Some "Food For Thought"

I work in a typical American bar and restaurant and usually grab a raw bite, which I bring, to eat after my shift, before I return home. I met up with a little adversity (sp?) the other night from a co-worker who insisted that I needed some steak and potatoes to “put some meat on my bones.” What she didn’t realize is that I have been thin, for years, even previous to going raw. I am simply thin and a whole lot stronger and healthier now. She then kind of “retracted” her statement by saying that if she ate like me she wouldn’t look the way she does. I felt like I had to get on the defensive about my decision, but it made me realize that I may actually be the “weird” one. By making the decision to go raw I am attempting to eat more like our ancestors did to gain a greater level of health and vitality, which may be considered a “normal” way of living. However, I considered the fact that it goes against the social norm so that now it is not considered “normal”. I have been bouncing back and forth between going raw and then not being raw for a while, over time. This time my decision to go raw also included the fact that I wanted to find more of a center and inner peace, which is something that I have experienced every time. I also think that this inner peace I am finding helped me come to this conclusion about this whole topic and as raw foodists we have to consider the fact that this is a decision we made and it is not for everyone, just like the SAD way of life is not for everyone. It is not our job to convert people, but to educate them if asked to.

In addition, to the inner peace I am also loving the fact that I haven’t had the need to wear deoderant in months, my skin is clearing up, I feel stronger, don’t need as much sleep, have less pms, and shorter periods, and our “junk food” if you will, as in raw cookies, still has nutritional values/merrits, name just a few benefits. Just some “food for thought.”



  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    great post chelsea. very thoughtful. i agree that it’s helpful to realize that raw is not for everyone, and we don’t need to feel stressed when people aren’t interested in raw. simply go on our way, and enjoy our own life.

    i also have much more inner peace on raw = my emotions have settled, my stress level is way down. i can’t believe this. i made no other changes in my life than going raw, and i haven’t had one freak out emotional session since doing so. i hope the trend continues (6 weeks raw and counting!)

  • Thanks for the feedback Winona. :)

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