

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    agreed about “training wheels” =) but you have to start somewhere. the other thing i REALLY love about natalia rose is that she doesn’t try to scare you about your diet. she helps you make the best decisions possible, without the guilt of being “less than perfect.”

  • itouristitourist Raw Newbie

    It has a lot of good info. Info wise, it may be one of the best.

    I do recall there being bread sandwiches in there. I would not be tempted to eat those. But bread lovers might like that.

    I am greater than 60% raw myself.

  • msrawdivamsrawdiva Raw Newbie

    thank you all a TON! i’m checking it out today. i need to go the “transition” route because i’ve been slipping lots so i can do this!

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