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Running on treadmill vs running outside


Wow, what a difference! I thought I was pretty darn good at running until I tried to run the same distance outdoors! Talk about exertion. I love running and I recently decided (with warmer weather) to start doing it outside; just didn’t realize how much harder it was!

Has anyone else experienced the same thing or am I just being a wimp?


  • The motor/moving belt actually makes running on the treadmill easier. When you run outside, you have to propel your body forward. Try increasing your treadmill’s incline some to train for outside running. Have fun!

  • coconuttycoconutty Raw Newbie

    Yeah definitely, whenever I hop on the treadmill I always keep the incline at 3 or above!

  • MOTHMOTH Raw Newbie

    Good to know! I want to be ready to handle all types of terrain.

    Thanks for the info!

  • I personally don’t enjoy running on tread I love to run outdoors. just remember postur up look straught ahead and pace yourself I practice a breathing method for every 3 steps I take I breathe in and count to 3 breath out this will help you quicken your pace as you get faster you can count to 2 and breathe in every 2 steps take a breath early morning is best time to get a good run in.

  • I always felt that I can run longer outside than on the treadmill but i guess thats just me. I don’t enjoy running in general though.

  • heartshapedskyheartshapedsky Raw Newbie

    i find running on the treadmill much more challenging. it’s so tedious! i run much faster outside. i second the 3 incline. i also spend time on the tread on the highest incline just walking to change it up or slowing the speed down to do a side shuffle. mix it up and use that incline! good luck!

  • I feel the same way about running on the treadmill versus outside. Outside is so much harder. Great advice about the treadmill… Is there a difference in the weightloss on treadmill versus running outside?

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    I tried the treadmill at my gym once, and it scared me. I felt like I was going to fall off the thing! Now I stick with the stair climber & the recumbant bike for cardio… and walk/run outside.

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